
Destined to be extraordinary, AVATR 012 cut into the high-end bureau of fashion design

author:Dragon Car Auto

In today's era of rapid change and cross-border collaboration, we have witnessed countless remarkable innovative practices. Recently, AVATR Technology announced that it will cooperate with the world's top designer Kim Jones to create a global co-branded limited edition AVATR 012.

Destined to be extraordinary, AVATR 012 cut into the high-end bureau of fashion design

Cross-border cooperation is not simply "1+1", but breaks the routine and creates unprecedented value. The success of AVATR 012 stems from this breakthrough of boundaries and the pursuit of innovation. Kim Jones, the world-renowned master of luxury design, will breathe new life into the automotive world with his unique perspective and forward-thinking design philosophy. Not only did he play a pivotal role in the fashion industry, but he also created a new design style by combining street trends with haute couture fashion.

Destined to be extraordinary, AVATR 012 cut into the high-end bureau of fashion design

AVATR 012, as Kim Jones' cross-border collaboration in the automotive field, undoubtedly carries high expectations.

Destined to be extraordinary, AVATR 012 cut into the high-end bureau of fashion design

Commenting on the collaboration with the AVATR brand, Kim Jones said: "This is the first time that I have applied the experience and creative inspiration of luxury to a car. How to integrate my passion, love and life as creative elements into a car, how to apply the centuries-old craftsmanship of Dior, LV and Fendi to products in the automotive industry, is exactly the answer I am looking for, and the process will be full of fun and challenges! "Kim Jones has almost taken what he loves about design and lifestyle into the perfect vision for space design. As he said: "Home is an extension of personality, and the car is an extension of personality and home, and integrating privacy, comfort and comfortable life into a personalized car space is the key to my design inspiration for AVATR 012." ”

Destined to be extraordinary, AVATR 012 cut into the high-end bureau of fashion design

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