
Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

author:Fool's Tales
Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

Yunmen Mountain is located about 2.5 kilometers south of Qingzhou City, a national 4A-level scenic spot, and the main peak is 421 meters above sea level. Dayu governs the water in the world for Kyushu, Hebei, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Henan, You, Yong. To the east of Mount Tai is Qingzhou, and the Yunmen Mountain of Qingzhou has become a famous mountain of Buddhism and Taoism in the Sui and Tang dynasties. For more than 1,000 years, monks and Taoist friends have come one after another, rangers and celebrities have come to visit, literati and ink writers have engraved books on the cliffs, and Yunmen Mountain has accumulated profound cultural heritage.

  Since 2020, I have been going to Qingzhou Weishi Health Care Center every summer to escape the heat, cultivate my body, and cultivate my temperament, and I have long had the idea of visiting Yunmen Mountain, but I can't make the trip for various reasons.

  In May this year, Shandong Weishi Group hosted the "National Educated Youth Culture and Art Tourism Festival", during which the educated youth were organized to visit the Mihe Wetland Park in Qingzhou, and then arranged for the educated youth of Zhoushan and Beijing to visit Yunmen Mountain in the same car, and everyone was happy. When arriving at the parking lot of Yunmen Mountain, Jiang Chengwu, editor-in-chief of the "Beijing Educated Youth Network", informed that it takes about two hours to visit Yunmen Mountain, and because the Beijing Educated Youth rushed back to Beijing in the afternoon, they could only arrange half an hour to visit the car. The enthusiasm for visiting the mountains that had just ignited in everyone's hearts was extinguished at once, and they were unwilling, but they were helpless, after all, they could not delay the return of Beijing's educated youth. Everyone hurriedly took pictures in front of the mountain gate, and came to take advantage of the excitement and returned disappointed.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△ Yunmen Mountain Gate

  After the event, six of our educated youths in Zhoushan stayed to recuperate and recuperate. So on a clear day, I went to Yunmen Mountain for the second time. The sunshine in late May is not strong, everyone is interested, take a taxi from Wei Shi Health Care Center to the front of Yunmen Mountain, the four people are over 70 years old, everyone enters the mountain for free with their ID cards, the mountain gate is a four-pillar three-door archway, which is engraved with three red characters of "Yunmen Mountain", which is very magnificent. This trail is very distinctive, and for the convenience of climbers, a longitudinal stone staircase of about one and a half meters will appear at intervals along the stone steps, allowing people to walk slowly. At both ends of the climbing stone steps, cypress trees are planted at intervals to shade them. The people who build the road are unique, considerate of others, and have a commendable spirit.

  We climb the ladder. On the slopes on both sides of the road, there are dense cypress forests, and the sun sparsely spills through the leaves, and the mountain breeze blows through the trees, which is very comfortable. After a while, we saw a pavilion in front of the right, with six red pillars that stood out, and several tourists were resting in the pavilion. Looking closely, the pavilion is a traditional six-column hexagonal stacked beam heavy eaves structure. The pavilion is painted in red, depicting auspicious patterns such as Fulu's birthday jubilee, eight immortals crossing the sea, etc. Inlaid with a gold-painted large-character plaque of "Guanshou Pavilion". We entered the pavilion and looked forward, the green cypress trees covered our eyes, and we did not see the word "Shou". Presumably the vegetation on this hillside is not thick before, so the word "longevity" is clear at a glance when watching, there is a "mountain temple" temple not far from the Guanshou Pavilion, the temple is not big, about two meters high, the depth and width are about one meter six or seven, and the north is facing south. There is a large three-legged dome incense burner in front of the door. "The Book of Rites and Rituals" cloud: "Mountains, forests, rivers, valleys and hills, can come out of the clouds, for the wind and rain, all gods." In the time of Yu Shun, Qingzhou had the sacrificial system of "looking at the mountains and rivers, all over the gods", and the folk customs continue to this day. This mountain temple is in the golden autumn of 1995, Li Chuanyi, Li Tianen, Li Tianguang, Wang Xinguo of Shantou Village, Ordinary Town, Qingzhou City, funded the production, Qingzhou City Garden Department supervised, for the people who enter the mountain to worship the gods, in order to show awe, express their hearts.

