
As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

author:Lao Zhu talks inside and outside


As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

The traditional culture of the mainland has been passed down for thousands of years, and has given birth to various splendid miracles in the long river of turbulent time.

In addition to a large number of cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage, there are also a lot of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and architectural knowledge.

This knowledge spans many fields, each of which condenses the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient Chinese people.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

Of course, in the countryside at that time, there were also some poems and sayings coming out from time to time, and the most common was poetry.

In addition to the famous poets, the various poems and sayings flowing from the countryside also symbolize the thriving burgher class.

As an agricultural civilization, Chinese civilization is always associated with the land, accompanied by the countryside, and contains a strong rural culture.

Most of these living styles are family-a-courtyard, which also makes the development of Chinese courtyard culture more and more splendid.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

In such a courtyard culture, it is inevitable that a large number of people will be intoxicated by various environments and architecture, and will be inspired.

Most of their poems and sayings reflect their daily life and daily perceptions at that time, and compared with other types of style themes, the sayings and poems in the countryside are full of a strong sense of life.

So today, let's introduce those famous sayings in the countryside, and see what kind of knowledge and wisdom the ancient people left to our descendants.

"The shade tree enters the house and the yang qi is broken", is a common saying of the ancient people.

The word "shade" here is roughly a tree that can be shaded to a large extent, and most of them have a tall crown and lush foliage, which can form a large green tree.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

Most of these trees are planted in courtyards for coolness, climate regulation, landscaping, and so on.

The ancients have always followed the principle of "living by water and building by wood", and they were also very particular about architecture.

The ancients did not want to live in a courtyard without vegetation, because they lost their vitality and did not conform to the concept of "the unity of heaven and man".

Therefore, the ancients added trees to one of the criteria for living, from preference to yin and yang, and the yard of living became exquisite.

1. Why do we plant trees?

From ancient times to modern times, there has always been a habit of planting trees in front of the door.

The ancients believed that trees growing on both sides of the door of a house would have an invisible influence on the luck of the owner of the house.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

The relationship between trees and houses is like clothing and people, trees shelter the vitality of the house for clothing, and can shelter the house from the wind and rain, bringing good fortune.

Of course, in addition to the ideological, planting a tree in front of the door can also bring many climatic benefits.

If you want to plant trees in front of your door, you need to study the growth habits of the trees and follow the soil conditions, climate regulation, humidity, etc.

Planting trees in front of the house can not only achieve an aesthetic effect and make the front of the house more beautiful, but also play an important role in regulating the climate of the house.

The first is that it can regulate the climate and make it wetter.

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Planting trees allows for photosynthesis, which not only produces a large amount of oxygen, but also significantly increases the humidity of the air.

At the same time, planting trees can also play a role in preventing wind, and in many areas where wind and sand weather are more frequent, it has become a habit to plant tall trees in front of the door.

Tall trees also provide shade, making it possible to sit in the shade and enjoy a moment of summer coolness even on a hot summer day.

In ancient times, there were gentlemen who loved to plant trees in front of their doors to prove their style. Because of the different preferences of the gentleman or the owner of the house, all kinds of different trees are also planted in front of the door, bringing different landscape effects.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

Tao Yuanming loved planting willows the most during his lifetime and was known as "Mr. Wuliu"; Liu Zongyuan also loved planting willows during his lifetime; Wen Tianxiang once planted five cypress trees and so on.

Most of the literati planted trees to express their character and character, which also made their characters more fleshy and amiable, and also allowed future generations to have more channels to learn about them.

Two. Shade trees and sun trees

Shade trees and sun trees are actually distinguished by their habits and tree characteristics.

Shade trees, also known as greenfield trees or shade trees, were first planted in courtyards and later in landscaped greenspaces and various scenic areas.

Shade trees prefer shade and coolness more than sun trees, so the amount of sunlight in the courtyard is greatly reduced.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

Most of these trees prefer moist soil and moist environments, and mostly grow in shaded environments.

Shade trees can also provide shade and freshness, so that people can rest outdoors in the hot summer, common shade trees include locust trees, willows, etc.

Most of these trees have a relatively simple appearance, which lacks vitality and beauty compared to yang trees, reducing the convenience of life.

A sunshade tree is a tree that grows quickly, has a lot of foliage, and likes full sunlight.

Most of these trees grow in sunny places, and the minimum amount of light received and compensation points are relatively high, and the amount of light synthesis is much higher than that of shade trees in strong sunlight.

Because it grows very fast when it is young, it has a short growth cycle.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

Common sun trees include peach, maple, birch, and locust trees.

So let's focus on shade trees today, because most of the houses in the countryside are built towards the sun, and excessive sunlight is not suitable for the growth of shade trees.

