
Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

There has always been no shortage of imitators and followers in the entertainment industry, especially when some well-known artists fall into controversy or unfortunately pass away for various reasons, there will always be some people who take the opportunity to gain popularity and make profits in the name of imitation. Recently, Wu, a short video blogger cos, became popular overnight because of his high similarity. Was this unintentional, or was it deliberate?

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

After Wu was imprisoned for sexual assault and other crimes, he lived out of the public eye. But recently, a blogger who looks like him suddenly became popular on the Internet. This blogger cos Wu's appearance after being imprisoned, shaved his head and wearing striped clothes, and singing "Big Bowl of Wide Noodles" on a sewing machine, looking like a prisoner. What's more, he also invited a group performance to stage various prison scenes to attract attention.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

It is undeniable that this blogger has indeed identified the pain points and breaking points. He attracted a large number of melon-eating people with a very visually impactful image, and the number of fans skyrocketed for a while, and the gift income was quite large. However, this eye-catching approach is not only contrary to morality and ethics, but also suspected of infringing on the portrait rights of others, and it is difficult to escape the fate of being banned.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In fact, imitating celebrities is nothing new. Years ago, the Beatles impersonators performed on the streets of Liverpool, earning the hearts of tourists and fans alike. In recent years, with the rise of short video platforms, celebrity imitators from all walks of life have sprung up. From Huang Jiaju to Leslie Cheung, from Anita Mui to Leslie, they use similar makeup, dress and performance styles to try to restore the style of their idols.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

But the question is, do we really need these "stand-ins"? Chasing stars and nostalgia, what is the picture?

Before his death, Huang Jiaju once explained his musical philosophy as follows: "Music is not a masquerade, we don't need masks, because music must be performed with sincerity and enthusiasm." As the soul of the band Beyond, he has devoted his life to music creation. From "The Earth" to "I Really Love You", from "Glorious Years" to "Like You", one popular song after another shines with his talent and ideals. Even in the Hong Kong music scene, where love is sung, he can write works full of family and country feelings, which have touched countless audiences.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Huang Jiaju is a fighter who does not follow the crowd, he uses music to resist the world and suffering, and he is also fighting against fate. In his short and legendary life, he always adhered to his original intention and chased his dreams, a precious spiritual wealth that no imitator could reach.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

The same goes for Leslie Cheung. has been in the film for more than 30 years, and with his superb acting skills and outstanding musical talent, he has created classic roles and sung countless popular songs. Even if he is caught in scandals and controversies, he always maintains a pure heart and warms the world in his own way. Leslie Cheung interprets the meaning of idols in his own way, that is, to use his works to move people's hearts and bring happiness and hope to the public with his personality charm.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

On the other hand, those imitators who are gaining popularity, they are just consuming the feelings of deceased stars and using the cheapest way to win attention. They may be able to attract some followers and earn some tips in a short period of time, but they will not be able to last long. Because they simply can't understand the heart of the idol, let alone convey the spirit of the idol.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In the age of entertainment to death, we really shouldn't pursue this kind of impetuous practice. A good society needs more models like Huang Jiaju and Leslie Cheung who use their works to shape classics and influence others with their personalities. We need to learn from their courage, tenacity, enthusiasm and innovation, rather than indulging in the fanaticism of "stand-in".

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Every era needs its own spiritual symbols, they light up the night sky with their talents, and warm people's hearts with ideals. The real imitation is not a simple image, but internalizing the excellent qualities of idols in one's heart, and influencing more people with practical actions. Only in this way can we comfort the superstars in the sky and continue their never-extinguishing spiritual fire.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In addition to Wu, some bloggers who imitate the late superstar have also frequently appeared on hot searches. Among them, the "stand-in" of Beyond lead singer Huang Jiaju is too numerous to mention. Dressed in Wong's signature white shirt and jeans, they played an acoustic guitar and performed Beyond's songs with familiar voices, instantly evoking the collective memories of countless fans.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

But when you think about it, is this nostalgia really appropriate? What fans want, is it really an "imitation"? Huang Jiaju's brother Huang Guanzhong once expressed puzzlement about this. He believes that although imitators look alike, they are often far from each other in terms of inner temperament and spiritual pursuit. "Everyone should be true to themselves and play to their own characteristics, rather than deliberately imitating others. My brother was most disgusted by this practice when he was alive because he encouraged originality and promoted uniqueness. "

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In fact, the reason why Huang Jiaju can become a generation of music giants is not just by appearance and voice. More importantly, he is full of idealism and his persistent and pure pursuit of music. Whether it is "Glorious Years", which reflects the spirit of the times, or "I Really Love You", which praises maternal love, Huang Jiaju touches the audience with the most sincere emotions. As he sang in "Endless Emptiness": "In the vicissitudes of life / I only seek a root / Don't forget that endless journey". This kind of adherence to ideals and beliefs is a spiritual height that cannot be achieved by any imitation.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Another member of Beyond, Ye Shirong, also called out to the imitators: "I hope you can learn from Jiaju's love, talent and creativity, and not just imitate his voice and clothes." Imitation is always imitation, you have to be the most authentic self, just like Jiaju, and have the courage to explore your own music path. "

It is true that cultural inheritance requires a certain amount of imitation and learning, but the most important thing is to absorb the essence of predecessors and carry them forward. As Takeshi Kitano said, "Imitation must aim for transcendence, otherwise it will lose its meaning." The real inheritance is to forge ahead on the road opened up by idols, interpret tradition with innovation, and enrich theory with practice. If it is just a simple copy and mechanical imitation, it will only deviate from the original intention and lose oneself in the end.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Some people say that if you like a star, you should support his "stand-in", so that everyone can feel the charm of idols. But is that really the case? Blindly indulging in the illusory pleasure created by "imitations", can we really get solace in the soul?