  Passing the mountain temple, the slope of the hill increases slightly, and the hiking path narrows a little. As you walk, you will find a natural flat hillside road with iron chains and stone pillars on the cliff on the left. Countless cracks of different lengths and thicknesses divide the pavement into thousands of different geometric patterns, seemingly disorderly, but arranged in an orderly manner. There is a note on the side of the road that this section of the road is called "Thousand Turtles Worship Shou". The text reads as follows: "Due to the irregular rock mechanism formed by the geological formation, countless turtles facing the top of the mountain have been formed, hence the name." Folklore has it that the East China Sea turtle came to this mountain to worship its birthday. In ancient times, the turtle was regarded as a symbol of longevity, and the turtle back pattern here and the Yunmen Mountain Shou culture complement each other and complement each other." After reading it, we felt that it was very vivid, vivid and relevant. At the same time, I also feel that since the thousand turtles have been here to worship their birthday, it is not far from the world's largest "longevity" word. I measured this section of the Thousand Turtle Worship Road with my feet, which is about 70 meters long.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△Qianlong Shouji

  At the end of Chikame Baiju Road, there is a stone staircase road about two meters wide, and after going straight up for about 70 meters, the mountain road turns westward, and at the same time we hear the sound of buying and selling from the loudspeaker. On the cliff on the left side are engraved with the four big characters "gradually getting better".

  One will walk up to a small square, where there are small shops on each side of the square, and there are white horses for tourists to ride. On the northwest side of the square stands a Taoist temple, which reads "Wangshou Pavilion". There are two signboards hanging on both sides of the gate: "Qingzhou Yunmen Mountain Wangshou Taoist Academy" and "Qingzhou Yunmen Mountain Taoist Affairs Management Committee".

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△ Wangjukaku gate

  This Taoist temple was a Buddhist temple in the Sui and Tang dynasties, changed to Lingguan Temple in the Song Dynasty, and was a famous Taoist temple in ancient Qingzhou, which was later destroyed in the war and rebuilt in the 80s of the last century. Because at that time, it was far away from the word "Shou" on the top of the mountain, and it was renamed "Wangshou Pavilion".

  We stepped over the high stairs and entered the Wangshou Pavilion. This Taoist temple consists of the main hall and the east and west side halls. The Taoist temple stands on top of a cliff and is surrounded by stone guardrails. The furnishings in the courtyard are simple and clear, a five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, a town pagoda, a four-legged square tripod incense burner, three three-legged dome incense burners, and a few green trees are planted in the corners of the wall. The main hall is called "Sanxingden". Four red lacquer pillars in front of the main hall, two couplets: "Nanshan longevity ten thousand autumns, three or four Big Dipper stars", "Spring is full of blessings, the sky increases the years and people increase life". The hall enshrines the Big Dipper Star Monarch, the Southern Dipper Star Monarch, and the Antarctic Immortal Weng, and the three stars are smiling and full of spring breeze. On the east side, there is a couplet in front of the hall of "Guanyin Palace": "Bring the unicorn in the sky and give it to the good family in the world." Guanyin Bodhisattva sits in the middle of the hall, holding a child in his arms, the golden boy and jade girl stand on both sides, and the hall also enshrines the four immortals of the eyes of the mother, the old mother of the earth, the old mother without children, and the Yuanjun of Bixia. The west side of the "God of Wealth Temple" enshrines Guan Yunchang, Zhao Gongming, the god of martial arts, and Bigan, the god of literature and wealth. Guan Yunchang is a character in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the name Zhao Gongming I learned in Chairman Mao Zedong's "Analysis of Chinese Social Strata", and Bigan saw it in the book "Fengshen Bang", I only know that he is a loyal minister, and I didn't expect to be named a god of literature and wealth by the people.

