
Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

author:Shenmu News
Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition
Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

On May 18, the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition sponsored by the Shenmu Science and Technology Association and the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau was held in the Sixth Primary School, with 499 students from 18 schools in the city participating.

Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

The competition is based on three grade groups: high, middle and low. During the competition, the contestants were calm and divergent in their thinking, and with the knowledge and skills they had accumulated in life, they created a variety of interesting patterns. After selection, 60 students will bring their works to the 21st Yulin Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition.

Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

Guo Haozhe, a student of Shenmu City No. 6 Primary School

I feel like tangram can exercise my thinking and creativity, and I feel great about how many tangram sets of tangram are constantly changing in my hands to create a variety of shapes.

Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

The development of this activity not only stimulated the scientific interest of young people, cultivated their spatial imagination and logical thinking ability, but also promoted the popularization and development of quality education and science and technology education in Shenmu City.

Shenmu City held the 12th Youth Intelligence Tangram Competition

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Editor: He Xiaoxia

Director: Wang Hua