
Ankou Town: Party building leads "Civilization +" to write a new chapter of "happiness".

author:Huating release

In recent years, Ankou Town has insisted on giving full play to the leading role of party building, strengthening the construction of a civilized volunteer service team, spreading positive energy, leading a new trend of civilization, and setting a benchmark for civilized practice in the new era.

Civilization + policy theory learning boosts rural revitalization

With the help of town and village cadre meetings, village and community cadre meetings, "three meetings and one lesson" and other systems, Ankou has carried out various ways such as policy interpretation and clarification, safety knowledge to ensure safety, field guidance to solve problems, health education to health, skills training to promote employment, etc., to deliver the party's principles and policies to the hands of the majority of farmers, make up for the shortcomings of policy knowledge, and "increase confidence" for farmers with "good policies" and "excellent services" from theory to practice. Let the masses have a new understanding and improvement of rural revitalization from policy to implementation, and promote rural revitalization.

Ankou Town: Party building leads "Civilization +" to write a new chapter of "happiness".

Civilization + environmental sanitation to create a livable village

Since the beginning of this year, Ankou Town has continued to promote the improvement of the rural living environment, taking the G344 line and the two environmental improvement demonstration belts along the S203 line as the starting point, implementing the improvement of the human settlements, combining the actual work of the whole town, adhering to the linkage of the party and the masses, and in accordance with the collaborative working mechanism of "combining points with lines, combining points and lines, and comprehensively rolling out", the cadres of the village "two committees" took the lead, organized party members, grid members, and volunteers for the practice of civilization in the new era, and solidly carried out the cleaning of the front and back of the house and public areas, and the removal and transportation of domestic garbage. It has led to the participation of farmers and effectively improved the appearance of the town. Up to now, a total of more than 20 kilometers of highways have been cleaned, 35 "six piles" have been cleaned, 15 tons of garbage have been removed, and 12 kilometers of rivers and ditches have been cleaned.

Ankou Town: Party building leads "Civilization +" to write a new chapter of "happiness".

Civilization + planting flowers and greenery to build a charming home

In order to deeply practice the ecological development concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", further beautify the living environment and improve the happiness index of the masses. Ankou Town timely surveyed the main and secondary roads, streets and alleys, fields and other areas under its jurisdiction, found out the sanitary black spots, green blind spots, determined the number of green spaces and seedling varieties, and implemented the comprehensive treatment project of the human settlements in the transit section of the G344 line, planted more than 80,000 green seedlings, planted 16,000 square meters of flowers and grasses, 500 acres of greening in the mountains, and upgraded 20 kilometers of ecological restoration and greening along the G344 line. More than 15,000 pine seedlings were planted, with a green area of about 500 acres, to promote the overall improvement of the appearance of the village and the rural living environment, and to contribute to the creation of a civilized city.

Ankou Town: Party building leads "Civilization +" to write a new chapter of "happiness".

Civilization + caring service action warms people's hearts

In order to vigorously promote the spirit of volunteerism, spread civilized customs, and better play the important role of volunteer service in improving people's livelihood, uniting people's hearts, and serving development, Ankou Town combined with practical activities such as "I do practical things for the masses" and "Party and Mass Activity Day" to investigate and find out the production and living conditions of special groups such as the extremely poor and supporting, the elderly living alone, left-behind children, and the severely disabled in poverty. Use practical actions to make care service actions practical and detailed, and constantly improve the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Ankou Town: Party building leads "Civilization +" to write a new chapter of "happiness".

Down-to-earth, popular, energetic, under the leadership of the party building, the practice of civilization in the new era of Ankou Town is blooming everywhere and blooming. (Wang Huan)