  Leaving the "Wangshou Pavilion" to the east, there are four big characters engraved on the stone wall on the left, "Haidai Xiongfeng", vigorous and powerful, and the pen is strong. There is a note on the side: Haidai is majestic, inscribed for the famous contemporary calligrapher Wu Zhongqi. "Haidai" comes from "Shangshu Yugong", "Haidai Weiqingzhou" sentence. Qingzhou is located between the Bohai Sea and Mount Tai, and has the reputation of "the first state in the East" in ancient times.

  Then we came to the "Husband and Wife Tree" landscape, and we saw a mountain elm tree and a cypress tree, rooted in the same stone crevice. The cypress trees stand tall and majestic, and the mountain elm trees have lush branches. The branches of the two trees are entangled, leaning on each other, like a pair of lovers. Chinese have always advocated love and loyalty, turning into winged birds in the sky and knotting branches on the ground, these two trees are named "husband and wife trees", which has indeed been recognized by people, and many tourists have tied red ribbons on the trees to express their feelings.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△Mr. and Mrs.

  After the "Husband and Wife Tree" attraction, we came to the site of the "Sinkhole". A semi-cylindrical space is sunk into a steep wall, about three meters high and about one meter in diameter, and a circular pool at the bottom. According to reports, this is formed by the long-term dissolution and erosion of surface water along vertical fractures and accompanied by partial collapse. There are indeed many scenic spots in Yunmen Mountain, which are dizzying.

  During the walk, we encountered another scenic spot "Yuli Stone Bed", and there was an inscription on the cliff wall of "Lai Lao Lying Bean Rock". Xue Ling, a native of Qi County, Henan in the Ming Dynasty, surnamed Su Mingzhou, and Xue Lingzi. Talented and with a wild personality, he has traveled to Qingzhou for many years, and it is said that once he climbed Yunmen Mountain after drinking and fell asleep on this rock. It rained heavily at night, drenching half of his body, and later carved the inscription of "Lao Lying Bean Rock" on the cliff wall, once Xue Ling and his friends came here to ask its meaning, Xue Ling smiled but did not answer, and pointed to his head. Everyone suddenly realized. Half of the "head" is wet, and the word "page" is removed, leaving the word "bean". Later, we saw the inscriptions he left behind in Yunmen Mountain, such as "God is here", "Devil's Axe", and "Beyond the Dust and Dreams", and we did feel a little informal and wanton.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain


  On the way, we saw another stone carving that reads, "Worship God as God." I think this probably means to worship the gods, to realize that the gods are all around you, to be realised. It is the same realm as Buddhism says: "People are doing, and the heavens are watching".

  While walking and thinking, I unconsciously climbed in front of the main attraction of Yunmen Mountain, "the first life in the world", stood on the flat ground under the cliff wall of Yunmen big cloud, looked up at the big "longevity" word that was 7.5 meters high and 3.7 meters wide, and couldn't help cheering and dancing one by one.

  Thousands of miles to the cloud gate, in this life I have the honor to worship the great "longevity". People in their seventies are really as innocent as children, and this mood is definitely no less than the state of the four masters and apprentices of Tang Sanzang when they arrived at Lingshan after learning the scriptures. One by one, they walked to the bottom of the cliff, stood next to the word "longevity" to take pictures and videos, and left historical moments.

  I saw a sign on the west side of the word "Da Shou Zi": "Ma Danyang Meditation Statue", but on the west side was a field of miscellaneous trees and weeds, and there was no road. Out of curiosity, I pushed aside the weeds and weeds, and sure enough, I saw a floating statue of a meditating old man carved on the cliff wall. Wearing a collared robe, he leaned forward and sat facing east to cultivate. There are three lines of inscription on the upper right side of the statue: "Jiayizi, Wang Xiren, Jiyang Book". There is an inscription on the left side of the statue: "Patriarch Ma Danyang meditates on the truth". Ma Danyang. Formerly known as Ma Yu, he is known as holding nothing as a real person. Jin Dynasty Taoist and medical scientist. He is one of the seven truths of Taoism and the founder of the Quanzhen Dao Immortal School, and has preached together with the Taoist Qiu Chuji in Qingzhou. Ma Danyang was born in a wealthy family, discarded glory and wealth, devoted himself to cultivation, practiced hard in Yunmen Mountain, and experienced the mobilization of spiritual energy with true qi, and resonated with heaven and earth.

