
"Clams" is not pronounced gě lì, nor há lì, many people mispronounce it, what should be read

author:A guest history said

There is a delicious taste that is known as "the freshest in the world", and its name is clams. Its meat is delicious and evocative, making it a standout among seafood.

However, as delicious and nutritious as it is, there is one question that has been bothering people – how should its name be pronounced?

In a small town called Yuyang, there lives a group of residents who love seafood.

"Clams" is not pronounced gě lì, nor há lì, many people mispronounce it, what should be read

When night falls, the streets of the town are filled with the smell of clams. Residents sit around campfires by the sea, savoring the delicious clams and arguing about its correct pronunciation.

"I think it should be pronounced 'gě lì'!" An old man swore that he was a famous fisherman in the town, and that he caught a lot of clams every day.

"No, no, it's supposed to be 'há lì'!" A young scholar retorted, holding an ancient book in his hand and arguing with reason.

The two had their own opinions and argued. The surrounding residents were also divided into two factions, some supported the old man, and some sided with the scholars. The town is filled with a strong atmosphere of debate, like an academic seminar on the pronunciation of clams.

"Clams" is not pronounced gě lì, nor há lì, many people mispronounce it, what should be read

At this moment, a mysterious traveler walked into the town of Yuyang. He was dressed in a robe and held a folding fan, and his temperament was extraordinary. After hearing the argument in the town, he came over with a smile and said, "Guys, you have all read it wrong. ”

"Oh? In my opinion, how should we read it? The old man asked curiously.

The mysterious traveler shook the folding fan lightly and said slowly, "The correct pronunciation of clams should be 'gé lí'. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. They had never heard of this reading and were skeptical. However, the mysterious traveler explained confidently: "As you know, Li Shizhen once said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": 'Clams are beneficial to others, hence the name clams.'" The word 'clam' is often pronounced as 'gé' and '蜊' as 'lí' in ancient rhyme books. Therefore, the correct pronunciation of 'clams' should be 'gé lí'. ”

"Clams" is not pronounced gě lì, nor há lì, many people mispronounce it, what should be read

After listening to the mysterious traveler's explanation, everyone showed a sudden realization expression. It turns out that their pronunciation has been wrong all along! The old man said with emotion: "I really live to be old and learn to be old!" When I met Mr. today, I knew that my knowledge was shallow. ”

The scholar also lowered his head in shame: "Thank you Mr. for your advice, the little student has been taught." ”

The mysterious traveler smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome. In fact, knowledge is like an ocean, in which each of us swims. Sometimes, we need to be brave enough to admit our mistakes in order to embrace the wider world. ”

Since that day, the residents of Yuyang Town no longer argue about the pronunciation of clams.

They asked the mysterious traveler for other knowledge, and the learning atmosphere in the town became stronger and stronger. And the mysterious traveler also settled in the town and became a respected scholar.

"Clams" is not pronounced gě lì, nor há lì, many people mispronounce it, what should be read

One day a few years later, the town of Yuyang held a grand celebration. Residents gather to enjoy delicious clams. They raised their glasses and thanked the mysterious traveler for bringing them the light of knowledge.

And the traveler also said with emotion: "Actually, I am also moving forward on the road of learning. It was your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn that made me decide to stay here and make progress with you. ”

The festivities continue until late at night, and the town is filled with joy and peace. And the name "clam" has since become a good story in Yuyang Town, and has become an eternal memory.


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