
94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!

author:Color rims

In the current fiercely competitive domestic market, Geely Boyue L, a new upgraded compact SUV, has silently joined the price war model, and the price level positioning at the beginning of the listing exceeded the 100,000 level. At present, the official drop has reached 94,700, the model has entered the 100,000 level, showing that the cost performance will be completely different from the early models, this new generation of version of the model can be said to increase the amount without increasing the price, in the case of a decline in the price level, the overall configuration function has been improved, in the current domestic market, whether it is a fuel series SUV or a new energy series SUV, intelligent driving and intelligent function equipment and intelligent cockpit have become the standard, so a new generation of Geely Boyue L has also joined the camp of intelligent fuel SUV.

Geely Bo Yue l

94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!
94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!

A new generation of version of the model, the main upgrade direction lies in the overall intelligent configuration function of the model and the overall intelligent driving, only the details of the changes have been made in terms of appearance, for the current young consumers, Geely Boyue L is a very rigid need for family compact SUV, so the price level of the model determines the overall development dynamics and development direction of the model, the new generation of Geely Boyue L does not increase the price to enter the 100,000 level, the cost performance is very high.

94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!
94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!

Geely Boyue L is a very rigid need for home, compact SUV normally this kind of SUV series models do not need to consider intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and other scientific and technological configuration functions, but for the current domestic young generation of consumers, the price level is no longer the standard for model classification, whether it is the entry version of the model or the high-end version of the model needs to be intelligently equipped.

94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!
94,700? Geely Boyue L joins the price war, and the new generation does not increase the price!

As a mainstream series of compact SUV models that just need families, it has the support of appearance, appearance, configuration function and large space, and at the same time, in recent years, the influence and product power of Geely Boyue L this model itself is also very strong, and in the same series of models of the same level, the current cost performance and heat performance are not inferior.

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