  When I returned from Ma Danyang's meditation place, my companions had taken pictures in front of Yunmen Cave. I saw that in addition to the word "longevity" on the cliff, there are several inscriptions such as "God is in", "the gate of the clouds", "the cloud cave is open", "the beautiful color of the Eastern Qi", and there are two lines on the left side of the word "longevity", one line is: "The ninth day of the ninth month of September in the third year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty", and the other line is: "Jiyang Zhouquan, the head of the Hengfu Mansion". There are two pools on the east side of Yunmen Cave, called "Erlong Pond". According to reports, the two wells were called "Shijing" and "Longtan" in ancient times, commonly known as the sea eye, the east pool was dug for the sixth year of Song Qiande (968), and the west pool was dug for the fifth year of Song Tianxi (1021), so as to meet the daily water of the temple on the top of the mountain and the Taoist temple.

  Yunmen Cave was originally a natural cave in the north-south direction, according to historical records, the Northern Song Dynasty Qiande six years (968 years) and Tianxi five years (1021) have been expanded twice. The cave is 4 meters high, 6 meters wide and more than 10 meters deep. Because there are clouds and mist floating around from time to time, passing through the hole, so the name "Cloud Gate Cave" has the names of "Cloud Gate Arch", "Cloud Gate Hanging Mirror", etc., which is one of the ten scenic spots in ancient Qingzhou. We greeted the cool breeze and entered the Cloud Gate Cave. The inner wall of Yunmen Cave is not trimmed, maintaining the style of the time of excavation, the stones are concave and convex, and the large and small holes are all over the cave wall. There are a few children who go into the cave to play, and the limestone cut texture is exposed on the cave wall, thick and thin, layer by layer, and clearly organized.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△云门石窟 afterimage

  Through the Yunmen Cave, the south slope presents an irregular band-like flat slope from east to west, and there are cliffs from fifteen meters away, and there are railings on the side to protect it, and it is terrifying to look down. When we look back, the Yunmen Cave at this time is like the lens of a huge camera, as the characters move, the round lens changes the pictures of Qingzhou in the distance. The cliffs at the southern foot are covered with grottoes and stone carvings. An inscription above the Yunmen Cave: "Yunmen Mountain Dayun Temple", informing people that this was originally the site of the Dayun Temple. "Dayun Temple" was originally called "Yunmen Temple", Wu Zetian Wu Zhou Dynasty (690 to 705 years) changed its name to Dayun Temple, Ming Jingtai period (1450 to 1457) moved to the southern foot of Yunmen Mountain. There are five large and small grottoes, and there are 272 statues. The stone statue is carved smoothly and has beautiful lines, and is known as a wonderful flower in the cave art in the eastern part of the mainland. The famous architect Liang Sicheng praised it as: "The carving is mature, and it can be called the most refined work of the Sui Dynasty". After more than 1,000 years of vicissitudes, wind and rain erosion, war and looting, the Cultural Revolution broke the four old and established the four new, most of the Buddha statues in the small grottoes were removed, the Buddha statues connected with the mountains and rocks were all removed from their heads and broken arms, the big Buddha sitting statues in the grottoes were knocked out beyond recognition, and the precious historical heritage of more than 1,000 years was destroyed to a mess, which was unbearable.

