
Sweet springs moisten the heart, and there is a law in the heart

author:Beautiful Yangzhou

In order to further safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of young people, cultivate good behavior habits of young people abiding by discipline and law, enhance their awareness of the rule of law, prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency, and create a good legal environment for the healthy growth of young people, in the thirteenth week, Yangzhou Ganquan Primary School carried out legal education activities. By watching well-made legal education videos, combined with the vivid cases shared by teachers, students have a deeper understanding of the rule of law, and their awareness of the rule of law has been significantly improved.

Sweet springs moisten the heart, and there is a law in the heart

The purpose of this legal education activity is to enhance students' concept of the rule of law and improve their legal literacy through a combination of audio-visual methods. At the beginning of the activity, the students, under the guidance of the teachers, watched a legal education video carefully produced by legal experts. The content of the video covers many aspects such as the Constitution, criminal law, civil law, etc., and shows the majesty and justice of the law to students through vivid cases and easy-to-understand language. After watching the video, the teachers shared a number of rule of law cases that are closely related to students' lives based on the content of the video. These cases range from small things in daily life to big and important cases involving social hotspots. By narrating the background of the case, analyzing the process of the case, and explaining the legal provisions, the teachers let the students deeply understand the importance and necessity of the rule of law.

Sweet springs moisten the heart, and there is a law in the heart

In the process of sharing cases, the teachers also emphasized the importance of rule of law thinking. They pointed out that the rule of law thinking is a rational, fair, and standardized way of thinking, which requires people to respect the law, abide by the law, and apply the law when dealing with problems. By cultivating the rule of law, students can better protect their legitimate rights and interests, and can also better fulfill their social responsibilities. This legal education activity has received positive response and enthusiastic participation from the students. They all said that by watching videos and listening to case sharing, they have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the law, and also understand how they should abide by and uphold the law in their daily life. At the same time, they also said that they will apply the legal knowledge they have learned to practical life and be a good citizen who abides by the law, understands the law, and uses the law.

Sweet springs moisten the heart, and there is a law in the heart
Sweet springs moisten the heart, and there is a law in the heart

This activity enhanced students' legal literacy and awareness of the rule of law. In the future, the school will continue to carry out similar activities to contribute to the healthy growth of students and the harmonious development of society.

(Correspondent: Zhao Yuanxiang Review: Yin Hui)