
When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

author:Dotted Home Diary

Now when decorating the kitchen, basically all the gas is used, which is different from the gas tank, cost-effective, and easy to use.

However, in daily life, we need to develop the correct way to use it, for example, after we use the gas stove, should we close the main valve?

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

This issue is very controversial, some people think it is closed, some people think it is open,

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed?

The main valve of the gas stove, as the core control point of natural gas supply at home, is the first line of defense to ensure the safety of household gas.

In daily life, many people tend to overlook this important link, simply turning off the switch on the gas stove at the end of cooking, and ignoring the operation of the main valve.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

They may feel that it is tedious and cumbersome to turn it off every time they use it and turn it on the next time they use it, so they choose to ignore this step. however

Failure to close the gas main valve for a long time will not only cause the hose connected to the stove to be damaged due to aging, which will cause gas leakage, but also increase the risk of fire or explosion in the home.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Especially in winter, in order to protect against the cold, people tend to close their doors and windows,

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Imagine what kind of disaster it would be to have a gas leak and an explosion when your family is asleep?

Most of the domestic gas pipes are made of plastic pipes or aluminum hoses, which are relatively less durable and sealed than the high-quality steel pipes used in residential gas pipes.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Prolonged use or external force can cause hose breakage, which can lead to gas leakage.

Therefore, developing the habit of closing the main valve after each use of gas is not only responsible for the safety of the family, but also the cherishing of the life of yourself and your family.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Be sure to pay attention to these when using a gas stove!

1. Ensure indoor ventilation

Gas stoves will produce a certain amount of exhaust gases during the combustion process, and if the ventilation is not smooth, these exhaust gases are easy to accumulate indoors, which can cause safety hazards such as carbon monoxide poisoning.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Therefore, when using a gas stove, you should make sure that the windows or vents in the kitchen are kept open so that the exhaust gas can be vented outside in time.

At the same time, it is also very important to regularly clean up the debris around the gas stove to avoid obstructing air circulation.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

2. Use it correctly

The heat of the gas stove directly affects the cooking effect and safety.

During the cooking process, the heat should be adjusted reasonably according to the type of ingredients and cooking needs.

For example, when stir-frying, medium or high heat should be used to ensure that the ingredients are evenly heated to achieve a fresh and tender taste. When simmering soup, it is advisable to use low heat or simmer to fully simmer the ingredients and release nutrients. At the end of cooking, the valve of the gas stove should be closed in time to avoid gas leakage.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

3. Regular inspection

During the use of the gas stove, there may be some faults or problems, such as unstable flame, difficulty in ignition, etc.

These issues not only affect the cooking results, but can also pose safety hazards.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

Therefore, we should regularly check whether the pipes, valves and other components of the gas stove are in good condition, and contact professionals for maintenance in time if any abnormalities are found.

At the same time, it is also necessary to clean the burner and cooktop of the gas stove regularly to keep it clean and hygienic.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

4. Install a gas alarm

When installing gas, be sure to install a gas alarm, which is very important,

Gas alarms monitor indoor gas concentrations in real-time and immediately sound an alarm to alert people to take action if an anomaly is detected.

When the gas stove is not in use, should the main valve be closed? It's too dangerous to make mistakes, so you need to be careful!

This early warning mechanism can effectively avoid the occurrence of gas leakage accidents and stifle potential dangers in the cradle.

At the same time, the gas alarm also has high sensitivity and accuracy, which can accurately identify gas leakage signals and avoid false alarms or false alarms.

Write at the end:

In home life, we must learn to use the gas stove correctly, so as to save money and be safe, what do you think?

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