
Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

author:Life is not very exciting

At a recent forum, an expert named Ma Jiantang came to a startling conclusion: people aged 60-70 are called "young and elderly". This view has caused widespread controversy and discussion. Some people believe that people who are past their prime-year should enjoy retirement and not devote themselves to work again. They argue that this is not only unfair to the older people themselves, but also puts more pressure on the younger generation to find employment. So, is re-employment at the age of 60-70 really bullying? I think so, do you want people to live until they are old?

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Why do experts say this: 60-70 years old people have accumulated a lot of work experience and expertise. They have a strong background in their field and are proficient in a variety of career skills. People of this age group have experienced the vicissitudes and developments of society, and their insights are unique and valuable. They are a treasure in the business and can bring innovation, stability and growth to the company. Despite being over 60 years old, people in their 60s and 70s are still full of energy, good health, and a vigorous mental state keeps them enthusiastic about their work. Bringing them back to the workforce will not only help them stay physically and mentally healthy, but will also inject more positive energy into society as a whole. Nowadays, the cost of living is gradually increasing, and retirement funds do not meet the needs of the elderly. By returning to work, older people can reduce their financial burden, increase their sources of income, and enjoy social security and benefits.

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Are you surprised to hear that 60-70 year olds are called "young and elderly"? This new term is really refreshing. Sure enough, an expert is an expert, and you can find the problem at once! Solving their employment is solving the problem of age discrimination! For a long time, Chinese people generally attach importance to age, and in the job market, they are more favored by young people. This has led to great employment pressure and hardship for people aged 60-70. Experts believe that we need to get rid of this mindset, face up to the need for re-employment at the age of 60-70, and eliminate age discrimination. However, the experts are comparing everyone's sixty or seventy years old with themselves! You yourself have been sitting in the office every day for sixty or seventy years, blowing air conditioners, drinking tea, and going out to brag about it, and the money is in hand! It's good, why embarrass others? Rather than saying this, it is better to see how many companies in China are hiring people under the age of 35! In addition to their age, they are not as old as the elderly, and their abilities are not bad, they can't find a job, and they still want the 60-70 elderly to find a job, what do you think? If there are fewer such people in society, it feels like a huge social progress!

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!
Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

An expert's sentence of young and elderly people has broken the defense for countless netizens!

Netizen: As we all know, 6-70 years old is the age when you can always break through!

Netizen: It is recommended to retire at the age of 35, re-enter the job at the age of 65, and start receiving a pension at 75!

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Netizen: It turns out that I am in my forties, and I am still a teenager!

Netizen: 35 old young people, 60 young people, old and strong!

Netizen: Can you solve the problem of reemployment at the age of 35-50?

Netizen: I don't agree, I think it should be 70-80 to belong to the young and the elderly!

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Netizen: 80-85 are young and old 85-90 are middle-aged and old people More than 90 are old and old, how can China have any aging? I can work for two years after entering the coffin!

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Netizen: 35 is not allowed to use, 60-70 is encouraged. What's going on!

Expert: 60-70 years old are "young and old", they can continue to work! Netizens broke the defense!

Who are you bullying your own people? Why is there such a voice, because the pensions of specialists are too small, just give them more!


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