
Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

author:Fish fun entertainment

Could it be that Da S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun is not interested in Gu Junye, why is it?

Hello, did you hear that? Recently, the Taiwanese media exposed a big news!

It is said that Xu Yajun, the brother-in-law of Big S, is not interested in the familiar Gu Junye at all!

What's going on here? Don't worry, let's find out.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

Xu Yajun's indifferent attitude

Xu Yajun's indifferent attitude is indeed puzzling, especially on a performance occasion.

Maybe he has his own reasons, such as not liking big scenes or not feeling like being in the spotlight.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

However, this behavior may also convey his attitude towards Gu Junye.

Maybe he wasn't very interested in Gu Junye, or maybe there was some kind of unpleasant thing between them.

Maybe this was just a temporary decision, and he didn't deliberately be unfriendly to Gu Junye.

Either way, this behavior will spark speculation about his thoughts and feelings.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

Perhaps future interactions will give us more answers, but for now, it's just a mystery.

Compare Wang Xiaofei's enthusiasm

The relationship between Xu Yajun and Wang Xiaofei has always been regarded as intimate, and they interact frequently and seem to have a good tacit understanding.

Whenever Wang Xiaofei has a new trend, such as opening a restaurant or participating in an event, Xu Yajun always actively cheers, as if she is an iron buddy.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

This level of intimacy makes it seem like there is indeed a genuine friendship between them.

However, when Gu Junye was active, Xu Yajun seemed indifferent, and could even be said to be dismissive.

This has sparked speculation: Could it be that he has any objections to Big S's marriage?

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

Could it be that he doesn't look down on Gu Junye's entertainment industry? This contrast makes people feel that there seems to be a lot of tricks behind it.

Some people may think that Xu Yajun may have his own views on Da S's marriage, or he may not be interested in Gu Junye's entertainment industry.

But this explanation does not fully explain the intimate relationship between him and Wang Xiaofei before.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

Perhaps he had his own reasons for selectively participating in certain activities, but the real motive behind this behavior remains a mystery.

Probably only he knows.

What do you think?

Xu Yajun's attitude has indeed triggered people's thinking and discussion.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

In the entertainment industry, celebrity interactions often become a topic of conversation, especially when it comes to marriage and friendship.

Some people may think that Xu Yajun is not interested in Gu Junye's entertainment industry, or feels incompatible with his own life, so he selectively participates.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

Others may speculate that he disagrees with Big S's marriage choice or is dissatisfied with Big S's marital status.

However, this is just speculation and assumption on our part from the outside world.

Everyone has their own lives and values, and we can't easily judge the choices of others.

Perhaps Xu Yajun has her own reasons and considerations to selectively participate in certain activities or occasions.

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

In this era of public opinion, we should respect everyone's personal space and choices, rather than over-interpreting and speculating on other people's ideas and motives.


That's our exclusive reveal for today! Xu Yajun's indifferent attitude towards Gu Junye was surprising.

What is the situation of Big S's marriage? The story behind this is yet to be revealed.

Let's wait and see and stay tuned to this topic!

Taiwan media picked it up: Now even Big S's brother-in-law Xu Yajun doesn't look down on Gu Junye from the bottom of his heart

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