
After middle age, husband and wife can't live well?

author:Zhou woodcutter

The beginning of love.

The fate of two people, with a dreamlike feeling.

Everything looks, romantic and wonderful.

But in the passage of time, the feelings will eventually return to flatness.

Especially middle-aged couples.

Everyone has walked through the good times hand in hand, and it should have entered the stage of quiet years.

It's just that if two people fail to find a suitable way to get along, then the marriage may usher in a chicken feather.

If after middle age, the husband and wife can't live well?

encountering such embarrassment, as a husband and wife, how should they get out of the predicament.

I hope these suggestions can help you.

After middle age, husband and wife can't live well?


Look at yourself and look for the root cause of the problem

Husband and wife get along day and night.

Two people will inevitably encounter many differences.

If these disagreements affect the sense of well-being, so that both parties have no sense of belonging.

Then the couple will have to find a solution.

For example:

Mr. Zhang and Ms. Wang are a middle-aged couple.

They found that their relationship with each other was becoming more and more strained.

After asking for help, the couple examined themselves and found that the problem was that the communication was wrong.

Mr. Zhang is accustomed to using offensive words, while Ms. Wang chooses to remain silent.

After changing the way of communication, the relationship between the two people has recovered, and they know how to cherish this marriage with each other.

When there is a problem in the relationship between husband and wife, at this time, both people should examine themselves so that they can find the reason.

Next, we can solve the problem in a targeted manner.

After middle age, husband and wife can't live well?


Rebuild trust, understanding and inclusion

Saying goes:

"Trust is the cornerstone of marriage."

However, many middle-aged couples will face a lack of trust.

For example:

Mr. Li and Ms. Chen are also a middle-aged couple.

The two are often separated because of their work.

After a long separation, they began to develop suspicions and misunderstandings.

In order to rebuild trust, the couple increased the frequency of communication, sharing each other's lives and work. Soon after, the two regained trust, understanding and tolerance.

The impact of factors such as life pressure, work pressure, and family chores.

Many middle-aged couples have feelings of distrust.

When the couple is not having a good time, in this case, both parties need to rebuild a relationship of trust.

Only in this way can the relationship be rebuilt and the relationship restored to stability.

After middle age, husband and wife can't live well?


Find a goal and plan for the future together

Roosevelt said:

"A common goal inspires people's enthusiasm."

In fact, the same is true in marriage.

Many middle-aged couples, under the pressure of life, gradually give up their interests and dreams.

As a result, the feelings of the two people are also estranged.

For example, colleague Xiao Zhao encountered such embarrassment.

When he reached middle age, he felt that if he didn't talk to his wife, there would be disputes in three or two sentences.

In order to improve their marital relationship, they travel together, participate in interest groups together, and pay attention to the development of their children.

Many common activities have effectively alleviated the tension between the couple.

Over time, the two parties regained intimacy and their married life became harmonious.

If you feel that the marriage has lost its vitality and the relationship between the couple has become cold.

Then you might as well try to find a common goal with your loved ones and work hard for it.

The benefits of this can breathe life into the marriage.

After middle age, husband and wife can't live well?

Middle-aged couples, divorce is too difficult.

Everyone is often in a state of "old and young", and changes in marriage will bring a series of chain reactions.

If you are disappointed in your marriage, then you might as well adjust and improve it from the above three perspectives. I hope that everyone can be treated well by marriage and find a long-term sense of belonging.