
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?

author:Single-minded kitten yl
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?
10 manifestations of lack of heart eye, compare, do you have it?

On an ordinary evening, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the bustling streets, and people were busy with each other, forming a vivid picture of the city. In this scene, Hao Chuanqing, a young man with a straightforward personality but sometimes a little "lacking in heart", is experiencing a series of interesting episodes in his life.

Hao Chuanqing is a warm-hearted, but his enthusiasm always carries a hint of "recklessness". That evening, he had just gotten off work from the company and was on his way home when his eyes were suddenly attracted to a poor kitten on the side of the road. The kitten's hair was dirty and thin, and Hao Chuanqing decided to take it home and take care of it.

He crouched down and called out to the kitten tenderly, and the kitten seemed to sense his kindness and slowly approached. Hao Chuanqing stretched out his hand to hug it, but unexpectedly, the kitten suddenly dodged, and he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. The people around couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw this, Hao Chuanqing was not annoyed, smiled awkwardly, and continued to try.

After some hard work, Hao Chuanqing finally held the kitten in his arms. He thought with joy that he was about to become a caring "shovel officer". However, just as he was about to get up to leave, he found that his phone had fallen to the ground at some point. He hurriedly picked up his phone, only to find that the screen had shattered.

"Hey, that's bad luck!" Hao Chuanqing sighed, but looked at the kitten in his arms, and couldn't help laughing. He thought to himself, maybe this is the so-called "gain and loss".

Hao Chuanqing returned home with the kitten and began to get busy. He first bathed the kitten, and then found some old clothes for him to put on. Looking at the kitten's new appearance, Hao Chuanqing's heart was full of joy. However, just as he was about to feed the kitten, he found that he had run out of cat food.

"What can I do?" Hao Chuanqing scratched his head and suddenly thought of an idea. He picked up his phone and began searching the internet for a nearby pet store. After some comparison, he chose a pet store with a good price and good reviews, and was ready to go to buy cat food.

Hao Chuanqing rode his bicycle and drove quickly to the pet store. However, he was in too much of a hurry to notice the road ahead. When he noticed a big pothole ahead, it was too late to brake. He could only rush over with his head down, and naturally fell on all fours.

"Ouch, my ass!" Hao Chuanqing covered his buttocks, grinning in pain. He struggled to get up, only to find that the chain of the bicycle had fallen off. He sighed helplessly, thinking that he was really "unlucky" today.

Hao Chuanqing pushed the bicycle and limped to the pet store. He bought cat food and borrowed tools to fix the bicycle chain. When he got home, it was past eight o'clock in the evening. Although physically and mentally exhausted, he felt that everything was worth it when he saw the kitten eating with relish.

At night, Hao Chuanqing lay on the bed, thinking about everything that happened today. He realizes that although he is warm-hearted, he always gets into some minor trouble because of his carelessness. He reflected on his actions and decided to change from now on.

"I can't always be so reckless," Hao Chuanqing said to himself, "I want to be more careful and more steady." He made up his mind and was ready for the day.

The next morning, Hao Chuanqing woke up early and began to prepare for the new day. He carefully examined his belongings to make sure nothing was missing; On the way to work, he also pays extra attention to the road conditions and the safety of his surroundings. He found himself more at ease and confident.

On this day, Hao Chuanqing did not have as "bad luck" as yesterday. He completed his work without any problems, and also helped a lost grandmother find her home. When he came home in the evening, he felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness that he had never felt before.

Hao Chuanqing's experience tells us that although everyone has some "lack of heart" performance, as long as we are willing to reflect and change our behavior, we will definitely be able to become better and better. There is no absolute "lack of heart" in life, only the continuous pursuit of progress and perfection.