
Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

author:Sharp-eyed life

My neighbor Lao Li, he is a lover of fish and meat, and he has to have a meal of braised fish, steamed fish or something every once in a while. But lately, he has been telling me, why does he feel that something is wrong with his body? I wondered, and when I asked, I found out that he eats all kinds of fish, regardless of whether there are heavy metals or not.

This has to be said, although fish is nutritious, it also has to be picked. For example, fish that live in polluted waters, or deep-sea fish that are particularly large, can contain heavy metals. So you have to eat fish more leisurely, don't send any fish to your mouth!

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

So which fish should be eaten less? I'll talk to you about it again, remember to pay attention, don't miss the exciting content!

Nutritional value of fish

Fish is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, which are essential for human health.

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

High-quality protein helps boost immunity, unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA promote brain development, improve memory and cognitive function, and multivitamins help maintain normal metabolism and function of the body.

The Chinese Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults should consume 300-525 grams of fish products per week. Choosing non-fried cooking methods such as steaming can better preserve the nutritional value of the fish, reduce the intake of fat, and be more conducive to health.

The Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are not only beneficial for cardiovascular health, but also help reduce inflammation, support brain health, improve vision, and promote fetal development.

Fish is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which are also very important for bone health and immune function.

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

How to consume fish reasonably in daily life

Choose oily fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna, and sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and help protect heart health. Oily fish are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Avoid overly processed fish, such as salted and cured fish, which may be high in salt and nitrite, and long-term consumption may increase the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer.

Choosing fresh fish and using healthy cooking methods, such as steaming, stewing, etc., can better preserve the nutritional value of fish and reduce adverse health effects.

Avoid large deep-sea fish, such as sharks and swordfish, which may be high in heavy metals and may be detrimental to health if consumed for a long time.

Choose smaller deep-sea fish, such as mackerel, sardines, etc., which contain less heavy metals and are safer and healthier.

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

Tips for eating fish

Don't buy fish with cloudy and collapsed eyes: Fresh fish, the eyeballs are generally full, will not collapse, and the corneal layer of the eye is transparent and reflective.

If you go to the vegetable market to buy fish, and you see the kind of fish that does not shine brightly, and is cloudy with blood, it is better not to buy it. In addition, whether the gills of the fish are still bright red can also tell whether the fish is fresh or not.

Don't buy fish that are too big: The size of the fish generally symbolizes the age of the fish. The older the fish, the more toxins accumulate in the brain and skin, especially mercury.

Excessive intake of elemental mercury can affect the nerves of the brain and may seriously affect physical development. Smaller fish toxins are less and taste more delicious.

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

Freshly killed fish is left for two hours: the fish meat will have an acid removal process, and the freshly killed fish is not the best quality. Leave the fish for one to two hours and the meat will be more delicious when cooked. This makes the fish softer in fibre and tastes better.

Steamed fish is healthier: Compared with frying fish, steamed fish can not only maintain the nutrients and vitamins of the fish, but also the low-salt, low-oil cooking method is more beneficial to health, especially for people with three highs, the steaming method is more friendly.

Steaming fish is not only easy and quick, but it also preserves the freshness and nutrition of the fish, making it a healthy cooking option.

As a delicious and nutritious food, fish should have an important place in the daily diet.

Consuming fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids two to three times a week not only boosts immunity and lowers blood lipids, but also protects against cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

Is it good for your body to eat fish often? These kinds of fish should be eaten sparingly, or contain heavy metals, don't be greedy

When choosing fish, care should be taken to avoid over-processed and deep-sea large fish to ensure that they are safe and healthy to eat. Through a reasonable diet, let the fish escort our health.

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