
Huimin Community: The original intention is to the party to bloom and concentrate on the future

author:Huating release

In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the residents in the jurisdiction, create a positive, healthy and civilized living atmosphere, and promote the creation of a civilized city. Huimin Community carried out the "Initial Heart to the Party, Cohesion to the Future" art performance in the North Square of Hanlin Yazhu.

Huimin Community: The original intention is to the party to bloom and concentrate on the future

The event kicked off in the "China of Fire, the Era of Fire" brought by the Hanlin Yazhu Fitness Team, the happy footsteps stepped on the beat, the bodybuilding posture was full of enthusiasm, and the gorgeous Chinese dream we will dominate, and the enthusiastic dance brought a visual feast to the audience. Immediately after the "Wudang Taiyi Dragon Boxing" brought by the Huating Leishenshan Taijiquan Fitness Team, it brought a different visual experience to the audience with the unique charm of Tai Chi culture. The last folk art opera belonging to Huating people is to push the enthusiasm of the masses to a climax, with vivid and close to life storylines, wonderful performance pictures, tactful and beautiful singing, and philosophical story meaning to bring the ultimate visual spiritual enjoyment to the residents.

Huimin Community: The original intention is to the party to bloom and concentrate on the future
Huimin Community: The original intention is to the party to bloom and concentrate on the future

After the event, many grandfathers and grandmothers were still unsatisfied, saying that their daily life is very boring, and they like to listen to this kind of opera the most, and hope that the community will organize more such activities. In the next step, Huimin Community will actively solicit the opinions and demands of the residents, continue to focus on serving the masses, coordinate and contact social art groups in many aspects, continue to build a civilized city and meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses, and promote the quality and efficiency of community governance. (Gao Hongpeng)