
A person's taste buds bury the original hometown code

author:Writer 荟


Author: Zheng Lili

A person's taste buds bury the original hometown code

"People take food as the sky", eating is not only the basic need to survive, but also one of the great joys of life, it can be said that without food, life will be less than two-thirds of the fun.

One side of the water and soil nourishes the other side, and a person's taste buds also bury the original hometown password. For example, I have always had a soft spot for delicious and sweet seafood soup bases, such as my husband, who often only needs a bowl of hot tomato egg noodles when he comes back from overtime. The clear and delicious seafood soup base is the base soup of snacks that can be seen everywhere in Fuzhou, fish balls, pot side batter, and flat meat are inseparable from this soup. As long as I go back to his hometown with my husband during the Chinese New Year, the first meal my mother-in-law cooks must be tomato and egg noodles, which has also become a nostalgia that my husband can't forget.

Sometimes, my friends from other places are more familiar with local food than I am.

When I first graduated, I went to an institution for an internship with my classmates. Within three days, the classmates had already cleared the door of the food near the institution, what Xue Chaofu yellow rice cake, the big Lantern Festival as big as a bun, and the blood of the tender pig....... There were a lot of snacks that I had never seen as a lonely local. They asked me if I knew the snacks? I told the truth that I didn't know, and I was despised by them for a while.

Time flies, and now it is almost 10 years away from the day of graduation. The frustration of being despised has long been thrown to the country of Java, but when I think of my classmates, I have an extra layer of understanding, they know Fuzhou snacks so quickly and accurately, is it a side embodiment of their desire to quickly integrate into the city? This subtle psychology may not even be known to the person concerned.

My father and husband came to Fuzhou from other places to study and work, and then started a family. When it comes to all kinds of snacks in Fuzhou, where the taste is authentic, where the ingredients are fresh and the head is the way, it is very gourmet-like, but when it comes to tiredness, what I ask for is always the same food, my father is pig's feet noodles, and my husband is tomato and egg noodles. Their motivation for being "proficient" in Fuzhou cuisine is very similar to that of my classmates.

A person's taste buds bury the original hometown code

From birth to study to work, I never left Fuzhou. I'm used to the sweet taste of seafood, and I'm tired of eating rice, so when I go out to order, I order noodles 90% of the time. Beef noodles from Taiwan, biangbiang noodles from Shaanxi, and dandan noodles from Sichuan, through various noodles, I, the frog at the bottom of the well, are trying to imagine the scenery in the distance. Occasionally, I really can't think of what I like to eat, so let's eat peanut butter noodles and clear soup flat pork, and order small portions of noodles, because the peanut butter will be greasy after eating; Flat meat should be portioned in large portions, because I am afraid that the soup will not be enough to drink. The genes of Fuzhou people's love for soup have really penetrated into the bone marrow!

My mother lived with my grandmother in Shanghai before she was 6 years old, and returned to Fuzhou after she was 6 years old. The dishes cooked by my mother are "Hai Na Baichuan", including sweet and sour Fujian dishes such as lychee meat, fried liver in the south, and jellyfish skin, and occasionally there will be spicy and fragrant boiled meat, but when she is ready to give us "delicious food", it is a pot of real braised pork. Boiled with the fat and thin pork belly, there must be vegetarian chicken (soy products), thick soy sauce, and a considerable amount of sugar. Thick oil red sauce with sugar, sweet and salty, this is a typical taste of Shanghai cuisine, it seems that my mother's subconscious, my favorite is the taste of Shanghai cuisine!

Because my father is from Quanzhou, our family has many relatives in Quanzhou, and when I was a child, when I went back during the summer vacation, I would definitely get the warm hospitality of many cousins and cousins.

I remember when I was 12 years old, my parents asked me to go on vacation to my hometown. My cousin picked me up from the station, and politely asked me to eat a little bit, eating a box of egg fried rice, and my cousin also had a spoonful of cologne meat sauce and asked me to eat bibimbap together. In the early morning and late at night, there are stalls selling noodle batter all over the roadside, and the broken noodles in the noodle batter are negligible, just a bowl of thick noodle soup, but the fried crispy pork and fried dough sticks are put in the same way, and the crispy side dishes are accompanied by mellow noodle soup, soft and strong, and the taste is really good.

Some people argue that the economy of places with light tastes was relatively developed in the past, such as Zhejiang and Guangdong, and the economy of places that like heavy flavors was generally worse in the past, such as Guizhou and Sichuan. My cousin was working hard to start a business at that time, and egg fried rice with cologne sauce made such a simple and flavorful meal that could be eaten quickly and well.

A person's taste buds bury the original hometown code

"Starlight lives up to the passers-by", except for the cousins (cousins) who read the books, the vast majority of people, like their cousins, stayed in their hometown Quanzhou to start a business. My cousin is doing well now, he has a small villa on the outskirts of the city (of course, it is an indisputable fact that the housing prices in Quanzhou are more generous than those in Fuzhou), and the other brothers and sisters who have started their own businesses also have their own factories larger or smaller. The living conditions are good, everyone still likes the noodle batter with small ingredients, braised pork knuckles, it seems that the theory of economic conditions based on the taste of eating vegetables is not an "iron law".

From eating, it can reflect the struggle of strangers in the city, the efforts to integrate into the culture of the city, and also get a glimpse of a person's growth trajectory. Eating, tied to nostalgia, but also connected to the future, in the steaming smoke, we move forward with hope.