
"Books" send love and light up dreams - General Gu Shoucheng donated books to Jingshan No. 5 Middle School

author:Mt. Shinjing

Red books enter the campus, and the power of example accompanies me. On May 20, General Gu Shoucheng, former director of the Joint Logistics Department of Nanjing Military Region, donated red books to Beijing Mountain No. 5 Middle School, aiming to share heroic stories with students, guide young people to understand the revolutionary force, enhance their sense of identity with revolutionary martyrs, and encourage students to grow into qualified builders and successors in the new era as soon as possible.

"Books" send love and light up dreams - General Gu Shoucheng donated books to Jingshan No. 5 Middle School

General Gu Shoucheng introduced the composition of the donated books to the participants, and focused on the source of the revolutionary stories in the books.

Everyone picked up the book and read it, and shared some of the storylines in the book.

"Books" send love and light up dreams - General Gu Shoucheng donated books to Jingshan No. 5 Middle School

Sun Junxiong, director of the Propaganda Department of Jingshan City, gave suggestions on how to make better use of these books, and hoped that Jingshan No. 5 Middle School would formulate an effective plan based on the actual situation of the school, make good use of the red books, tell red stories well, and inherit the revolutionary spirit.

"Books" send love and light up dreams - General Gu Shoucheng donated books to Jingshan No. 5 Middle School

Huang Shanhua, vice chairman of the Jingshan CPPCC and principal of Jingshan No. 5 Middle School, expressed her gratitude to General Gu for his loving act of donating books, and said that he would make good use of relevant books, combine moral education theme education with the cultivation of young people's patriotism and love for the party, and guide students to learn red culture, pursue red footprints, continue red blood, inherit red genes, consciously practice the core values of socialism, cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country and socialism, and strive to grow into a new person of the era who is worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation.

(Li Yanli, Huang Chengcheng)