
The 2 iron pieces under the gas stove are fine, don't mess around! After listening to the manufacturer's explanation, I realized that it was so useful!

author:Moist Entertainment

The secret of the iron sheet under the gas stove: don't mess around! They do more than you think

Under the gas stove in the kitchen, there are often two inconspicuous pieces of iron hidden. Maybe you've never noticed them, let alone know how important they are. But today, let's unveil the mystery of these two iron pieces together, see what they are used for, and why manufacturers will specifically remind us to "don't mess around"!

First, the true identity of the iron sheet - gas stove damper

The 2 iron pieces under the gas stove are fine, don't mess around! After listening to the manufacturer's explanation, I realized that it was so useful!

These two pieces of iron, which are actually the dampers of the gas stove, are located at the junction of the burner and the nozzle. Their function is to control the fire power of the gas stove by adjusting the size of the air inlet. The design principle of the damper is very simple but practical: when the air intake volume increases, the mixing ratio of gas and air is more appropriate, the combustion is more sufficient, and the fire power is naturally more intense; On the contrary, the air intake volume decreases, and the firepower is relatively weakened.

Second, the importance of the damper - to ensure safe and efficient cooking

Although the damper is small, its role cannot be ignored. It not only affects the amount of fire, but also determines the efficiency and safety of cooking. For example, when the damper is not properly adjusted, the air intake volume is too small, and the gas combustion is not sufficient, it is easy to produce harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, which poses a threat to human health; At the same time, due to the lack of firepower, the cooking time will be extended accordingly, and the taste of the food will also be affected.

The 2 iron pieces under the gas stove are fine, don't mess around! After listening to the manufacturer's explanation, I realized that it was so useful!

On the contrary, if the damper is properly adjusted, the air intake volume is moderate, the gas burns sufficiently, and the fire is strong and stable. This not only increases cooking efficiency and shortens cooking time, but also ensures that the food tastes delicious. What's more, adequate combustion can reduce the production of harmful gases and create a safer and healthier cooking environment for the home.

Third, the adjustment skills of the damper - adjust according to the demand

So, how do you adjust the damper correctly? First of all, we need to understand the model and fire characteristics of our own gas stove. Generally speaking, the damper of the gas stove is divided into two gears, large fire and small fire, which correspond to the fire power of the outer ring and the inner ring respectively. When adjusting, we can adjust the damper size according to the cooking needs.

The 2 iron pieces under the gas stove are fine, don't mess around! After listening to the manufacturer's explanation, I realized that it was so useful!

For example, in the cooking process that requires high firepower, such as stir-frying and frying, we can appropriately increase the opening of the damper, increase the air intake, and make the fire more intense; In the cooking process that requires low heat such as steaming and stewing, we can appropriately reduce the opening of the damper, reduce the air intake, and make the heat more gentle.

In addition, we can also judge whether the damper is properly adjusted by observing the flame condition. If the flame is blue and burns steadily, the damper is properly adjusted; If the flame is yellow or red, accompanied by noise and smoke, the damper needs to be adjusted.

IV. Conclusion

The 2 iron pieces under the gas stove are fine, don't mess around! After listening to the manufacturer's explanation, I realized that it was so useful!

The two iron pieces under the gas stove - the damper, although they seem ordinary, carry the heavy responsibility of ensuring safe and efficient cooking. By adjusting the damper size correctly, we are able to achieve a more ideal fire effect, making cooking easier and more enjoyable. Therefore, we should cherish and use these two iron pieces correctly, so that the power of science and technology can bring more convenience and beauty to our lives!

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