The Dutch scholar Johann Hoizinha wrote in his book "The Game of Man" that many human behaviors, including artistic creation, can be regarded as a kind of game. But the game has its boundaries and rules, and once crossed, it can be uncomfortable and offensive. According to this logic, the overconsumption of deceased celebrities is undoubtedly an emotional game, but they clearly touch the boundaries of morality and law.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In fact, driven by profits, some imitators even began to maliciously hype up and create topics, which eventually led to tragedy. In the 90s of the last century, there was an incident in Hong Kong where the imitator Nie Xiaoqian committed suicide, which made people sigh. A healthy society should not be kidnapped by excessive imitation and entertainment, but should encourage diversity and tolerate differences, so that each individual can find their own stage in life.

It is not difficult for us to find that every era has its own spiritual icons and cultural symbols. They wrote the times with their unique talents and personality charm, and also influenced and changed future generations.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In the 80s of the last century, Cui Jian's song "Nothing" sang all over the country, and he shouted out the confusion and anger of several generations, and became the pioneer and leader of Chinese rock music. "Actually, like you, I know the world from nothing / In the end, I still have nothing, and I have nothing without you." This kind of thorough rebellious spirit and criticism of reality precisely speaks of the youthful memories of that special era.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In the 90s, underground rock bands represented by Dou Wei emerged, they inherited the mantle of Cui Jian and other predecessors, and gave rock and roll a more cutting-edge and diverse connotation. From "Advanced Animals" to "Sunny Days", Dou Wei has integrated personal struggles, social impetuousness, and the depression of the times into his music creation, which has resonated with a new generation of young people. It is with this vigorous creativity and distinctive personal style that Dou Wei single-handedly ushered in a new era of Chinese rock.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

In the new century, with the advent of the Internet age, the relationship between musicians and listeners has undergone revolutionary changes. Some independent musicians have begun to create and distribute independently through online platforms, and have direct conversations with fans. For example, folk singer Ma Di, who did not sign with any record company, but used new media to spread his music and quickly accumulated a large number of fans. From "Nanshan Nan" to "Proud Cold", Ma Di uses a simple and penetrating singing voice to express the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people, and sing the emotional experience of this generation.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

The reason why these musicians can become the spiritual idols of a generation is not only their amazing talents, but also their humanistic feelings and family and country emotions. No matter how the times change, music has always carried the mission of leading fashion and soothing the soul. As Joseph Conrad said, "The artist's vocation is to look at the world with the most unique perspective and finally give meaning to it."

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

On the other hand, at present, the tendency of entertainment to death is intensifying, various imitation shows and star-making programs are emerging in an endless stream, and the "Internet celebrity" economy is popular. Under the coercion of capital and traffic, many artists and amateurs are eyeballs, and they do not hesitate to sell their privacy and consume human nature, and finally become slaves of desire. This impetuous, vain, and short-sighted atmosphere is obviously contrary to the original intention of music.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Let us return to Huang Jiaju and Leslie Cheung again, who interpret the meaning of idols in their own way: that is, they have dreams, are down-to-earth, and never stop on the road of pursuing artistic ideals. Even if you fall into a trough, you must grit your teeth and move forward; Even in the face of slander, you must be sure of yourself. "The ideal is always there, and the spirit is eternal", this is the most valuable spiritual wealth left by Huang Jiaju to future generations.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Needless to say, in this era of entertainment first, it is becoming more and more difficult for us to find music that is rooted in life and higher than life, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find those idols who are persistently striving for their ideals. But I still believe that as long as you have faith, keep your feet on the ground, and move forward tenaciously on the road of chasing your dreams, you will definitely be able to create works worthy of the times, and you will definitely become a benchmark and beacon of this era.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

Let us return to ourselves from the imitators, look at this noisy era with the double eyes of appreciation and criticism, and forge ahead on the road of truth, goodness and beauty. Because only in this way can we be worthy of the gaze of superstars such as Huang Jiaju and Leslie Cheung in the spirit of the sky, so that the sages can smile and continue to warm the world with singing.

Canada's "Wu" recent situation exposed? stepped on the sewing machine live and sang "Big Bowl Wide Noodles"?

"I hope that in your own position, you will use music to influence more people, transmit more light and heat, be a singer of the times, and sing the ideal melody." Huang Jiaju, who was wearing round-framed glasses, said.

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