  There is a pavilion on the cliff at the end of the west side of the grottoes, called "Rotten Rope Pavilion". According to reports, the pavilion was built in the fourth year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui, in order to commemorate the Qingzhou Taoist Li Qing, "Taiping Guangji" recorded: Qingzhou Beihai Li Qing, generation of dyeing and weaving industry, children and grandchildren and in-laws hundreds, are in Qingzhou business, the family has more than 100,000 assets. Because Mu Xian sought the Tao, let the children and grandchildren of the family tie the bamboo basket with a hundred zhang hemp rope and hang it into the "cloud cave" of Yunmen Mountain to cultivate. I looked down in the "Rotten Rope Pavilion", and the cliff below was steep to the bottom. Staying in a basket in such a place, mosquitoes bites, wind and sun, snakes and eagles pecking, hunger and thirst, and death if you don't die. The world has different opinions about Li Qing's ending, and there are various versions. In the pen of the talented Feng Menglong, "Xingshi Hengyan" and "Li Daoren Walks Alone in Yunmen Mountain", Li Qing made a comeback when he met the immortals, and saw that his former residence was gone, his descendants were withered, and the hemp rope was rotten in the mountains. Write about the rivers and lakes, and have a happy ending. But I think, since this is the case, why don't Feng Menglong also get a rope and a basket to hang it in Yunmen Mountain?

  The "cloud cave" in Li Qing's gossip story is indeed true. "Cloud Cave" is not far from the west side of Yunmen Cave, and it is a cave half a meter square. It is now covered with barbed wire and surrounded by a fence to prevent people from falling in. Between summer and autumn, due to the unique geological structure of Yunmen Mountain, under the strong irradiation of the scorching sun, the high temperature in the mountain causes the water to divide into gas, which is squeezed and rises along the fissures, emerges from the caves, and spreads in all directions. In particular, under the strong blowing of the southeast wind, it gushes out from the south to the north from Yunmen Cave, which is a spectacle.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain


  There is a calligraphy description of contemporary calligrapher Wu Zhongqi on the cliff wall above the "Cloud Grotto": Yidu County Map Chronicle, every summer and autumn, the clouds and mist in the cave are steaming, elegant and circuitous, it is a wonder, so it is called "Cloud Grotto". Ming Feng Menglong's book Xingshi Hengyan Li Daoren walked alone in Yunmen Mountain, which is based on this background. After several soldiers, the dirt is full of holes and flat, and now it is repaired and restored to climb the scenic spot.

  There is a cave on the cliff wall on the upper right side of the cloud cave, which is called the "Sanfeng" cave. I climbed up to look and saw that there were stone beds, stone benches, stone springs and other ruins in the cave. Looking ahead, it was pitch black inside, and there was a bit of a cold feeling in the cave, so I didn't dare to go inside. According to the records of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Sanfeng (Xuanxuanzi), the founder of the Wudang School of Taoism, lived in seclusion in this cave during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty (1403-1424), so it is called "Sanfeng Cave". In the past, I saw the image of Zhang Sanfeng in the film and television drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", with a fairy wind and bones, a robe, standing in the wind, a long beard fluttering, and a fairy-like existence. Unexpectedly, he has lived in this small cave for more than 20 years, and the hardships and hardships can be imagined. As the ancient philosopher said: The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, and grind their minds. However, I think Jin Yong writes about Wudang and Tai Chi, adding some pen and ink from Yunmen Mountain in Qingzhou, and taking a picture of Yunmen Mountain Wonderland, which is more exciting.

  After visiting the scenic spots on the southern slope of Yunmen Mountain, I walked to the east side, and was about to climb the stairs, only to see the three fellow travelers resting in the shadow in front of Yunmen Cave, and almost said in unison: "You go up, we are waiting for you here." When I think about it, I am in my seventies, and it is normal for me to be tired of walking. It's a little embarrassing to let them wait for me here stupidly. So everyone sat for a while and then went back together.

  A month later, a few fellow villagers returned home, and I stayed to continue recuperation, so I went to Yunmen Mountain for the third time. This time I am familiar with the road, and I will no longer look left and right along the way.

