
22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

author:Tuan Tuan Fun Picture Diary
Introduction: The long history of mankind used to seem to be a fog intertwined with words, paintings and songs, making it difficult for people to get a glimpse of its full picture. But now, with the camera as a magic messenger, history is palpable, clear and real. With just a flick of the shutter, we can travel back in time and space to witness the vividness and vividness of those historical moments, not just the sound of them.

On September 11, 2001, the model in front of the camera was showing her graceful posture, but unexpectedly, a plane suddenly broke into the picture and flew straight into the Petronas Twin Towers, which frightened her into discoloration.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Times Square in New York in 1921 has long been full of traffic and brilliant lights, which is even more modern than modern times, and after reading it, it is really unbelievable.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

On October 23, 1943, Francesca Mann, an elegant Polish-Jewish dancer, was ruthlessly pushed into the gas chambers, the door of death, as soon as she stepped into Auschwitz. Her dance moves, at that moment, were frozen forever.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

The Thames Tunnel, which took the British 18 years to build in the mid-19th century, just to solve the trouble of traffic congestion. Today, it is still being used again, even after two centuries.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In 1945, the smoke of World War II dissipated, and France regained its former glory. However, those French women who had "flattered" the German army became "thorns" in the hearts of men. They mercilessly shaved off the women's hair and paraded them through the streets.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In 2016, the Cincinnati Zoo staged a "Horror of the Apes." A four-year-old child accidentally intrudes into the territory of the silverback gorilla Harambe, causing an "unexpected encounter". Harambe just came closer to observe out of curiosity, but it caused the crowd around him to scream in panic. Although the "King of the Jungle" had no ill intentions, out of concern for the child's safety, the staff reluctantly took "extreme measures" against Harambe and shot him.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

On a train in Pakistan in 1983, waiters shuttled from carriage to carriage to bring passengers a hot breakfast. Compared with the crowded carriages, the carriages are much more spacious, as if they are two worlds.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In 1959, the United States set off a storm of youth, and the 14-year-old supermodel Betty Brossmer became a beautiful model in the hearts of the people with her golden body ratio of "96-53-91".

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

On September 3, 1967, the rules of the road in Sweden changed dramatically, and the left went to the right. Unfortunately, some people didn't read the newspaper, and as a result, the traffic was paralyzed that day like a large parking lot.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In Siberia in the 1930s, when sunlight was scarce, in order to strengthen the physical fitness of children, the locals came up with the ingenuity of letting them gather in a circle and enjoy a special "sunbathing" – the illumination of ultraviolet lamps.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

These lucky people who were "lightly kissed" by the flames are not ordinary "scorched" guests, but artistic treasures heroically rescued in Madame Tussauds, and their value is immeasurable.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

This is a high-caste beauty who made a big splash at Holi in India. In India, the whiter the skin, the more likely it is to be a high caste, and vice versa.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Who would have thought that with such rapid technological advancement, photos that used to be washed and faded can now be rejuvenated like magic, regaining their former glory. It's breathtaking!

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Korean actress Jing was born beautiful, but she fell into the whirlpool of plastic surgery and pursued the ultimate beauty. It is rumored that she was addicted to plastic surgery and dared to inject cooking oil into her face, and as a result, "painting a tiger does not become an anti-dog", her face is distorted, which is embarrassing.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan in the 70s of the 20th century, a group of female college students used to stroll gracefully through the streets with a smile and confidence. Who would have thought that in today's war-torn and devastated land, there were such bright figures as them.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

When the 13th-century Scottish philosopher John Dunce Scott began wearing conical hats, his followers also began wearing conical hats, and they soon became known as "Dunsman".

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Hepburn and White Dove, the duo is like an angel incarnation. As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, she has traveled to Africa several times to bring hope and warmth to the children there.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Manute Ball, the basket keeper of the 80s of the 20th century, dominated the NBA with his proud height, like a giant tower under the basket, which is awe-inspiring.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

In 1872, in a liquor store, an assistant immobilized a patient's head with a towel while a "dentist" extracted a tooth with forceps. I think the patient's hands and feet should be immobilized, otherwise it will be easy to be conditioned.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

Ugandan man Musa Hassaya can be called the monarch of the "family empire", sitting on 12 beauties, children like clouds, and nearly 100 family members. However, this winner in life also has sweet troubles, he jokes that there are many children in the family, names are often confused, and sometimes even have to be carefully identified to recognize his treasure.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

The Katy Highway in Texas is the widest in the world, with 26 lanes widened in 2008. Just imagine, driving on such a highway, there should be no more trouble with traffic jams.

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

A deceptively simple but challenging puzzle that is said to be solved by only 1% of the world's population. Do you dare to take on the challenge?

22 photos of "live for a long time", the world is wonderful, and after reading it, your knowledge will be greatly increased

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