
Linqu Jiang Yu: "Fanghua" night school has thousands of rural women and sisters

author:Linqu County Financial Media Center

"Fanghua" night school circle has thousands of rural women and sisters

Linqu Rong Media News correspondent Su Jianxue Yang Qi

In recent years, the Women's Federation of Jiangyu Town, Linqu County, has closely focused on the deployment requirements of the provincial, municipal and county women's federations on women, children and the work of the women's federations, focused on the goals and tasks of rural revitalization, adhered to the "four principles" of political guidance, demand orientation, classified education, and practical results, and innovatively opened the "Fanghua" night school, truly building it into a strong position for publicizing the party's policies, popularizing employment skills, spreading new trends of civilization, and promoting social harmony, guiding women to learn policies, technologies, laws, and culture, promote the change of customs and establish a new and healthy atmosphere. Cultivate a good family style and form a good atmosphere, so that the power source of rural revitalization can fully flow. Since 2022, 76 villages in the town have opened "Fanghua" night schools, carried out more than 780 training and lectures, and trained a total of 12,000 women.

Linqu Jiang Yu: "Fanghua" night school has thousands of rural women and sisters

"Fanghua" night school micro-class politics leads cohesion

Wherever the masses of women are, the "Fanghua" night school will be opened. The Township Women's Federation firmly grasps the first requirement of politics, resolutely shoulders the political responsibility of leading women to listen to the party and follow the party, and actively builds a "Fanghua" night school learning and preaching platform to open up the last mile of contacting women, serving women, educating women, and uniting women. The first is to enrich the position and gather popularity. At present, more than 110 theoretical lectures have been carried out in the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women. Make good use of new media and volunteer service resources to enhance communication, flexibly preach in the form of "Jiang Yu's window", "loudspeaker" and "red vest", and create a "mobile classroom" and "fingertip classroom" that can be heard at any time and learned anywhere, so that the party's innovative theories can "fly into the homes of ordinary people". Second, theoretical preaching is down-to-earth. He is good at using "grassroots language" such as dialect colloquialisms, afterwords, and smooth words, converting "theoretical discourse" into "mass language", conveying the party's voice to the masses, talking about the comparison between the past and the present, domestic and foreign comparisons, talking about local characteristic and advantageous resources, talking about the historical inheritance of the older generation and the younger generation, talking about the rural revitalization strategy, talking about poverty alleviation, getting rich and prospering, quenching the "thirst" in policy and "confusion" in thinking for everyone, so that the masses can more truly understand the ideas, and promote the party's innovative theories to take root and blossom. Up to now, a total of more than 120 publicity activities have been carried out, such as "Xi Jinping Walks into the People's Homes" and "I Will Read Idioms".

Linqu Jiang Yu: "Fanghua" night school has thousands of rural women and sisters

Co-ordinate resources and excellent teachers, order training to improve quality and efficiency

"What is lacking, what is learned, what is needed is taught". In order to improve the quality and efficiency of the "Fanghua" night school, the town women's federation first gives full play to the advantages of the word "link" and excellent teachers, and adopts the methods of striving for "multi-party connection", "active search" for collecting information, and "post invitation" from the county women's federation Yishan women's red propaganda team, from the cadres of the town and village women's federation, from the experts and scholars such as health experts, e-commerce experts, agricultural technology experts, and local talents, and from the "38" red flag bearer, "Fanghua" grid long team, the most beautiful family, good mother-in-law, good daughter-in-law and other advanced models. Establish a relatively stable team of full-time and part-time teachers in evening schools to effectively solve the problem of teachers. At present, the town has built a night school teacher pool with 45 full-time and part-time teachers, including 18 local lecturers at the town level and 27 lecturers from all walks of life at the county level, effectively promoting the extension of high-quality education and training resources to towns and villages. The second is to use order training to improve quality and efficiency, the training content is "ordered" by the masses, the training method is "selected" by the masses, and the training teachers are "clicked" by the masses. Up to now, more than 12,000 women have participated in the training in the town, and the coverage of education for the masses has continued to expand. In March 2024, Qilu Channel's "Laga" column will publicize and report on the typical practices of the town's "Fanghua" night school.

Linqu Jiang Yu: "Fanghua" night school has thousands of rural women and sisters

"Fanghua" blooms and shows its style, and grassroots governance adds impetus

"Coming from the masses and going to the masses" is an effective means to do a good job in women's work. The unique people-friendly nature of the "Fanghua" night school provides an opportunity and place for the neighbors to "talk to their hearts" and "talk about their hearts". The first is "night school + deliberation" to empower Ping An Jiangyu, highlighting the functions of women's deliberation, legal services, conflict mediation, etc., putting the major and minor affairs of the village into the night school for commentary, talking about parents' shortcomings, talking about people's livelihood needs, and talking about development suggestions, so as to realize civil discussion, civil civil business, and civil civil affairs. In response to family conflicts, neighborhood disputes, mass appeals, and petitions at higher levels, the "night school" immediately "opens", intervenes and solves it at the first time, so that small things do not go out of the grid and big things do not go out of the village. Since the organization of the "Fanghua" night school, more than 1,050 disputes of various kinds have been resolved. The second is to forge a harmonious ancient town with "night school + culture", adhere to the construction of rural spiritual civilization as the foothold of night school, rely on the village cultural station and rural bookstore, and organize and carry out the "parent-child night reading" activity on a regular basis, combined with the "one village, one play" activity, in the "Fanghua" night school to open square dance, tai chi and other special courses, in the form that the masses like to see, the farmers are "dragged" from the TV to the night school classroom, improve the quality and increase skills in the entertainment and education, improve the degree of civilization in rural society, and enhance the spiritual outlook of the women. Efforts should be made to cultivate civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs. Since the beginning of this year, 35 rural literary and art teams have been newly formed, and a large number of the most beautiful families and star-rated civilized households in cities and counties have emerged in rural areas, providing a strong spiritual impetus for boosting rural governance.