
With the strength of the good wind, accompany you to the clouds

author:Browse the horizon

——Excellent essay display of "I Grow Together with My Children" Family Education Story (Family Style) of the Affiliated Primary School of Hai'an Teacher Development Center, Jiangsu Province

"Family is the first classroom of life, and parents are the first teachers of children. Children begin to receive tutors from the time they learn to speak, and there are people who have a tutor. The vast number of families should emphasize their words and teaching, teach knowledge, cultivate morality, practice what they preach, and help their children buckle the first button in life and take the first step in life. ”

In order to further promote the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation and advocate the construction of good family style and family education, the primary school affiliated to the Teacher Development Center of Hai'an City, Jiangsu Province launched the "I Grow with My Children" (Family Style) family education story collection activity. Parents told touching stories of tutoring around the formation of good habits, the cultivation of good qualities, and the inheritance of good family style. Here are some of the best works to share with you the wisdom of education.

With the strength of the good wind, accompany you to the clouds

Since the day my daughter fell to the ground, she has brought endless joy and happiness to our family, making our lives more colorful, and her joys, sorrows and sorrows have also become a "barometer" of the atmosphere in our home. My daughter has been loved since she was a child, some people say she is talented, some people say that she is like an advertising child star, and she can't help pinching her chubby face.

With the strength of the good wind, accompany you to the clouds

We are happy to have a woman like this, and how to cultivate it has become our heart. After all, beautiful looks are not our pursuit, but having poetry and books in our belly is our expectation. Children's education is not only painstaking, but also laborious.

Accompany the reading

In order to make my daughter fall in love with reading, since she was a few months old, I often bought her some books with thick paper and plastic film on both sides, which are brightly colored and simple in content, and easy for children to turn over. As soon as I had free time, I taught her to recognize objects in books, and she liked it very much, and her level of reading pictures and objects improved quickly.

In order to learn about the experience of raising children, I also bought a lot of books. I set my time before going to bed every night as reading time. Since then, my daughter and I have started to read, and I have also started the road of growing up with her.

Before my child was in school, I mainly read nursery rhymes and fairy tales to her. When she went to elementary school, I mainly selected some books for her to exercise her logical thinking skills and history, as well as world classics that she could understand at the moment, so that she could fully appreciate and appreciate the charm of literature. Many books have become spiritual food for me and my children, and we laugh at the happiness of the characters in the books and weep at the tragic conditions of the characters in the books. Reading together allowed my daughter and me to have a common topic, promoted communication and exchanges between us, and indirectly filled the regret that I had no books to read when I was a child.

With the strength of the good wind, accompany you to the clouds

Bootstrap socializing

My daughter was more introverted when she was a child, she didn't take the initiative to talk to others, and she didn't have many friends. Every day when I come home from kindergarten, I would take the opportunity to chat with her and ask her what interesting things had happened at school today and what she needed our help to do. This kind of parent-child communication every day makes us friends. I hope she quickly integrates into the class and that she has more and more friends. I often invite her classmates to our house to play together, and I also participate in their games. Slowly, her friends grew. I also became good friends with these classmates and their parents.

Of course, this process has also experienced ups and downs. At first, I always warmly pulled her to greet the children. But she didn't speak, so I said it for her, and if I didn't want to play games, I would participate for her, and she always followed silently. Later, when I found out that when she was alone, she didn't know what she was playing, and she cared a lot about whether others regarded her as a friend. I then began to reflect and realized that I had caused her deep anxiety and uneasiness.

So I changed my strategy and started to guide her slowly. My change has also brought about a change in my child, she has become more and more confident, it is natural to greet children, and she has more friends. This incident touched me a lot: each child has her own unique personality, she needs to grow up at her own pace, and her parents should take care of her as long as they are suitable, rather than interfering or even arranging her life.

With the strength of the good wind, accompany you to the clouds

Recently, we were reading "Dream of Red Mansions" together, and my daughter especially liked Xue Baochai's sentence: "With the strength of the good wind, send me to the clouds." "Dear daughter, you are growing up slowly, many reasons are clearer than us, we may not be able to send you to the blue clouds, but I will always accompany you, grow together, progress together, work hard to chase dreams together, and move towards a higher and broader life. Accompany you to the clouds!

Photo: Yuan Yaqin, Xu Jing, Yang Xinghui, Zong Yincen's parents, Du Rufang, Chen Shuming

Editor-in-charge: Wang Wei