3. What are the types of shade trees that are not suitable for planting in the garden?

1. Pine trees

"Sou Shen Ji Cadre Mo Ye" once wrote the upright and steep pull of the pine tree with a few pens: "Looking at the South Mountain, the pine stone is on the pine, and the sword is on its back. ”

In ancient books, the pine tree is a symbol of longevity, associated with things such as pine cranes, meaning auspiciousness and happiness.

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Why is such a good meaning not pleasing in the courtyard?

Because the pine trees have a large canopy and large branches, and most of the courtyard entrances are narrow, it is difficult to plant large pine trees.

The pine tree is an evergreen tree that greatly shades the sunlight in the courtyard, resulting in a significant reduction in the amount of light entering the courtyard.

Therefore, although there are many auspicious and happy meanings, such a large pine tree is not the tree that people choose to plant in their gardens.

Nowadays, the selected pine trees are shorter and more suitable for decoration on the sides of the road or other places to beautify the environment.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

2. Locust trees

The locust tree is actually a very pleasing and auspicious tree species, and in ancient times it was often referred to as the national acacia.

"There is a locust in front of the door, and you will be promoted to become rich", this is a folk saying, which means that the locust tree is also a tree that can bring luck.

And "Huai" also has a relationship with the imperial examination, the year of the examination is called Huaiqiu, and when the candidates go to the examination, it is called Tahuai, and the month of the examination becomes Huaihuang.

From these vivid words, we can see the warm expectations of people in ancient times for the imperial examination and the deep hope given to the locust tree.

The locust tree is also the name of high-ranking officials in ancient times, such as Huai Ding, Huai Wei, Huai Qing, Huai Yan, Huai Chen, Huai Ye, and Huai Wang. Huaifu and Huaidi refer to the official offices or residences of the three dukes.

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This is enough to see how important the locust tree occupied in the hearts of people at that time, the locust tree not only symbolizes the powerful and the elderly, but also has a very important medicinal value.

The locust tree is very versatile, and its flowers and fruits can be used as medicine, and some of the flowers of the locust tree are edible.

But when it comes to yard planting, locust trees are not pleasing.

The mature trees of the locust trees are too tall and the shade area is too large, which is not suitable for the small farm yards and most houses in ancient times.

"Huai" is also homophonic to "Huai", so most of them are not planted in front of the house, but choose to plant in front of the village or temple, which is also a kind of call and miss for the wanderer, carrying the deep expectation of future generations.

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3. Mulberry trees

In "Poetry, Xiaoya, Xiaoben", it was said that "Weisang and Zi must be respectful".

As a synonym for hometown, Sangzi also expresses the four years that the ancients lived in their hometown. The land of mulberry, the land of parents.

The ancients used to plant mulberry and catalpa trees on both sides of their houses and paid homage to them because they symbolized their parents and their hometown.

The mainland has always attached great importance to mulberry trees, because the mainland, as a large agricultural country, often uses mulberry hemp as a raw material for making clothes, and people cherish the use of mulberry hemp very much.

And in ancient times, the mulberry tree meant hometown and countryside, and the ancients also repaid high respect to it.

Mulberries were considered rare in the past as the fruit of the mulberry tree.

But at that time, mulberry trees were planted in a wide range, and when the mulberries were ripe and purple and soft, children would climb the trees to eat mulberries and have a full meal.

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Many people's memories stay on climbing mulberry trees and eating mulberries at that time, and their mouths are full of purple-red juice, wrapped in a strong sweet taste.

But why is it that the mulberry tree slowly disappeared after a few decades, and it is almost impossible to see it in front of the house?

First of all, people no longer relied on mulberry hemp to make clothes and no longer breed silkworms, so people began to slowly reduce the cultivation of mulberry trees.

In ancient times, "mulberry household" meant a poor family, and the door made of mulberry strips had poor protection and was difficult to shelter from wind and rain.

In this way, the mulberry tree slowly faded out of people's sight, and there was no longer a good scene of mulberry trees in the garden.

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In addition, there are many common shade trees, such as cypress, bamboo, and so on.

Perhaps they still retain their literati character in ancient and modern times, but most of them gradually reduce their planting area due to the large shaded area.

Perhaps for other reasons, they conflict with modern ideas and slowly disappear from people's sight.

But as shade trees, they don't give us a reduction in yang, but a warm shade.

As the rural saying goes, "shade trees enter the house", which trees are "shade trees" and why can't they be planted?

The above is the introduction of shade trees, I believe you have a more detailed understanding of shade trees, and also know the common habits and types of shade trees.

We might as well treat them with a peaceful eye, see their auspicious and happy side, and plant and cultivate them in a reasonable way.

They will become a corner of the city, a yard, a corner and a garden with beautiful scenery.