
Stay overnight at the Jiankou Great Wall and encounter a lightning strike, don't ignore the risk of climbing the "Wild Great Wall".

author:Jimu News

Jimu News commentator Xu Hanxiong

Recently, some netizens posted that a college student was struck by lightning on the Jiankou Great Wall in Huairou District, Beijing. On May 19, the Huashang Daily Gale News reporter learned from the local cultural and tourism department that the matter was true, three students went up the mountain at night and stayed on the Great Wall for a night, and the sky thundered in the early morning of the next day. (According to the Gale News on May 20)

According to media reports, on May 18, in Xizhazi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou District, three college students camped overnight after climbing the unopened Jiankouye Great Wall at night. In the early morning of the 19th, 3 people were struck by lightning, 2 people were slightly contusioned after being hit, and another person fainted after being hit and was seriously injured. Later, the fire rescue personnel and 120 emergency personnel worked together to transfer them to the bottom of the mountain and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

Stay overnight at the Jiankou Great Wall and encounter a lightning strike, don't ignore the risk of climbing the "Wild Great Wall".

The injured were carried down the mountain by rescuers (Source: Beijing News)

This is an accident in which a visitor was struck by lightning on the Great Wall, first of all, making people feel sad and hoping that the injured person will recover smoothly. Why was it struck by lightning on the Great Wall? The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for thunder and lightning at 5 a.m. on May 19, saying that there were thundershowers in most parts of the city. The knowledge of lightning protection and risk avoidance mentions that in case of thunderstorms, do not stay on the top of mountains, ridges, rooftops, watersides or open areas. The Great Wall, built along the ridge, is one of the more dangerous places during thunderstorms. According to media reports, in 2009, five people were struck by lightning while climbing the Great Wall of Jiankou, and two of them died. It can be seen that there is a risk of lightning strikes on the Great Wall, which has been "a lesson from the past".

According to public information, the Jiankou Great Wall is located in Xizhazi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou District, Beijing, with an altitude of 1,141 meters, and is the most famous section of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty. Because the mountain is dangerous, there are many dangerous peaks and cliffs, and the Great Wall built on the mountain is named "arrow buckle" because it is shaped like a full bow and arrow.

Stay overnight at the Jiankou Great Wall and encounter a lightning strike, don't ignore the risk of climbing the "Wild Great Wall".

Jiankou Great Wall (data map, according to

As the saying goes, infinite scenery is at the peak of danger. The Great Wall of Jiankou is attractive because of its majestic and dangerous nature, so it is very popular with travelers and rock climbers. However, the Great Wall is an undeveloped area, with steep undulating terrain, disrepair, loose bricks, and a lack of security, which is fraught with dangers. For example, the ladder is basically straight up and down, close to 90 degrees, and there are no handrails and no fences, so it is easy to step on the air. There are no roads in many areas, they are all small roads stepped on by people, only one person is allowed to pass, and there is no way to go up to the city wall.

Stay overnight at the Jiankou Great Wall and encounter a lightning strike, don't ignore the risk of climbing the "Wild Great Wall".

There are many dangerous sections of the Jiankou Great Wall (Source: Beijing News)

In recent years, it is not uncommon for travelers to be in distress at the Jiankou Great Wall, and many travelers have even paid the price of their lives. In February last year, two young men were trapped climbing the Great Wall of Jiankouye without permission, and a member of the Beijing Huairou Blue Sky Rescue Team was on a search and rescue mission when he encountered a rock collapse and unfortunately fell off the cliff and died, which is heartbreaking. This shows the danger of the Great Wall of Jiankou. From mid-February to February 25, more than 10 days before his death, he went to the Jiankou Great Wall three times to participate in the rescue of trapped travelers. First, he rescued a female traveler who fell off the cliff, and another man in his 20s was found dead because he fell off the cliff. On February 25, while searching for and rescuing two young men trapped on the mountain, the team members accidentally died due to the collapse of the rock mass, giving their precious lives.

This is enough to show that the risk of climbing the Wild Great Wall without permission is huge, not only will it put the donkey friends in danger, but also risk the lives of rescuers to "retrograde".

According to Mr. Xu, the chief inspector of the Blue Sky Rescue Team in Huairou District, Beijing, "Many sections of the Great Wall are very steep and extremely difficult, and it is difficult for experienced rescuers to completely avoid the risks even if they climb it, let alone ordinary tourists." ”

The Measures for the Protection and Administration of the Great Wall of Beijing clearly stipulate that it is forbidden to organize tours of the Great Wall that have not been approved as places for visiting, and it is forbidden to climb the Great Wall that has not been approved as places for visiting, and violators may be fined accordingly. It can be seen that climbing the "Wild Great Wall" is illegal, but there are still travelers who are lucky and do not hesitate to take risks. Due to the large number of climbers, the local law enforcement department has limited manpower, and some hikers often enter at night, which makes management difficult.

In any case, for the sake of their own safety and the safety of others, travelers should still listen to advice and do not ignore the risks of climbing the "Wild Great Wall". This time, a college student was struck by lightning on the Jiankou Great Wall, and the local meteorological department predicted on the 17th and 18th that there would be strong winds, thundershowers and hail. This needs to be taken seriously. At all times, safety must be the first priority, and there should be no chances. Only by being in awe and paying attention to risk avoidance can we achieve steady and far-reaching results.

(Source: Jimu News)

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