
A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

author:Doctor Xiao Zhao

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In a person's life, he will always experience various diseases, large and small. For those who live a good life on weekdays, sudden illness is often like a time bomb, and the moment it suddenly erupts, people are caught off guard.

Mr. Lee, 41, is one such person. As an ordinary financial practitioner, he strictly abides by the rules and goes to work and works as usual. But who would have thought that an accidental physical examination would make him fall into a "low point in life"?

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!
"You're diabetic. The attending physician made an impassioned statement, as if announcing some great fact. At that time, Mr. Li only felt that the world was spinning, and his mind was so chaotic that he couldn't hear what the doctor was saying.

The doctor did not stop there, "This is just the initial stage, as long as you control your diet well and exercise, I believe you will recover soon." The voice was gentle and powerful, and the doctor explained various daily precautions as he spoke.

Mr. Li just woke up from a dream. That's right, although diabetes is an incurable disease, as long as it is well controlled, you can live like a normal person.

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

At the moment, he made up his mind to pull himself together.

According to the doctor's advice, he immediately abandoned the bad habits of staying up late and working overtime and overeating in the past, and worked and rested regularly and ate in moderation. At the same time, he also adheres to the exercise habit of walking for half an hour every day. At first, his colleagues secretly ridiculed him for being "confused", but when they saw him getting better and refreshed, they were all impressed by his action.

The little details of life come from paying attention. He resolutely put an end to high-sugar and high-calorie gobbling, and chose light and nutritious ingredients; No longer go to KTV nightclubs for a while, but take a hot bath every night to relax with music; No matter how busy he is at work, he will take half an hour to jog and exercise.  

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

Soon, the dizziness and fatigue he had suffered from over the years were also reduced a lot. At the follow-up visit, the doctor praised him again and again, and his glycosylated hemoglobin was reduced a lot in one month.

Who says life has to be burdened by illness? As long as you are willing to persevere and persevere, everyone can become the master of their own life!

Prevention is better than cure. In today's fast-paced and stressful world of work, the impact of lifestyle seems to be infinitely magnified. People's dependence on fast food culture and lack of exercise has made the abound lifestyle diseases more and more a nightmare that plagues modern people.

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

Among them, diabetes can be described as the "culprit".

It is not only associated with obesity, hypertension and other complications, but also in severe cases, it can even cause complications such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney disease, and retinopathy, which is extremely harmful.

According to the data, the number of diabetic patients in mainland China has exceeded 109 million, mainly due to poor diet and lifestyle. It can be seen that if we do not pay attention to it in time and neglect prevention, the situation will only get worse.

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

So how do you get rid of the threat of diabetes?

The answer is simple: lifestyle changes.

The first is eating habits. Garlic, black fungus, eggplant and other plant sterols are rich in plant sterols, which are beneficial to prevent diabetes; Dietary fibers such as vegetables and fruits can delay the absorption of blood sugar. We should eat a balanced diet and eat more of these wholesome ingredients.

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

The second is exercise habits. Long-term sedentary inactivity can make people obese, and in severe cases, it can lead to diabetes. So whether you're at home or working, it's important to stay active. For example, walking or jogging briskly, or commuting by bicycle keeps your body in a constant state of burning.

Then there's psychological adjustment. If you are anxious and depressed for a long time, your body will be in a state of high tension for a long time, which will aggravate insulin resistance. It is best to do more relaxation training and make friends to decompress.

Finally, there is weight control. Obesity and diabetes are twin brothers, and the two influence each other, creating a vicious circle. Only by adhering to a healthy lifestyle can you keep your weight within a reasonable range.

Life is a flower that blooms on us. If we are willing to cultivate it patiently and take care of it carefully, it will shine brightly and let us have a healthy life.

A 41-year-old man was diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor: I don't want the islets to be "sick", so I don't want to reach out for 3 things!

Instead of reactive treatment after the fact, it is better to start proactive prevention now. As long as we make up our minds, adjust our lifestyles, and maintain good habits, we will be able to stay away from the threat of diabetes and live a happy life!

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]