
The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

author:Be a man with an attitude

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying: the world is indifferent, how can people's hearts be safe?

May 19th.

The sad news went viral on social media: an innocent boy had died from a dog bite.

What is even more infuriating and chilling is that the boy's mother suffered relentless online violence while suffering the pain of losing her child.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and this incident not only exposes the loopholes in social management, but also highlights the indifference and alienation of the people of the world.

In this incident, some netizens not only expressed indifference to the boy's death, but even spoke ill of the boy's mother, accusing her of failing to protect the child.

There are even people who scolded the victim's mother, saying that she deserved it, etc.

This kind of vexatious cyberbullying has undoubtedly brought secondary harm to the boy's mother, and people can't help but sigh that the world has become too strange.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

According to the data, the boy who died after being bitten by a dog went to the hospital for rabies vaccination after being injured, but the boy who received the rabies vaccine did not seem to be able to avoid the fate of death.

It is a pity and a pity.

For this matter, many people question that the vaccine may be useless, and in this regard, the vaccine-related units also said that they cannot guarantee 100% that the vaccine will be useful.

The vaccine does not guarantee against infection.

Such a statement has also aroused heated discussions.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

After the boy's death, the boy's mother stressed that after the accident, she had tried to keep her sanity and had not made trouble in the hospital or anywhere.

But her kindness was not exchanged for understanding and support, but also for everyone's cyberbullying and bad words.

It made her feel very incomprocal and difficult to accept.

Could it really be that this is really a disease of the world?

As a vulnerable group, the victims not only did not get the comfort they deserved, but were also harmed twice.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

Perhaps, the boy's mother was indeed at fault for failing to take care of the child and exposing him to danger.

But in the final analysis, it is not the boy's mother who is at fault, but the vicious dog and its owner.

In particular, the owner of the vicious dog, allowing the vicious dog to hurt people everywhere, should bear the main responsibility, not only need to be compensated, but also need to bear criminal responsibility.

After all, arson dogs hurt people, what is the difference between this and murder?

However, the reality is that the victim was bitten to death by a dog, the victim's mother was cyberbullied, and the dog owner was at large.

It's hard to get rid of.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

I have to say.

We live in a competitive and stressful society, where everyone faces a wide variety of challenges and difficulties.

However, this does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, or even ridicule and attack them.

As members of society, we should learn to respect the lives and dignity of others and pay attention to the rights and well-being of vulnerable groups.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

In this incident, the escape of the dog owner undoubtedly exacerbated the anger and discontent of the society.

As owners of animals, it is their responsibility to properly manage and restrain their pets to avoid harm to others.

However, they chose to evade their responsibilities, and this kind of behavior has never happened in the end, which is not only a challenge to the law, but also a violation of the moral bottom line.

We should call on relevant departments to strengthen the supervision of pet management, increase the punishment of illegal acts, and make violators pay the due price.

The mother of the boy who died after being bitten by a dog was subjected to cyberbullying! The owner of the dog has not yet been found, and the world has become too strange

What do you think about this?