
BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!


Ladies and gentlemen, the big news is here! On May 19th, the "Singing Tide" open beta preview special newsletter program was officially broadcast. As the last program before the open beta, the Ming Chao development team brought players a wealth of dry goods and full benefits prepared for players in the open beta. Now, I'm going to take a closer look at what's new and what's in the open beta that you can't miss.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

1. The public beta preview is full of dry goods, and the expectation value has reached its peak

In the show, the players and development team of "Singing Tide" jointly presented the audience with the new content of the open beta version of the game. The new PV video shows players the characters, world view and plot of "Singing Tide". The main creative team even introduced the game's novice benefits, combat system, meat pigeon gameplay, etc., which is really full of dry goods, and the player's expectations have reached the highest!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

In the special newsletter, "Rising Tide" also officially announced that it will be available on the Mac platform, which marks an important step forward in expanding the platform coverage and enhancing cross-platform compatibility. This not only demonstrates Kulo Games' embrace of Apple's ecosystem, but also means that more players will be able to enjoy the game experience on different devices, further enhancing the convenience of users and the popularity of the game.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

In terms of welfare, a special gift activity has been set up for the first day, and you can send 4-star resonators to scatter after signing in for 7 days! Many players who are first exposed to the game may not understand Sanhua's character, so here I will give you a brief introduction to the background of Sanhua's character to help you understand why the player group is carnival.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

Sanhua is a resonant who rarely reveals his emotions and is not good at expressing emotions. When you look at the image, you feel a strong sense of distance. Her cold personality stems from the disasters and painful struggles she has suffered. In terms of image, she gives people the impression of being low-key and cold. Black is also the main color of Sanhua, and such a cool and cold image makes Sanhua have a high popularity in the fandom of Mingchao.

With the release of Sanhua PV, Sanhua's popularity in the fandom is even higher, and this sign-in and Sanhua event is really a great news for fans!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

Second, super popularity, fans at home and abroad are eagerly concerned

"Singing Tide" has attracted more than 30 million pre-orders worldwide! Such a high level of attention naturally brings anticipation and excitement from players. After the open beta of the game, players can simply log in to the game and receive a generous server package through the in-game email, including "Evoking Vortex 20", "Detention Seal: Departure", "Star Voice 200", "Advanced Resonance Nootropic 10" and "Shellfish 80,000". This benefit is definitely a sincere gift to players!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

Before the official opening of the game, whether online or offline, players were enthusiastic about "Singing Tide". Player communities and social platforms, both domestic and overseas, are crowded with avid fans of Mingchao, who are enthusiastically discussing all aspects of the game and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the server.

At present, the number of fans of Station B of "Ming Tide" has simply exceeded the 2 million mark, and the number of likes is as high as 3.9 million. Under each video, there are messages that fans are looking forward to. The moment the game officially opens is bound to be the beginning of the carnival for fans of the game!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

3. Makeover, new quality to meet the market test

On February 19th, "Singing Tide" held a sonata test, which can be described as a seismic change in content. According to "East Planning", the changes to the sonata test involve almost 90% of the full iteration of the plot. And the live version presented in the preview newsletter is an even more elaborate work of art!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

It is reported that the game graphics have improved even more. After solving the problem of "the scene is too dark", the current large world scene allows players to feel more comfortable and bright positive emotions. The game's main city is now brighter, and the rendering style has been adjusted to make the graphics more vivid and more intuitive for players. Even if you stand and hang up and enjoy the scenery, you will not feel depressed and dull.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

At the same time, the plot of "Singing Tide" has almost turned upside down, iterating nearly 90%, and it can almost be said that it has been redone from scratch. The revamped plot has been significantly improved in terms of narrative, NPC dialogue, and plot performance. The focus of the plot shifts to the protagonist, and the protagonist is set to a high-ranking identity at the beginning. As a "key figure" who can influence the world pattern, all major forces are naturally competing to pursue players. Coupled with the in-depth performance of combat power, the NPCs are more gentle and recognized. The storyline of the whole game is closer to life than before. Richer!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

Even the controversial "Ah Woo Chief" has become a cute and vivid Ling Yang. Such a change inadvertently melted the hearts of fans, and all of a sudden, fans' expectations for the game were raised to a new level.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

Finally, the Prospective Newsletter has to talk about the best of the Kuro game, which is the first-class combat experience. "Ringing Tide" is equipped with a high-speed combat ACT system, allowing players to show off their skills in battle. And unlike other combat games, "Singing Tide" is full of blows, and every ultimate move makes people feel refreshing and beautiful, making the battle full of excitement and fun. Moreover, the entire system design not only tests the player's reaction speed and hand speed, but also requires the player to use the skill set and tactical strategy reasonably.

Finally, the main creative team specifically mentioned the meat pigeon gameplay of "Singing Tide", which exists to directly operate the boss sound remains for a long time through BUFF to fight, which is a small game innovation that condenses the great efforts of the R&D team.

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!

The countdown has begun, and Rising Tides will be officially open beta on May 23, 2024, on all platforms, including PC, iOS, and Android. We look forward to the arrival of "Singing Tide" and believe that it will inject new vitality and different colors into the open world game, and once again wish "Singing Tide" a smooth launch!

BIG NEWS! "Singing Tide" is about to be launched, and five-star benefits are waiting for you!