
News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

author:Phoenix TV

The Iranian president's helicopter accident killed all the people on board

News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

On May 20, local time, Iranian President Raisi, Foreign Minister Abdollahian and other senior officials confirmed that they were killed in a helicopter accident. According to Iranian media reports, Raisi was flying in a helicopter with a total of nine people. In addition to Raisi, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian and East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rahmati are two officials. In addition, there is 1 imam, as well as 5 crew members and security personnel.

Department of Commerce: Added a number of U.S. companies involved in arms sales to Taiwan to the list of unreliable entities

News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

China's Ministry of Commerce announced on May 20 that it would add a number of U.S. companies, including Boeing Defense and General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, to the list of unreliable entities involved in arms sales to Taiwan.

Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia: Prime Minister Fizo is out of danger

News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

On May 19, Slovakia's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Kahliniak said that the worst had passed, and that Prime Minister Fizo, who had been shot earlier, was no longer life-threatening, but his injuries were still serious and required intensive care, so he could not be considered for transfer to a hospital in the capital.

Blue Origin sent 6 people to the edge of space

News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

On May 19, Blue Origin, an American company affiliated with Amazon founder Bezos, completed its first manned mission in nearly two years, sending six tourists to the edge of space. Among the passengers was Dwight, a former Air Force pilot, who was black and missed out on astronaut selection as a young man, and now at the age of 90, he has finally realized his dream of space and become the oldest human to fly into space.

The Saudi crown prince postponed his visit to Japan due to the king's illness

News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.20

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said on May 20 that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed has decided to postpone his visit to Japan, which was scheduled to start on the 20th, due to the health problems of Saudi King Salman. Mohammed was scheduled to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Japanese Emperor Naruhito during his visit to Japan from 20 to 23. According to Saudi state media on the 19th, the 88-year-old Saudi King Salman will be treated with antibiotics until the inflammation in his lungs subsides. Previously, Salman was admitted to the Salam Palace Royal Clinic on the 19th for a medical examination due to high fever and joint pain, which caused speculation about his health condition.

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV Information Channel

Editor: Wanqing

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