
"Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no moisture for a year"! Today's Xiaoman, what do the four things mean? How to eat to benefit?

author:Little friends food

Time flies so fast, to the end of the day. Xiaoman is one of the 24 solar terms, marking the official start of summer. At this time, everything is gradually full, and the human body is also susceptible to the effects of heat and humidity.

As the old saying goes, "Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no dampness for a year", emphasizing the purpose of dispelling dampness and strengthening the body through diet at this time. Today, I'm going to teach you how to make four recipes in detail to help you keep your body fresh and healthy during the small full season.

1. Barley and sweet potato porridge

Barley water to reduce swelling, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness; Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps intestinal peristalsis, and the combination of the two can effectively remove moisture from the body.

"Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no moisture for a year"! Today's Xiaoman, what do the four things mean? How to eat to benefit?

Ingredients: 50 grams of barley, about 200 grams of 1 sweet potato (sweet potato), 50 grams of rice, appropriate amount of water.

Detailed instructions:

- Soak the barley for 2-3 hours in advance to shorten the cooking time. Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into cubes, wash the rice and set aside.

- Add enough water to the pot, first add the barley to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 30 minutes.

- Add the rice and sweet potato cubes, continue to cook over low heat until the porridge is thick and the sweet potatoes are soft, stirring appropriately to prevent sticking to the pan, and then serve.

2. Yam lotus seed lily soup

Efficacy: Yam nourishes the spleen and stomach, lotus seeds reassure the nerves, nourish the kidneys and solidify essence, lily moistens the lungs and relieves cough, clears the heart and calms the nerves, this soup can effectively relieve the discomfort caused by dampness and heat in summer.

"Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no moisture for a year"! Today's Xiaoman, what do the four things mean? How to eat to benefit?

Ingredients: 100 grams of yam, 30 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of dried lily, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water.

Detailed instructions:

- Peel the yam and cut it into small pieces, soak the lotus seeds and lilies in advance.

- Put all ingredients in a pot, add plenty of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low heat and simmer for about 1 hour until the ingredients are soft.

- Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, and wait until the rock sugar is completely dissolved before turning off the heat and enjoying.

3. Yam black chicken soup

Efficacy: Black chicken nourishes yin and kidney, yam strengthens the spleen and invigorates qi, this soup has a good effect on improving physical weakness and eliminating dampness in the body.

"Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no moisture for a year"! Today's Xiaoman, what do the four things mean? How to eat to benefit?

Ingredients: half a black chicken, 100 grams of yam, 6 red dates, a few slices of ginger, a small handful of wolfberry, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of water.

Detailed instructions:

- Clean the black chicken, cut into cubes and blanch to remove the blood foam.

- Peel and cut the yam into cubes, remove the core of the red dates, and put them in a stew pot or pot with black chicken and ginger slices and salt.

- Add plenty of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 hours. Add the goji berries for 10 minutes and season the chicken essence before cooking.

4. Winter melon sliced pork soup

Efficacy: Winter melon is diuretic and swelling, clears away heat and detoxifies, suitable for summer consumption, and helps to discharge excess water and moisture from the body.

"Xiaoman eats four things, and there is no moisture for a year"! Today's Xiaoman, what do the four things mean? How to eat to benefit?

Ingredients: 300 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of lean pork, a little ginger, an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, appropriate amount of water.

Detailed instructions:

- Peel and cut the winter melon into thin slices, and cut the lean pork into thin slices for later use

- Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add ginger slices and winter melon slices, salt, chicken essence, and cook until the winter melon is translucent.

- Add the sliced meat, gently spread with chopsticks and cook until the slices change color. Add chicken essence to taste, add some sesame oil and remove from the pan.

These four recipes are a good choice for summer health, and the right combination of ingredients will help you stay healthy and stay away from moisture during the small full season and throughout the summer. Try making it at home, enjoy healthy and delicious food, and bring love and care to your family.