
It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

author:Old research by old stockholders

A shares:

(1) Hot news broadcast: analysis at the end of the market, judging the market outlook.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

The old stock is reminded at the end of Monday, and the market will be personal on Tuesday tomorrow

Shanghai Composite Index: The current trend is showing a process of repeatedly rushing upwards in time, which is a test of the upper pressure level, and there will be such a trend many times this week, and the Shanghai Composite Index will continue to rise tomorrow.

GEM: The performance of the GEM is weaker than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange as a whole, but there is more room for subsequent gains. Tomorrow, the GEM will continue to rise.

The current personal trend idea is: the idea of entering the market at the bottom of the A-share industry sector, selling high and absorbing the band low

Short-term thinking: the recent position is 1.25 million, and the total position this year is 3 million.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

(3) Personal Position Strategy:

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

Today's Position Increase:

(1) $ China Merchants CSI Semiconductor Industry ETF Connect C$ (020465) (increase position by 5,000 yuan)

Personal Plan:

(1) The CSI Semiconductor Industry Index is the main hardware leading industry in the A-share technology category, and it is a veteran theme track in the technology category.

(2) The China Merchants CSI Semiconductor Industry Index has performed positive returns this year, and is differentiated from other semiconductor indexes, which belongs to the characteristics of the semiconductor industry of domestic substitution, mainly in the direction of semiconductor equipment in the field of localization, and has a strong performance in the market this year. (Significantly different from other industry-wide semiconductor indexes)

(3) The recent semiconductor ETF has not yet strengthened, and is in the stage of accumulation of momentum at a low level after the stage of correction.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

(2) $ Huaxia Antai hedging strategy 3 months regular open flexible allocation mix $ (008856) (increase the position by 5000 yuan)

(Two-way hedging + quantitative strategy, two-way investment method of forward long and reverse short positions, hedging down)

Personal plan: The hedging strategy is a special strategy investment that is flexible in two-way operation and can reduce market risk, and can also rise against the trend when it falls. Combined with the intelligent quantitative method, this category of funds is very rare at present, and will only open the subscription on a regular basis (usually most trading days do not open the subscription, which is rare). On the first day of opening last Friday, the sales burst to the upper limit, so the proportion of the actual transaction on the first day of placement was less than 24% (the other unconfirmed parts will be returned today), and my personal plan is to continue to increase the position for a few days to see if the share is confirmed to rub some more. I personally plan to continue to increase my position in the hedging quantitative strategy in the direction of the CSI 500 Index, which has maintained the first in its category in the past three years, and has made positive returns every year since its inception (because of the hedging strategy, the market can also rise when it falls)

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

(3)$ChinaAMC Hang Seng Hong Kong-listed Biotech ETF Feeder (QDII)C$(016971)($1,000 increase)

Individual Plan: The Hang Seng Hong Kong-listed Biotechnology Index is the main index representative of the pharmaceutical category of Hong Kong stocks. The recent Hong Kong stocks have strengthened as a whole, and the main strong vane is the Hang Seng Technology Index, the current Hong Kong stock biotechnology, biomedical category has not yet started, but the bottom structure has completed the double bottom support of the daily K-line at a historical low. I personally plan to increase my position in the Hong Kong stock biotechnology index during the pullback today, waiting for the upward trend to start.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

Daily Regular Investing Section:

(1) $ CEIBS CSI Robot Index C$ (020256) (increase position by 1000 yuan)

Individual plan: The CSI Robot Index is one of the main hot directions of science and technology, and it is one of the main industry indices for AI development this year. Judging from the current trend of the robot index, it has been in a volatile pullback market since the beginning of May, and at present, the low point formed at the end of March is forming a double-bottom resonance structure of the daily K-line structure. I increased my position in the CSI Robot Index during a pullback today, and continued to enter the market after the stage of the pullback, waiting for the follow-up market of the Robot Index to make up for the rise.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

(2) $SPDB AXA CSI Securities Co., Ltd. 30 ETF Connect C$ (017779) (increase position by 1000 yuan)

Individual plan: CSI Securities Company 30 Index is the top 30 weighted index of brokerages and the main component of the A-share financial category. The current brokerage has been in the bottoming range, and the brokerage sector is in a 5-year historical undervalued position since 2018. This time, the brokerage is still at a low level and has not yet started. Judging from the trend of the Shanghai Composite Index and the ChiNext Board, the correction period that began in early May is facing the end, and brokerages are expected to start again in late May. I personally plan to continue to enter the market at a low level today to increase the proportion of brokerage 30 index holdings, and wait for the market to recover upward.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

(3) $Bosera SSE STAR Market 100 ETF connects C$ (019858) (increase position by 1,000 yuan)

Individual plan: The CSI STAR 100 Index is a comprehensive broad-based index of technology categories, and is a representative collection of small- and mid-cap technology categories. After seeing the lowest point in February, the STAR 100 Index has rebounded upwards and has entered a sideways period since March, and is currently near the bottom lower band of the sideways box. The current STAR 100 index is in a very low historical position, and I personally think it is suitable for the entry layout at the bottom low. I personally plan to enter the market at the low level of the pullback today, return to the STAR 100 Index, spread out the average price of the position, and wait for the market to recover upward.

It's stable, it's accurate again! Old stocks have increased their positions in an all-round way today, a major decision!

Today's position reduction part: none

List of current positions: At present, the real market has been opened, you can click to view it by yourself. Thank you for your long-term likes, comments and support.