  After the Yunmen Cave to the east to climb the steps up the mountain, there is a sign on the side of the road: Tianjie Yunqu, the text of the text is: the ancient name is "Shendao". Ming Chongzhen four years (1631) Heng Wangfu ordered to excavate, the total length of three zhang five feet, coiled up, extremely steep. Every summer and autumn season, the clouds and mist are filled, and the spectacle of "people walking in the heavenly street, and the clouds flowing at the feet" are often presented, so it is called "the heavenly street cloud qu". Between the cliffs, there are many inscriptions such as "Shi Tea Rebuilding Ancestral Shrine" written by Zhong Yuzheng, a scholar of the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Dynasty and a native of Qingzhou. When I climbed the "Divine Road", I saw that the cliffs beside the road were covered with various inscriptions. Among them, an inscription of Jiyang, the head of the Ming Heng Palace, is eye-catching: Jiajing picks up the three years of Wu Yue picks up the three days of the Heng Mansion Inner Dictionary, Baozheng Jia Yu has climbed this mountain, met the Taoist priest Huang Yun, Wang Qingfu, and together set out to build the temples of the Taishan Niangniang Palace, which will always be remembered. Ji Yang Shu.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△Hiking trail "Unqu"

  After Yunqu, climb the top of the big cloud mountain to the heavenly street, face a piece of "Cloud Gate Wonderland" stone tablet, this tablet is the Ming Dynasty Wanli Renzi year according to the deputy Shi Ping Luan Gong Gaodi erected, after being damaged because of the war. In the year of Shunzhi Gengzi in the Qing Dynasty, the Qingzhou prefect Xia Yifeng was rebuilt. Tianjie is a gentle slope of the top of Yunmen Mountain in the east-west direction, high in the west and low in the east. The temple buildings are arranged in the east and west and both ends of the heavenly street. On the east side of the "Cloud Gate Wonderland" monument, that is, at the east end of the "Heavenly Street", there is a "Three Emperor Palace", which enshrines the ancestor god Fuxi, Yandi Shennong, and Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. "Three Emperors Palace" bluestone wall, stone and wood structure, sitting north and facing south, building near the cliff. Although it was simple, it was not easy in the state at that time. "Three Emperors Palace" has a "Shoubi Nanshan" inscription, the tablet is about 2 meters high, it is a good place for tourists to take pictures. I also took this opportunity to ask a young man to take a picture of me as a souvenir.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△ "Shoubi Nanshan" stone inscription tablet

  Walking slowly up along the winding heavenly street, the buildings on the top of the West University are towering, which makes people naturally have a sense of awe. First of all, I encountered a round arched mountain gate, and the two sides of the mountain gate were all cliffs outside the door frames, which was really a dangerous place where "one man blocked the pass, and ten thousand people did not enter". The mountain gate faces the east and is called the "Yingxu Gate", which is also worthy of the name. On the north side of the Yingxu Gate, there are two big characters engraved on the ground: "Tianchi". The word diameter is more than one meter. The side is engraved with "Ming Jiajing Jiazi year of the fifteenth curtain mountain book, double peak carving". According to the record of "Qingzhou City Chronicle", in the second and third years of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty, Qingzhou was flooded. In the fourth year of Longqing (1570), the Hengwang Mansion built the Yingxu Gate to cover the "Tianchi" to stop the waterlogging. In 2005, the Yingxu Gate covering the "Tianchi" was moved to the current site.

  After the Yingxu Gate, go up, and come to the "Taishan Niangniang Palace" after a while. The official name of "Taishan Niangniang Palace" is "Tianxian Jade Shrine", and Tianxian Jade Maiden is Bixia Yuanjun, commonly known as Taishan Old Mother. The shrine is a double-arch building without beams and hard mountains, the style is unique, and after completion, it has become a place for people to ask for children and pray for blessings. In the middle of the shrine is enshrined the old mother of Mount Tai and two maids, the left side is dedicated to the Holy Mother of Yunshan and Gao Shenggu, Sister Shenmei, and the right side is dedicated to Qingshan Niangniang and the prodigy brother and the peach blossom sister. Presumably, these are the predecessors of Taoism. Their stories, Ji Yang, Jia Yu, Huang Yun, Wang Qingfu and others know best.

