
Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world


The Nobel Prize is one of the most respected and recognized awards worldwide, covering 6 fields including physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace, and economics.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

The importance of the Nobel Prize lies in its wide recognition and extremely high reputation, and these awards are seen as recognition of the outstanding contributions made by scientists, writers, pacifists, etc., in their respective fields.

As of 2023, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to 1,000 individuals and 24 groups, of which 4 individuals and 1 group (UNHCR) have won the Nobel Prize twice, and 1 group (the Red Cross) has won the Nobel Prize three times. The prize money is 11 million Swedish kronor, which is about 7.9 million yuan or about 1.1 million US dollars.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

The top 10 countries in the world with the most Nobel Prizes are as follows.

10. Austria

Austria, located in Europe, has a strong industrial base and an advanced industrial system. As of 2023, Austria has a total of 25 Nobel laureates.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

9. Russia

Located in Europe and Asia, Russia is the largest country in terms of area, with huge resources and a strong military. As of 2023, the number of Nobel laureates in Russia is 26.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

8. Canada

Canada is located in North America, the second largest country in the world in terms of area, with abundant natural resources and a developed economy. As of 2023, the number of Nobel laureates in Canada is 27.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

7, Japan

Japan is located in Asia, and it is very powerful in terms of military, economy, science and technology industry. As of 2023, 29 Japanese have won the Nobel Prize.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

6. Switzerland

Located in Europe, Switzerland is a highly developed industrial country and one of the richest countries in the world. Although Switzerland has a relatively small population, it has produced a significant number of Nobel Prize winners. As of 2023, the number of Nobel Prizes in Switzerland is 30.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

5. Sweden

Located in Europe, Sweden is a developed capitalist country and the host of the Nobel Prize. As of 2023, Sweden has 34 Nobel laureates.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

4. France

Located in Europe, France is an important political and military power in the world, with a strong manufacturing and financial services sector. As of 2023, the number of Nobel laureates in France is 76.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

3. Germany

Located in Europe, Germany is one of the most important economies in the world, with a strong manufacturing and financial services sector. As of 2023, the number of Nobel laureates in Germany is 115.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

2, United Kingdom

Located in Europe, the United Kingdom is one of the oldest powers in the world, with strong financial and military power. As of 2023, the number of Nobel laureates in the UK is 139.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

1. The United States

Located in North America, the United States is the fourth largest economy and military power in the world. As of 2023, the United States has won 409 Nobel Prizes, a number far ahead of the rest of the world. These figures show that the United States has a significant advantage in the number of Nobel laureates, far more than other countries.

Ranking of the countries with the most Nobel laureates in the world

The awarding of the Nobel Prize plays a significant role in raising public awareness of the importance of science, literature and peace, as well as promoting the development of related fields. The importance of the Nobel Prize lies not only in its recognition of individual achievements, but also in its profound impact on global academic, cultural and scientific progress.

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