
In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class

author:Happiness Breeze I

In 1981, it was a turbulent era, the spring breeze of reform and opening up had just blown all over the land of China, and I, an ordinary rural female teacher, was facing a huge turning point in my life because of the problem of superbirth.

My name is Li Hong, I was 34 years old at the time, and I had been teaching Chinese in the town's middle school for more than 10 years. I love my job, I love the innocent children, and I love the feeling of imparting knowledge on the podium. However, all the good things came to an abrupt end that autumn.

In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class

At that time, the country began to implement the family planning policy, and I, because I was pregnant with my third child, became a "typical" of the policy. I was talked to by school leaders and told me that I had to make a choice: either give up on the child or give up my job as a teacher.

I came home and looked at my two young children with mixed feelings. My husband is an honest farmer, and although he didn't say anything, I knew he was worried about the future of the family.

After days and nights of painful struggle, I made a decision: I could not give up on my children, they were the continuation of my life, my hope. So, I submitted my resignation letter to the school.

The principal was in the office, and he took my resignation letter with a blank face, and at that moment, I felt like my heart was bleeding. I walked out of the office and walked down the familiar campus, looking at the children I had taught, tears blurring my eyes.

My resignation caused quite a stir at the school. Many teachers and students are shocked and puzzled, and they don't understand why a good teacher would be forced to leave because of something like this.

In my last class, the whole classroom was immersed in an atmosphere of sadness. I tried my best to control my emotions and started my teaching. But when I told the students that this would be my last lesson, the classroom burst into tears.

The squad leader Xiao Gang stood up, his eyes were red, and he almost choked up and said, "Teacher Li, you can't go, we can't live without you!" Other students also began to express their reluctance and dissatisfaction with the reality.

In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class

I stood on the podium, and my heart was filled with endless sorrow. I tell them that there are always choices in life, and sometimes we have to make sacrifices for more important things. I encourage them to be strong and brave to face the challenges ahead.

In that class, I didn't talk too much about textbook knowledge, but shared a lot of life lessons with the students. I told them to cherish the opportunity to learn, to respect life, and to be a responsible person.

When the bell rang, I packed up my lesson plans and textbooks and walked out of the classroom. The students spontaneously stood in a row and bowed goodbye to me. Holding back tears, I waved to them, silently wishing them all the best for the future.

After leaving school, I returned home and started a new life. Without my job as a teacher, I had to work for my family's livelihood. I got a job in a nearby factory, and although I had a small income, I was able to support my family's basic expenses.

My husband also works harder, he works hard in the fields in the hope of increasing his income. Although our life is hard, we feel warm by the mutual support and love of our families.

Working in the factory was very hard, and every day I had to deal with the sound of noisy machines and repetitive labor. I often miss my days on the podium and the lovely students. But I knew that I couldn't dwell on the past, I had to be strong in life.

In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class

As the days passed, my third child was born. His arrival brought new hope and joy to our family. Although life is still difficult, seeing his innocent smile, I feel that all the efforts are worth it.

The children grew up, and they were sensible and knew the sacrifices I made for the sake of my family. I am very pleased that they have worked hard and achieved excellent grades. I know that they are my pride and what keeps me going.

As time went on, I started trying to find new job opportunities. In my spare time, I learned some new skills in the hope of finding a better job and improving my family's living conditions.

After a lot of hard work, I finally got a job at the cultural station in the town. Although this job is not comparable to my previous career as a teacher, it has allowed me to rediscover my worth and dignity.

In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class

I was in charge of organizing cultural events and educational talks, which gave me the opportunity to get back to my passion for education. I work hard and use my knowledge and passion to impact more people.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the students I once taught have grown up. Some of them went on to university, and some became professionals from all walks of life. Every time I hear from them, I feel extremely proud and grateful.

I'm getting older, but I've never regretted my choice. I know that although my life is ordinary, I have contributed to my family and society in my own way.

In 1981, I was dismissed as a teacher for being a "superstudent", and the students cried in the last class