
Is pain a sign that the body is calling for help? These 5 kinds of pain advise you not to bear it!

author:99 Health Net

In modern society, people often suffer from physical pain for various reasons, such as:

Low back pain, neck and shoulder pain caused by long hours of work;

discomfort caused by a woman's monthly menstrual cycle;

Sudden toothache, abdominal pain or headache.

In the face of these pains, many people may choose to be patient, thinking that "it's not a big deal, just endure it and it will pass".

Is pain a sign that the body is calling for help? These 5 kinds of pain advise you not to bear it!


These five types of pain in the body

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Acute, severe headache

Headaches can be caused by a variety of reasons, including stress, lack of water, lack of sleep, etc. But if the headache comes on suddenly and is very intense, especially if accompanied by symptoms such as vision problems, nausea, vomiting or neck stiffness, it could be a sign of a stroke or other serious condition. In this case, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Chest pain

Chest pain can be a sign of a heart problem, especially if the pain is persistent, intensifying, or accompanied by difficulty breathing, sweating, nausea, dizziness, or pain radiating to areas such as the arms, neck, or jaw. In this case, call the emergency services immediately.

Severe pain in the abdomen

Abdominal pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as digestive issues, appendicitis, or gynecological problems. However, if the pain is very severe and accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever or tension in the abdominal muscles, it may be acute abdominal pain and requires prompt medical attention.


Arthralgia can be a sign of arthritis, especially if the pain is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling or limited movement. While joint pain may not be immediately life-threatening, it can have a significant impact on quality of life and may worsen over time. Prompt medical attention should be sought to avoid disease progression.

Persistent back pain

Back pain is very common, but if it is persistent or severe, especially if the pain interferes with daily life, it can be a sign of a spinal problem. Back problems may require professional treatment to avoid long-term pain and dysfunction.

Is pain a sign that the body is calling for help? These 5 kinds of pain advise you not to bear it!


These suggestions help you get better

Coping with body aches

Get proper rest

After working in the same position for a long time, you should rest and relax your muscles properly.


For muscle soreness, using a warm compress can relieve the pain.

Rational feasting

Maintain a balanced diet and reduce the intake of excessive irritating foods to reduce the occurrence of abdominal pain or headaches.

Exercise in moderation

Regular moderate exercise, such as walking, yoga or gentle stretching, can help relieve muscle tension.

Emotion management

Maintaining a good mindset and avoiding the accumulation of stress and tension can also reduce the occurrence of physical pain.

Have a regular schedule

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help the body recover and reduce pain.

Avoid self-medication

Long-term reliance on painkillers is not recommended as it may mask underlying health problems.

Is pain a sign that the body is calling for help? These 5 kinds of pain advise you not to bear it!


The woman was in pain all over

What causes it

menstrual cycle

Women may experience cyclical pains, such as dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps), during the menstrual cycle, especially around the time of ovulation and menstrual cramps. This pain is usually due to the release of prostaglandins from the endometrium, causing the uterus to contract and blood vessels to dilate, causing discomfort.

Diseases of the reproductive system

For example, diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids can cause pain all over the body or locally in women.

Pregnancy-related pain

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, pregnant women may experience back pain due to weight gain, changes in center of gravity, and pressure on the spine from an enlarged uterus. In addition, other pains that may occur during pregnancy include joint pain, headaches, etc.

Hormonal changes

Around menopause or menopause, changes in female hormone levels can lead to body pain, such as bone pain caused by osteoporosis.

Mental stress

Long-term psychological stress, anxiety, and depression can lead to muscle tension and pain throughout the body.

Medication side effects

Certain medications, such as birth control pills, etc., may cause body pain as a side effect.

environmental factors

Muscle pain can also be caused by climate change, prolonged exposure to cold or humid environments.