
Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

author:It is very ornamental

Western culture has always been regarded as an object of learning and emulation by many countries, and its influence is enormous.

Western culture, especially its condescending posture, has put other countries in a state of self-doubt.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

Whether it is in terms of environmental protection, scientific and technological development, or social governance, Western standards are always there, waiting for other countries to catch up. But when these countries do make a difference, there will be another 180-degree turn in the attitude of the West.

When China has not yet vigorously developed new energy sources, the West has criticized China as a major source of global pollution; When China began to invest huge sums of money in wind and solar energy, some Western commentators questioned the efficiency and usefulness of new energy sources and labeled them as "industrial waste".

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

When China implements strict social management measures to effectively maintain social stability, Western media often accuse China of "sacrificing freedom". Conversely, when there is a security problem in a certain part of China, these media will hype up China as the "source of disaster".

China's high-speed rail system is the most advanced in the world, but some voices in the West say it is a "waste of history". When China is building airports in the western region to boost regional economic development, there are voices questioning the practical utility of this approach, mockingly saying that "people are still grazing, why should airports be built".

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

China's strict policies have curtailed the circulation and use of drugs, but there are still comments in the West accusing the practice of "depriving individuals of their free choice." All of this reflects the ambivalence of Western culture in the face of China's rise.

They want China to play by their standards; But when China does achieve by these standards, they question the value of those achievements.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

China has not stopped its pace. It has made use of its national strength, historical heritage, and huge population advantages to constantly explore a development path suitable for itself. China has made large-scale investments in both traditional and new energy sources.

It has also achieved remarkable results in social governance, public safety and infrastructure construction. This achievement has given the world a glimpse of a China that is different from the Western narrative, a confident and dynamic emerging superpower.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

In terms of cultural self-confidence, China is also trying to reshape the global perception. Through a series of international cultural exchanges and opening-up policies, China is bringing its own story and its own voice to every corner of the world. This is the most powerful rebuff to the "Western cultural centrism".

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

In the face of various doubts and challenges from Western culture, China has not chosen to back down or compromise. It has demonstrated its unique approach to problem-solving and its ability to reach social consensus through practical actions. This is a response to the outside world, but also a kind of cultural self-confidence and self-affirmation internally.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

The Western world cannot ignore China's tremendous successes in various fields; But these successes continue to challenge their long-standing perceptions of cultural, political, and economic superiority. This shift in mindset can be seen in a series of criticisms and doubts.

China is constantly searching for and shaping its place in this global cultural dynamic. Whether it is active internationally or confidently expressing its cultural exports, China is telling the world that a new era of diversity, inclusiveness and vitality has arrived.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

This culture's self-confidence doesn't come out of nowhere. It is based on China's ongoing domestic efforts and international cooperation. From high-speed rail and new energy to film and literature, China is redefining the meaning of modernization in its own way. All this is something that Western culture cannot give.

Western culture is no longer synonymous with advancement, but should be swept into the garbage of history

In this ever-changing world, the power of culture cannot be underestimated. It can shape a country's image, influence international relations, and even change the direction of the world. China's rise is not only the rise of economy and military, but also the rise of culture. Neither supporters nor critics can deny this.

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