
SPDB AXA Weekly Market Viewing | The property market policy exceeded expectations, and the real estate sector strengthened significantly

author:AXA SPDB Asset Management
SPDB AXA Weekly Market Viewing | The property market policy exceeded expectations, and the real estate sector strengthened significantly


Domestic market index for the week

SPDB AXA Weekly Market Viewing | The property market policy exceeded expectations, and the real estate sector strengthened significantly

(Data source: Wind, 2024.5.13-5.17)

Macro markets

The two cities showed a downward upward trend this week.

● In the first four trading days, the two markets fluctuated and weakened, and the Shanghai Composite Index retreated to the 3,100-point mark, and the market volume was reduced. On the disk, most of the industry sectors closed down. The real estate sector continued to be active, leading the gains; Building materials and building decoration sectors followed the strength; The banking sector is doing well; Textiles and apparel, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery sectors performed relatively well. The national defense and military industry sector led the decline, and the performance of the military informatization direction was sluggish; The coal and non-ferrous metal sectors continued to pull back; The automobile, power equipment, and basic chemical sectors were among the top decliners.

● On the last trading day, the two markets fluctuated well. On the disk, the industry sector generally closed higher. Boosted by the property market portfolio policy, the real estate sector broke out to lead the rise, with more than 20 shares in the sector rising to the limit; The non-bank financial sector performed well, with securities firms and insurance companies rising together; High-speed copper connection concept punch high. The household appliances sector led the decline; Pharmaceutical stocks are generally sluggish; The performance of media, textiles and apparel is relatively poor. Science and technology stocks showed a volatile and weakening trend this week, with individual stocks falling more and rising less.

Industry sectors

Last week, the sectors with better performance in Shenwan's primary industry included real estate, building materials, building decoration, banking, light industry manufacturing, etc., and the weaker sectors included household appliances, medicine and biology, coal, automobiles, power equipment, etc.

International market indices for the week

SPDB AXA Weekly Market Viewing | The property market policy exceeded expectations, and the real estate sector strengthened significantly

(Data source: Wind, 2024.5.13-5.17)

Major overseas markets were mixed last week, with the Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Nikkei 225 all rising sharply, while the UK's FTSE 100 and Germany's DAX edged lower.

The average weekly rise and fall of all types of funds

SPDB AXA Weekly Market Viewing | The property market policy exceeded expectations, and the real estate sector strengthened significantly

(Data source: Wind, 2024.5.13-5.17)

Last week, the major fund indices were mixed, with the stock fund index and the partial stock hybrid fund index falling slightly, the bond fund index rising slightly, and the equity QDII fund index rising significantly.

Outlook for the market

● The economic data in April was weak, the first four trading days of the market last week fluctuated lower, the Shanghai Composite Index retreated to 3100 points, the trading volume gradually decreased, and the coal, non-ferrous metals and other resource sectors were the first to fall;

● On Friday, the central bank made four arrows to stabilize the property market, exceeding market expectations, and the real estate sector rebounded in response, driving the stock index to rebound;

●It is expected that with the continuous strengthening of expectations for the speed and strength of follow-up policies, investors' risk appetite will increase, and the market is expected to maintain a volatile upward trend.

Risk Warning: Funds are risky, and investment should be cautious. The above data comes from Wind, Haitong Securities. The opinions and comments provided in this material are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any operational advice or recommendation of the securities mentioned. This information is owned by our company, and without written permission, no institution or individual may make any deletion or modification of the content contrary to the original intention. The fund manager promises to manage the fund assets diligently and responsibly in accordance with the principle of integrity and rigor, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee a minimum return, and does not represent an indication or prediction of future performance. Fund investment is risky, please carefully read the "Fund Contract", "Prospectus" and other fund legal documents before investing in the fund.