
Be grateful to everyone you meet in this life

author:Art Scene
Be grateful to everyone you meet in this life

Everyone hopes to meet and get help from noble people in their lives.

In fact, there are four noble people who are with us every day, but we often don't treat them as nobles.

These four people are: parents, lovers, children, and oneself.


Parents, the ones who gave you life

People often say: Mother's love is great, father's love is like a mountain.

Without our parents, we don't even have a reason to exist, let alone the preciousness of life.

In ancient times, after the death of his parents, the son had to keep filial piety for three years, otherwise he would be considered an unfilial son, and few sons could afford this crime.

As an important minister of the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan's father died in the midst of war, but despite this, after he applied to the emperor for three years of "Ding Wei", the emperor allowed him to return home to keep filial piety for three years.

Later, the war became tense, and the imperial court had no choice but to recall Zeng Guofan.

Later, after discussion among the ministers, Zeng Guofan rushed back to the court from home when the emperor ordered "borrowing filial piety".

It can be seen how important the status of parents is in the hearts of the ancients, which also shows the importance that the ancients attached to filial piety.

Parents are always selfless in front of their children.

They always try to give the best things to their children, but they hide their own hardships and hardships, and even if there are tears, they will swallow them in their stomachs.

Therefore, young people should really "go home often", and no matter how busy they are at work, they should not forget their parents who are already old and lonely.

I was deeply touched by a friend who said that every time he returned to his hometown and entered the door, he would first shout "Mom!" ”

As long as there is an "um" response, he knows that his mother is still alive. Mom is at home!

Finally, one day, when he went home and called "Mom", there was no response, and he knew that from then on he would no longer have a mother, and the original home would no longer exist.

There is also a middle-aged mother who returned home and locked herself in her room after taking care of her deceased mother's afterlife.

When her daughter opened the door, the middle-aged mother hugged her daughter and cried bitterly, "Daughter, mom has no mother anymore!" ”

At this moment, we suddenly realized that our parents are not only the people who gave us life, but also the most expensive people we meet in our lives! [WeChat public account: Guoxue Life]

Be grateful to everyone you meet in this life


Lovers, people who stay together all their lives

It is really a kind of fate for two people to become husband and wife, just like fish can't do without water, and flowers can't do without green leaves.

In the dark, why is it he or she who will accompany you from now on to old age, and not someone else?

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are also accompanied by each other even if they turn into butterflies.

Wang Baochuan, the daughter of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was kicked out of the house by her father because she wanted to marry Xue Pinggui, who was poor.

In order to wait for her husband to return from the war, Wang Baochuan refused to return to her parents' home, and stayed in the Qujiang cold kiln in Chang'an for 18 years, and finally waited to reunite with her husband.

Lin Huiyin, a talented woman, after several twists and turns, felt that Liang Sicheng, the "duty person" who studied architecture, was her suitable partner, and for this reason, Lin Huiyin rejected the courtship of the great poet Xu Zhimo.

Therefore, love may not be clear to others.

But he or she, since he or she can become your other half, it means that you are destined to have a deep fate in this life.

He (she) is the noble person you will never be able to part with for the rest of your life!

It is not easy to believe that it is not easy to fall in love, and it is even more difficult to stay together.

The romance under the moon before the flower is happy, but the blandness of firewood, rice, oil and salt is the real life.

Give your lover more tolerance and understanding, and don't think of him or her for this fault or that shortcoming.

Know that no one is perfect.

The book says: Husband and wife are united, and their profits are broken.

We must understand the importance of taking care of each other, as long as we can "make do" and move forward, it means that fate is still there and true love is still there.

We will be able to overcome the difficulties on the way forward and usher in a better tomorrow in life!

Be grateful to everyone you meet in this life


Children, people who bring hope

At weddings, guests are often heard wishing the newlyweds: growing old together and giving birth to a noble son early.

When the ancients went to other people's homes to bless newborns, they praised each other with "unicorn" and "zhilan".

It can be seen how important children are to a family.

Children, like a lamp in the vast sea, let you see the direction and give you strength when you feel lost and helpless.

It is often seen that the family is busy because of having children, and it is the children who break the dullness of the family.

Let the boring life have order, but also make the family full of vitality and happiness.

As your child grows, you will feel that life is interesting, fulfilling and full, and your child's achievements are the achievements of the whole family.

It is the child who binds the family together.

For the sake of their children, parents are willing to do anything, and they know that without children, home is not home.

The host Ni Ping, in order to treat her son's illness, resolutely resigned from the job that CCTV loved, and she didn't care about her body and image.

Chongqing's heroic mother Zhang Xinghui, whose youngest son Gu Nu was 19 years old, died in Tibet to save the lives of his comrades.

In order to commemorate his son, Zhang Xinghui sewed hundreds of pairs of insoles and slippers for the soldiers of the company where his son was alive for 16 consecutive years, and was affectionately called "Gu Mama" by the soldiers.

It can be seen that because of children, parents are always unusually strong and tenacious, and no matter how great a mother's love is, it comes from hope for children.

Children are another noble person who makes you see hope.

Be grateful to everyone you meet in this life


Himself, a person who no one can replace

People often say: It is better to rely on others than on ourselves, and there are all things in the world, but we are the closest to ourselves, and we have to rely on ourselves to do everything.

It is often seen that we do our best for our work; For the sake of the family, we run before and after; For friends, we are afraid of oversight.

Only treat yourself, just eat and get by, resist minor illnesses, and do what you can do yourself, and never trouble others.

We are the ones who are the most mean to ourselves, and we are also the ones we admire the most.

A "People to Middle Age" Pan Hong vividly interprets a middle-aged self, expressing our inner depression, fatigue and helplessness.

Therefore, although no one can replace us, we must learn to cherish ourselves and protect ourselves.

You are the nobleman among the nobles, and your parents, lovers, children, and yourself are all people who share your fate.

May you be kind to each of them and to the noble people in your life!