
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers

author:Linqu County Financial Media Center

Square inch grid, related to thousands of households. In order to further improve the level of refined governance and precise service in urban communities, and strive to build a team of general social workers with strong party spirit, professional excellence, vigor and courage, on May 20, Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a social worker fixed-post grid debriefing and evaluation activity to promote mutual promotion and mutual learning and growth, and fully demonstrated the achievements and demeanor of the social worker fixed-post grid in Chengguan Street.

Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers

At the debriefing site, 11 social worker representatives from the urban community spoke with examples, competed with results, talked about their experiences, showed their results, and talked about problems. Improve grassroots party building, serve the "old and young", cultivate community backbones, manage the fixed post grid, and organize the "Maza" council...... One after another characteristic and pragmatic service projects and vivid cases show the practical results of the vigorous development of the grassroots governance work in Chengguan.

Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers

With the acceleration of urbanization, grassroots governance in the new era has put forward higher requirements for community workers. Since the implementation of the fixed-post grid work, Chengguan Street has actively explored new ideas for grid services, and strived to build a professional grid team that understands the policy and is familiar with business and good communication.

Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers
Chengguan Street, Linqu County, carried out a grid review activity for social workers

As the "caring people" around the residents, community workers should continuously improve their consciousness and initiative in doing practical things and solving problems for the people, improve their professional skills, transform "able to serve" into "good service", and effectively promote the effectiveness of community work. Chengguan Street will continue to take seamless service as the starting point, focus on small things, start with "small things", and use the needle of "fixed post grid" to string the "line" of community governance services, and open up the "last mile" to serve the masses.

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