
Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


Passionate monologue in front of the stele

Fan Xian stood in front of the stone stele, holding a rag in his hand, and the force was so fierce that it seemed to wipe all the injustices and injustices clean.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

Every time I rub it, it is like fighting against the incomprehension and unfairness of this world. The dust on the stele seemed to be blurred little by little with his movements, but the words engraved on the stele became clearer and clearer.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

These words record not only history, but also the cry and struggle in Fan Xian's heart. He didn't cry out loud, he didn't roar angrily, but he showed his indomitability to the world in another way.

Bitter memories of the family feast


Recalling the scene at the emperor's family banquet, Fan Xian's every speech was full of thoughtfulness and sincere expectation. He bet all his chips like a gambler, just in exchange for a so-called "Mingjun" possibility.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

But the wheel of fate turned cruelly, and what he was expecting, did not come. A kneeling at a family banquet is a compromise of reality, a choice that has to be made in the game of negotiation and power. But this time, he lost, completely lost, and even the last glimmer of hope in his heart was shattered.

A mixture of passion and disappointment


Those grievances and anger that had accumulated for a long time erupted like a peak at the moment when they wiped the stele. Fan Xian is trying to find an outlet, a way to release his inner dissatisfaction and helplessness.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

He seemed to find some kind of comfort in the act of wiping the stone tablet, as if it would prove that despite the injustice of the world, his own faith and justice have never wavered. But the indifference and ruthlessness of reality make even the smallest effort seem so powerless.

Tenacity in a broken monument


Every word on the inscription tells about Fan Xian's inner struggle and persistence. Although he was in the vortex of power, he was never willing to leave his ideals behind.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

In that moment of collapse, Fan Xian showed his vulnerability, but more importantly, it was an unyielding dedication to ideals. The stone monument in his heart is not for others, but a benchmark in his own heart, no matter what, he wants to let it shine and let it witness his determination to fight against fate.

Fan Xian's interpretation in the Internet era


On the other side of the keyboard and screen, netizens enthusiastically discussed Fan Xian's every move. Some people see their own shadow in him and feel the importance of maintaining faith in the face of setbacks and difficulties.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

Some people are discussing whether Fan Xian would tweet #rub the stone tablet # to express his emotions if he had modern social media.

Laughing about Fan Xian's indecency

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

The climax of the discussion is all sorts of hilarious hypotheticals. "If Fan Xian has the opportunity to participate in a variety show, will the program team prepare a stone tablet for him to wipe?" "If Fan Xian were alive today, would he open a stone tablet cleaning service?" These nonsensical discussions make Fan Xian's image more three-dimensional and more down-to-earth. Fan Xian's decent collapse is no longer a distant history, but a story that lives around everyone.



In the Internet era, Fan Xian's image has been given a new connotation. His decent collapse is not only a kind of reminiscence of the past story, but also a kind of sustenance for modern people under the pressure of reality.

Fan Xian's decent collapse: the controversy behind the angry stone stele!

Everyone can be a fan of injustice, and in the face of injustice, choose to fight in their own way. The Internet, on the other hand, offers a whole new way to interpret and discuss these stories. Maybe we all need a stone tablet to wipe and release those unspeakable emotions.