
Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

author:Positive life in Beijing

Girls often think a lot, it's their delicate nature. But sometimes, they may think too much and even lose confidence in themselves, feeling that they can't do something. This kind of negative thinking can cause them to miss out on many opportunities for success.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

Sometimes, the inadvertent negative cues of parents can also make girls feel "I can't do it". For example, if a girl does not do well in math and her parents often say that "girls can't do math", then she may really believe that she can't do math well.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

Xiao Ning is a 10-year-old girl, and she studies well. But her parents are very busy at work every day and often complain that they work too much and are too tired. They will also tell Xiao Ning that if he doesn't study hard, he will have a hard time in the future. In such a family environment, Xiao Ning also began to become pessimistic, often saying that studying was very hard and the exams were difficult.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

A girl's personality and attitude towards life are largely influenced by her parents. If parents are always negative and pessimistic, then it is also difficult for children to see the light in life. On the contrary, if parents can see hope in difficult situations, then children will also be more optimistic and strong.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

So, as parents, we should strive to be a role model for our children and be optimistic people. For example, when we have to go to overtime, we can tell our children, "Mommy's work is important, so we have to go overtime." But mom will come back to be with you in the evening. Such a statement will make the child feel that the mother is very capable and will be more proud.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

At the same time, we need to help girls "let go" and not be limited by the idea that girls can't do certain things. If they are interested in something, we can encourage them to imagine what it looks like to be successful and predict whether they will be able to accomplish it. When they find that these ideas are not out of the ordinary, they will feel more confident to do so and stick with it.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

Here are some words that may increase negative energy in girls that we should avoid:

"What else would you order besides Stinky Beauty!" : It's normal for girls to like beautiful things. If we feel that they are too focused on appearance, we can guide them to establish the right aesthetic and tell them that the beauty of the soul is more important than the beauty of the appearance.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

"Crying nose at every turn, can you have a little bit of fun!" : Crying is a way for girls to vent their emotions. If they cry when they are struggling, we can encourage them to express their pain points and give comfort and encouragement instead of blaming them.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: Raising an optimistic girl starts with the family environment

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