
Blame it! Guo Dong wants an explanation when he comes back, but the culprits Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting are unwilling to apologize?

author:Monk History Great Star Sphere

The infighting in the blue camp escalated: Gou's comeback road is full of doubts

In the turbulent political sea area of Lanying, the comeback of Guo Taiming, a business tycoon, can be described as full of twists and turns, and there are many doubts. Originally, everyone thought that his return would bring a strong east wind to the blue camp, but who knew that this east wind was mixed with some uncertainty and doubts.

Having said that, Terry Gou is a well-known figure in the business world, and his every move touches the hearts of countless people. But this time he planned to return to politics, but he encountered a lot of trouble. It turned out that Guo Taiming had been "fooled" twice by Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting and others before, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He felt that he was being used as a pawn and fiddled with at will, which made him seriously doubt the sincerity of the blue camp.

Terry Gou is not the kind of person who can be easily persuaded, he has his own principles and bottom line. He felt that he had been deceived and wanted a clear explanation and an apology. But Lan Ying's side doesn't seem to be very concerned about this matter. On the one hand, they want Terry Gou to come out to help and increase the chances of winning the election; On the other hand, he didn't want to respond to Gou's doubts head-on, feeling that this would affect internal unity.

Blame it! Guo Dong wants an explanation when he comes back, but the culprits Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting are unwilling to apologize?

This attitude made Gou very annoyed. He felt that the blue camp had no sincerity at all, and just wanted to use his influence. So, he began to hesitate, not knowing whether he wanted to make a comeback. After all, if you are still being used as a gun after your comeback, it will be too boring.

Wang Jinping, as a veteran of the Blue Camp, certainly knows the importance of Guo Taiming. He understands that if Guo Taiming can make a comeback, it will undoubtedly be a huge boost for the blue camp. So, he began to run around, uniting the county mayors of other counties and cities to persuade Guo Taiming. They told Gou: "The situation in the blue camp is very critical now, and we need your help to get through it." ”

But what about Terry Gou? He's not so convincing. He felt that Lan Ying's side didn't face up to his own problems at all, and just blindly wanted to use himself. So, he said to Wang Jinping: "If you really want me to come back, then make the previous things clear." If you don't even have the slightest sincerity, then I'd rather choose not to participate. ”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jinping was in trouble. He knows Gou's temper, and he also knows that once he makes up his mind, it will be difficult to change. But what about the Blue Camp? They don't want to directly face Gou's questioning, feeling that this will affect internal unity. So, they began to play Tai Chi, trying to persuade Guo Taiming to make a comeback in various ways.

Blame it! Guo Dong wants an explanation when he comes back, but the culprits Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting are unwilling to apologize?

But what about Terry Gou? He's not that easy to fool. He felt that Lan Ying's side was not sincere enough to solve the problem at all, and just wanted to use various means to force himself to make a comeback. So, ah, he began to become more hesitant. He felt that if he made a comeback like this, he would be playing like a monkey.

At this time, cracks began to appear inside the Blue Camp. Some people feel that they should face up to Gou's doubts and give a reasonable explanation; Others, on the other hand, feel that they should continue to avoid the problem and try to persuade Gou to make a comeback. This disagreement complicates the situation within the Blue Battalion.

Seeing that the election day is getting closer and closer, the blue camp does not yet have a clear plan to deal with Guo Taiming's comeback. This has raised serious questions about the unity and governing ability of the blue camp. After all, how can we win the trust and support of voters if we can't solve internal problems at such a critical moment?

In fact, to put it bluntly, this matter is caused by the failure of the Blue Camp to handle the relationship with Guo Taiming well. If we had been able to face up to the problem and give a reasonable explanation, maybe there wouldn't be so much trouble now. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world to eat! Now the blue camp can only find a way to make up for this mistake on its own.

Blame it! Guo Dong wants an explanation when he comes back, but the culprits Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting are unwilling to apologize?

But then again, Guo Taiming is not the kind of person who is unreasonable. If he can see that the Blue Camp side is sincere in solving the problem and giving a reasonable explanation, then he may think about making a comeback. After all, it is also a very meaningful thing for him to be able to help the blue camp win the election!

So, the most important thing to do now is to face up to the problem and give a reasonable explanation and apologize. Only in this way can we regain Gou's trust and support and pave the way for his comeback! At the same time, unity and cooperation within the Blue Camp also need to be strengthened, so that we can jointly deal with the upcoming challenges!

As for the final result, it depends on the performance of the blue camp and Guo Taiming's decision. But in any case, this infighting in the blue camp has left a deep impression on the outside world and made people start to re-examine the unity and governing ability of the blue camp.

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Blame it! Guo Dong wants an explanation when he comes back, but the culprits Zhu Lilun and Huang Jianting are unwilling to apologize?

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