
My dear, this good news is about to be publicly announced [please make psychological expectations in advance]


On that hot summer evening, the sun shone obliquely on the old residential buildings, gilding everything with a layer of gold. Wang Lei, an ordinary courier, as usual, drives his beat-up electric tricycle through the busy streets to deliver the packages the city's residents are looking forward to.

"Ding Dong", the mobile phone prompted that there was a new order, Wang Lei stopped the car and picked up the mobile phone to check. The order information shows that the recipient's name is Li Meng, and the address is an old community located on the edge of the city. Wang Lei frowned, he had been to that community a few times, the environment was complicated, and the security was not very good, but he still decided to take the order, after all, life is not easy, and every order is related to the expectations of the family.

He restarted the tricycle and headed for his destination. As night falls, the streets become less crowded with pedestrians, and only the occasional passing vehicle breaks the silence of the night. Wang Lei's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, and he felt a trace of unease, but he still endured it and continued to move forward.

Finally, he came to the old neighborhood. A dim street lamp hangs at the entrance of the complex, barely illuminating the road ahead. Wang Lei took a deep breath and pushed the tricycle into the community. He followed the address on the order to find Li Meng's residence, which was a dilapidated building, the glass on the windows was broken, and an indescribable smell filled the corridor.

Wang Lei knocked on the door, waited for a while, and the door slowly opened. A haggard woman appeared at the door, it was Li Meng. She took the package, a hint of mixed emotion flashing through her eyes, and quickly closed the door. Wang Lei felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it, turned around and prepared to leave.

At this moment, he heard a sharp scream coming from Li Meng's room. His heart tightened, and he immediately turned and ran towards the staircase. He rushed up the stairs, came to Li Meng's door, and knocked hard, but there was no response from inside. He looked around anxiously, looking for a way to get into the room.

My dear, this good news is about to be publicly announced [please make psychological expectations in advance]

Just then, he noticed that the glass on the window had shattered, and he had a plan and decided to climb in through the window. He cautiously climbed up the window and squeezed into the room. The room was in chaos, furniture had been knocked to the floor, and strange objects were scattered on the floor. Wang Lei was shocked, and he realized that this was not just an ordinary theft.

He looked around for Li Meng's figure and finally found her in the corner of the bedroom. Her face was pale, with blood on the corners of her mouth, and she was clearly badly injured. Wang Lei felt a surge of anger and grief in his heart, he immediately called the police and tried to protect Li Meng in his own way.

Just then, a dark shadow suddenly rushed in through the door. Wang Lei immediately greeted him and started a fierce fight with the other party. After a fierce battle, Wang Lei finally subdued the other party. He gasped and looked at the stranger in front of him, his heart full of doubts and puzzles.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and took the suspect away for investigation. Wang Lei stayed in the room and took care of the injured Li Meng. He looked at her weak appearance, and his heart was full of guilt and self-blame. He felt that he had failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a courier and to protect the safety of his customers.

However, as the investigation deepened, Wang Lei gradually discovered that there was a more complex truth hidden behind this case. It turns out that Li Meng is not an ordinary victim, she is involved in a case involving huge wealth and complicated interpersonal relationships. And the stranger who was subdued was not an ordinary criminal, he had a huge group of forces behind him.

Wang Lei is caught up in this whirlpool, and he not only has to face those vicious criminals, but also uncover the truth behind this case. He was in an unprecedented predicament, but he didn't give up. He used his wisdom and courage to approach the edge of the truth step by step.

My dear, this good news is about to be publicly announced [please make psychological expectations in advance]

In the process, Wang Lei encountered all kinds of people and things. He made some like-minded friends, but he also encountered some ill-intentioned enemies. He has experienced the trials of life and death, and has also felt the brilliance and darkness of human nature. But he has always stood true to his beliefs and duties, and has worked tirelessly to uncover the truth.

In the end, after a thrilling battle, Wang Lei finally revealed the truth behind the case. It turned out that Li Meng was an innocent victim who was framed and involved in the case. And those criminals and power groups collude with each other and use each other in order to compete for huge amounts of property.

Wang Lei made the truth public and cleared Li Meng's grievances. Those criminals and power groups have also been duly punished. Although Wang Lei has experienced many hardships and dangers, he feels extremely relieved and proud. He felt that he had done something meaningful and brought justice and light to the city.

Since then, Wang Lei has become a highly respected person. He proved the responsibility and responsibility of the courier with his actions. He used his wisdom and courage to reveal the dark side of society and fight for justice. His story has spread throughout the city, inspiring countless people to fight for justice and light.

And Li Meng also started her life again. She thanked Wang Lei for everything she had done for her and was full of gratitude and respect for him. She knew that she could stand up again without Wang Lei's help and support. She also understood the meaning and value of life, and decided to give back to the society and spread love in her own way.

This story tells us that in this world full of darkness and sin, there are always those who are willing to fight for justice and light. They proved the brilliance and greatness of humanity with their actions. We should also learn from them and use our own ways to spread love and promotion

My dear, this good news is about to be publicly announced [please make psychological expectations in advance]