
The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".

author:Art Scene

There is a proverb that says, "Idlers have a lot of sorrows." ”

Idleness has a negative impact on people's lives.

Idlers lack goals, and their hearts are prone to sullen and sorrowful, so they fall into a state of idle talk and meddling.

In this state, there is nothing to do, and you can only be filled with worries.

If you want to live a good life, the key is self-discipline.

Always be vigilant about your words and deeds, restrain unnecessary gossip, control your behavior, and maintain peace of mind.

Only in this way can we get rid of the dilemma of "idlers are worried" and live a wonderful life.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".

Not much to say

Heard a story.

One afternoon before, Wang Wu was passing by Zhang San's house and heard Zhang San's voice coming from inside.

Zhang San was in the house and said to Li Si:

"Wang Wu, this person, is terrible in temper.

If you don't get right, you will get angry, slap the table, throw things, and even hit people. ”

Wang Wu was immediately furious, he strode to the door of the house, kicked the door open, and rushed into the house.

As soon as he saw Zhang San, Wang Wu immediately grabbed him by the collar and threw a punch angrily, hitting Zhang San hard in the face.

Zhang San was staggered back by this punch, and finally sat on the ground, nosebleeds slowly flowing.

Wang Wu did not relieve his hatred and continued to beat Zhang San.

He roared as he struck:

"I don't have a temper at all, why do you slander me like that?"

Zhang San covered his face in pain and begged for mercy again and again:

"Wang Wu, I was wrong, I was really wrong.

I shouldn't have said bad things about you behind my back. ”

Wang Wu's anger still did not subside, and he continued to beat Zhang San.

It wasn't until Zhang San fainted and fell to the ground that Wang Wu stopped.

As the old saying goes:

"When you are alone, you often think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others."

When alone, everyone should constantly review their own behavior and deeply analyze their own faults and shortcomings, so as to correct and continuously improve themselves in time.

And when communicating with others, avoid talking about their shortcomings and mistakes.

Talking about others behind one's back can not only damage the reputation of others, but also damage one's own relationship with others, which will only exacerbate conflicts and misunderstandings.

Just like Wang Wu heard Zhang San say that he was short-tempered behind his back, he was angry for a while, which led to a fierce conflict between the two sides.

Zhang San said bad things about Wang Wu behind his back, without considering what kind of harm his words and deeds would bring to the other party.

Gossip often stems from a narrow-mindedness, and a true gentleman should have the quality of being lenient.

An honest and upright person who knows how to take care of the dignity of others is the only way to build true friendships.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".
The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".

Don't worry about it

In the Jin Dynasty, there was a queen named Jia Nanfeng.

She is very powerful, but as the prince grows up, she begins to worry that the prince will steal her power.

She decided to conspire with some of her cronies to depose the crown prince.

And in the imperial court, there was a minister named Liu Bian, who wanted to share the prince's worries and solve problems.

He believed that the crown prince had many talented people around him, and he was protected by 10,000 elite soldiers.

If you can get the support of another important minister, Zhang Hua, it will not be difficult to depose Empress Jia.

So, he went to Zhang Hua to discuss.

Zhang Hua did not agree with this plan.

He considered it disrespectful to the king and his father, and that he was disloyal and unfilial.

Moreover, there were many powerful relatives in the imperial court, who might oppose this plan, and the chances of success were slim.

He told Liu Bian that doing so could bring disaster to the country and its people.

Zhang Hua did not meddle in this matter, but Liu Bian did not give up.

He continued to conspire with the crown prince and other court officials.

Their plan was known to Empress Jia.

Empress Jia was very angry and decided to transfer Liu Bian to Yongzhou as an assassin as a punishment for him.

When Liu Bian learned that the plan had been leaked, he felt very desperate.

He felt that he was desperate, so he chose to commit suicide by taking poison.

Judging from the results, Zhang Hua was wise, and he didn't meddle in his business.

He rejected Liu Bian's request, did not participate in the plan to depose Empress Jia, and did not actively interfere in the power struggle within the imperial court.

Rather, it is prudent not to allow yourself to be drawn into it.

I've heard a proverb:

"People are warm-hearted, and there are many solicitations."

Being overzealous and interfering in the affairs of others often leads to unnecessary troubles and wrongs.

Just like Liu Bian wanted to depose Empress Jia at the beginning, but it led to his own unfortunate ending.

If he had been as cautious as Zhang Hua and not easily intervening in the power struggle within the imperial court, perhaps he would have been able to avoid this disaster.

One should know how to be careful and not to get too involved in the lives of others, so as not to cause unnecessary distress to themselves and others.

Everyone has their own responsibilities and roles.

One should focus on doing one's job well and not meddle too much in other people's affairs.

Only in this way can we keep a clear head, protect our own interests, and avoid unnecessary disputes and contradictions.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".
The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in talking, but in the three words "leisure".

Idleness is not a life

An old woman who is often angry about trivial matters.

Unable to bear the bother, she decided to seek the guidance of the monk.

After listening to her, the monk led her to a meditation room, then closed the door and left.

The old woman began to curse angrily, but the monk turned a deaf ear.

Then she turned to pleading, but the monk remained unmoved.

In the end, the old woman chose to remain silent.

The monk then opened the door and asked if she was still angry.

The old woman replied that she was only angry with herself, because she did not understand why she was in such a situation.

After hearing this, the monk said lightly:

"If you can't even forgive yourself, how can you stop your heart?"

Then, he turned and walked away.

After a while, the monk asked again if the old woman was still angry.

The old woman said:

"I'm not angry anymore."

The monk asked why.

The old woman replied:

"It's useless to be angry."

After hearing this, the monk left again.

When the monk stopped in front of the door for the third time, the old woman slowly spoke:

"I'm no longer angry at those things, they're not worth wasting a little bit of my anger."

The monk smiled and said:

"You still care if it's worth being angry or not, which means that you still have the source of anger in your heart."

As the sun set, the monk stood outside the door again, looked at the old woman and asked:

"Have you ever wondered what the true meaning of 'qi' is?"

The monk poured the tea in his hand on the ground.

The old woman stared at the scene of tea mixed with earth in an instant, and suddenly had an epiphany:

Time is so short, why should people waste precious time on those trivial things?

She bowed deeply to the monk and left.

I've heard an old saying:

"Don't be angry, there is no one to replace your body."

Anger doesn't solve the problem, it only makes it worse.

Like the old woman's experience in the meditation room, she cursed angrily at first, but eventually realized that anger did not do her any good, and chose to remain silent.

The most important thing in life is to know how to cherish every moment of life and not waste precious life because of some trivial things.

As the old woman realized at the moment when the tea was mixed with the earth:

Time is so short, life is short, don't spend time and energy on getting angry;

People should cherish the beauty in front of them, be grateful, and face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful mind.

In the torrent of reality, we should maintain a sensible and indifferent attitude.

Don't talk too much: don't talk about others behind your back, so as not to get too involved in right and wrong;

Don't be busy: everyone has their own life and has no right to interfere or judge;

Don't be idle: Control your emotions and face life with a peaceful mind.