
California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

author:Essay by Junhiko

Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom has been on fire! The governor not only received a high-level reception from China, but also bluntly stated that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world will be", and directly called out the then President Trump after taking the oath of office. Who is this governor sacred? Let's take a look at this today!


First, let's talk about Gavin Newsom. He is a clear stream in the American political arena, holding California, the world's fifth-largest economy, and global landmarks such as Silicon Valley and Hollywood. But what impressed him the most was his courage to stand up to the president. Speaking of Trump, everyone understands that various policies are surging, but Governor Newsom was unmoved, and directly announced the expansion of California's health care policy, returning to the "Obama era". This move is undoubtedly a "provocation" against Trump, and it also shows the governor's courage.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

However, this governor is not blindly tough. His attitude towards China can be said to be very friendly. He has not only visited China many times, but also publicly expressed his support for Sino-US relations. This kind of attitude is quite rare in the current American political arena. After all, the relationship between China and the United States is a sensitive topic, and the slightest mistake can cause an uproar. But Governor Newsom dared to speak out, and this courage is not something that ordinary people can have.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

So, what kind of person is this governor? Some people say that he is a bridge between China and the United States, and has made great contributions to cooperation and exchanges between the two countries; Some people also say that he is a political lone ranger, ignoring the mainstream opinion of the United States and insisting on going his own way. Both of these claims make sense, but which is closer to the truth?

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

In my view, Governor Newsom is more of a leader with his own unique political insights and actions. He dared to confront the policies of the Trump administration and to engage in deep cooperation with China. This kind of courage and determination is not something that ordinary people can have. But at the same time, he also has to face pressure and doubts from all sides. After all, in a politically diverse country like the United States, it is almost impossible to do it all.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

So, what should we make of the California governor? I think the first thing to do is to recognize his courage and determination. In today's era full of challenges and opportunities, those who dare to challenge authority and dare to follow their own path are worthy of our admiration. Second, we also need to see his efforts to promote cooperation between California and the United States and China. After all, cooperation is a win-win situation, which is an eternal truth.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

Of course, there are also dissenting views on Governor Newsom's approach and views. After all, everyone has their own position and point of view. But in any case, we should respect the choices and decisions of others. After all, in this world, there is no absolute right or wrong, only suitable and unsuitable.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

In conclusion, California Governor Newsom is a controversial figure. He dared to challenge authority and follow his own path, and at the same time made great contributions to promoting Sino-US cooperation. Whether you are for him or against him, you should respect his choices and decisions. After all, in this pluralistic world, we need more voices and perspectives to drive social progress and development.

California Governor Newsom: Dare to directly call the president, saying that "the more successful China is, the more successful the world is"

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