
Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

author:Snubbing and gossiping

1. Nowadays, Wen Zhengrong's beautiful life

The first rays of sunlight in the morning shine in front of the window, and the temperature is just right, making you feel comfortable. At this time, Wen Zhengrong quietly opened the curtains to welcome this new and hopeful morning.

At this moment, her husband, who was lying on the bed, seemed to be still immersed in a sweet dream, and she carefully stood on tiptoe and quietly walked to the living room, doing her best not to disturb him.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Standing by the window, she saw her lively and lovely children playing in the garden, and the immature children's voices came into her ears from time to time, bringing endless warmth and joy. Looking at his son's innocent smiling face, Wen Zhengrong's eyes couldn't help but reveal a deep sense of happiness.

Rewind to 25 years ago, when she met the man she fell in love with. His gentleness, thoughtfulness, and magnanimity made him the best companion in her life. From the love of youth to the marriage hall, they supported each other and spent the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together.

At first, their path to love was not all smooth sailing, and they were questioned and hindered by many doubts. However, her husband's meticulous love and care for her finally eliminated all difficulties.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Even the mother-in-law, who was once feared, finally accepted and approved this marriage with the silent efforts of her husband.

In addition to his busy work, her husband always takes the initiative to take on housework to create more time for Wen Zhengrong to pursue the acting career she loves. When she encounters difficulties in her artistic creation, her husband will always patiently guide her and become her strong backing.

It is precisely because of his understanding and support that Wen Zhengrong was able to devote himself wholeheartedly to his acting career, and finally achieved today's brilliant achievements.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Although in the past 24 years, Wen Zhengrong's acting career has never reached its peak, and his popularity is relatively low. However, she doesn't care about it because she already has the happy life that others dream of.

With her husband's tolerance and love, and a lovely child, her life is perfect enough.

On a sunny morning, this warm family of three frolicked happily in the garden, and everyone's face was full of happy smiles. This is Wen Zhengrong's truest and most beautiful portrayal of life.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

2. Wen Zhengrong when he was a student

Looking back, Wen Zhengrong's student life can be described as full of challenges and passions. As a member of the acting department of Beijing Film Academy, she should have devoted herself to professional learning.

She is young and vigorous, but she often devotes most of her energy to dating in love.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

On the land of Beijing Film Academy, the name of Wen Zhengrong, a controversial "teacher nemesis", is like thunder. Whenever the talented Professor Huang Lei's bicycle was quietly parked at the door of the dormitory building, she would always kick it mercilessly, as if venting, causing it to crash down.

This student, who is always immersed in alcohol and even skips class, Huang Lei can be said to be extremely angry. However, Wen Zhengrong insisted on her opinion, thinking that Huang Lei was too strict and always exerted excessive pressure on her schoolwork, so that she didn't even have much time left to spend quality time with her boyfriend.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Therefore, she simply used Huang Lei's bicycle as her punching bag, and every time she saw it, she would not hesitate to kick it.

Such "impulsive behavior" will eventually lead to unforeseen consequences. Once, Huang Lei finally caught Wen Zhengrong, severely reprimanded her, and warned her that if she did not correct her mistakes, she would face serious consequences of being expelled from school.

In the face of the teacher's severe criticism, although Wen Zhengrong's heart was full of fear, she also understood that she was to blame for all this. She began to reflect deeply on whether she had been so self-willed that she had abandoned her studies.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

In fact, Wen Zhengrong's love for the performing arts is undeniable. It's just that what she longs for in her heart is a free and easy way to live, without any constraints. This contradictory mentality made her sometimes diligent and sometimes idle.

The experience of this period also made Wen Zhengrong deeply understand the true meaning of performance - sincerity and enthusiasm. She gradually let go of her prejudices against Huang Lei and cherished the hard-won learning opportunities.

This change in heart is the solid foundation for her to be able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in the future.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

In order to present a more realistic picture effect, she resolutely lay in the soft sand for as long as five minutes, until the director finally waved his arms and gave the command to "card".

It is with this unremitting effort and perseverance that Wen Zhengrong has successfully stepped into the wonderful world of actors, and her acting skills have been significantly improved in the tempering day after day.

She has starred in the well-known TV series "Behind the Glitz" and "Wrong Love for a Life" and other masterpieces, and the interpretation of each role in these works has taken a lot of effort.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

It is especially worth mentioning that in the TV series "Wrong Love for a Life", the role of "Gu Yiluo" played by her can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This is a villain with a complex and dark heart and strange behavior, which is tantamount to a huge challenge for Wen Zhengrong, who has always shown a well-behaved and cute image.

It is because of her husband's unwavering support and encouragement that she is able to face this challenge bravely. During the filming process, Wen Zhengrong devoted himself wholeheartedly, forgot to sleep and eat, and strived to interpret this role to the fullest.

She carefully pondered every subtle expression of Gu Yiluo, striving to show it perfectly.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Eventually, the role earned her a lot of acclaim from industry insiders. It is no exaggeration to say that without her husband's encouragement and her unremitting pursuit, Wen Zhengrong may not have been able to achieve such brilliant achievements in this role.

On her acting career, hard work and dedication also go hand in hand. Once, in order to create a specific character, she needed to stay without makeup on the set for a long time.

As a woman who usually pays great attention to her appearance, she naturally feels very uncomfortable when she sees her unadorned appearance, and at that time, she didn't even dare to face her husband, afraid that he would dislike her "unpretentious" appearance.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Luckily, her husband comforted her with affectionate words, telling her that no matter what she became, he would always love her. This sentence made Wen Zhengrong unload the heavy psychological burden and redevote himself to the intense filming work.

From this incident, it is not difficult to see that she is extremely enthusiastic about her profession, and her husband's understanding and care make her comfortable in her work.

Fourth, why 24 years have been tepid

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Although Wen Zhengrong has been working in the actor industry for 24 years, her popularity has not risen as quickly as other colleagues. The main reason for this is largely due to her strict selection of scripts.

As an actor, whether or not he can continue to get the opportunity to appear in high-quality scripts actually has a crucial impact on the development of his personal acting career! However, in this regard, we have to say that Wen Zhengrong's performance does not seem to be satisfactory.

She is almost overly picky about the material for her scripts, and is only willing to accept the female lead roles in the big productions, but lacks the necessary attention and respect for the side roles.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

On the other hand, when faced with small production projects that genuinely see her as the protagonist, she often refuses to meet her own high standards for the quality of the production and the content of the script.

As a result, those large-scale production projects that would have expected her to be the heroine have naturally become more and more unattainable.

As time passed, Wen Zhengrong gradually faded out of the industry's sight. Although she still held on to her dream of being an actress, her career came to a standstill due to a mistake in the choice of roles.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Looking back at her early works, it is not difficult to find many wonderful performances, which are enough to win her more praise and recognition in the industry. However, it is precisely because of her too narrow perspective of role selection that these precious opportunities have quietly passed through her fingertips.

If she could follow her husband's advice, lower her expectations appropriately, and actively participate in some high-quality supporting performances, perhaps she would have opened up a new world in the entertainment industry.

It's a pity that she didn't take such an action at that time, but let herself stumble on the road of acting, and finally failed to realize her ideals.

Wen Zhengrong: It has been 24 years since his debut, he was not popular, he married his first love and had a son, and he was happy

Time flies, and now Wen Zhengrong has deeply realized his shortcomings. She began to carefully evaluate the opportunities presented by each script, and tried to be more open to each role.

This will undoubtedly bring a new breakthrough and turn around in her career.

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