  Immediately on the west side of the "Temple of the Heavenly Immortal and Jade Maiden" is a daily building, which was used for Taoist priests to live and practice in ancient times, and is now used as a place for merchants on the top of the mountain to store their goods. Further east is the highest point of the west of Yunmen Mountain, and the "Jade Emperor Palace" stands high on it. The Jade Emperor sat in the center of the hall, and the two maids stood left and right. There is a couplet on the pillar: one side respects the spirit of the other, and there are thousands of requests and thousands of responses. There are sub-couplets on the outer corridor pillars of the Jade Emperor Palace, and there are a few words that I can't recognize. After consulting a friend, I learned that this couplet is "Yuzao has etiquette and etiquette, and the emperor has no relatives but virtue is supplemented". It means that the Son of Heaven pays attention to etiquette and must conform to or embody the etiquette of civilization and tradition, and God has no relatives or relatives or is just and selfless, and always assists people of noble character. Listening to my friend's explanation, it dawned on me.

  The flat land in front of the "Jade Emperor Palace" is relatively spacious, there is a stone tablet in the middle, the middle book is engraved with "Yunmen Mountain Extreme Peak", and there is a line of small characters engraved on the left side: 421 meters above sea level. Further west is the west end of the Heavenly Street, there is a pavilion built on it, the pavilion is called "Towering Cloud Pavilion", it is the first to be built by the prefect of Qingzhou in the Qing Dynasty, and now it is called "West Langfeng Pavilion", and the "East Langfeng Pavilion" on the east side of Wanghai Peak is opposite. Although Yunmen Mountain is not high, standing on this "extreme top" and looking southwest, the continuous Taiyi Mountains in the distance seem so small. At this time, stretch your arms and take a deep breath, infinitely refreshing, which is really refreshing. When Li Bai was frustrated, he was depressed and unhappy, climbed to the top of Yunmen Mountain to visit, his heart was wide, his spirit was uplifted, and a breath of indignation gushed out, and he expressed his chest directly, and wrote the poem "Shang Li Yong" "Dapeng rises with the wind one day, and soars up to 90,000 miles." If the wind stops, it can still be dusted but the water is clear. When the world saw my constant tune, they all sneered when they heard Yu Dayan. Xuan's father can still be afraid of the afterlife, and the husband can not be young." In Li Bai's time, there were not so many magnificent buildings on the top of the clouds, otherwise his poems would be the same style.

  After visiting Heavenly Street, I went down the path from the north next to the "Three Emperors Palace" to the "East Langfeng Pavilion". As far as the eye can see, the road to the East Langfeng Pavilion is a ridge about three or four meters wide and about more than 100 meters long, just like a huge bow, inlaid on the top of Yunmen Mountain, the "East Langfeng Pavilion" on the Wanghai Peak and the temple on the top of the big cloud are the two ends of the bow to the sky.

  Walking to the bottom of the "Three Emperors Palace", there are two big characters on the cliff wall, "Cloud Lake", and a line of small characters "Year Jiazi Qiyun". I wonder why there is such an inscription here: I think about it, I understand. The clouds and mist that emerge from the cloud cave in the summer and autumn season, pass through the cloud gate cave at the same time, permeate the south foot and the north foothills, in the eyes of the people under the mountain, the top of the cloud gate mountain floats above the clouds and mist, and becomes the "cloud gate fairyland". In the eyes of the people standing on the Heavenly Street and the Donglang Pavilion, the clouds and mist at the southern and northern feet are connected on this arc-shaped ridge, like an endless lake with rolling waves. It is called Cloud Lake, which is indeed worthy of its name.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

 "Cloud Lake" stone carvings

  Walking along the ridge road to the East Langfeng Pavilion, at the foot is a piece of bare large gray stone face, uneven and of different sizes, forming a unique road scene. When approaching the Donglangfeng Pavilion, several huge gray rocks are connected together to form a platform, and this place is said to be the place where the Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect looks up at the sky and looks down on the geography, and is called "Guanfeng Terrace". However, this place name has nothing to do with Qiu Chuji, but is caused by the elegance of the literati and inkmen. Standing on this platform, look north at the Yunmen Mountain. It is like a phoenix spreading its wings, so it is named Guanfeng Terrace. Tang Yuanzhi's poem "The Old Man of Dai Qujiang" praised: "Falling off the cloud gate hair, stepping on the heron feather vibrate." "Donglangfeng Pavilion was called "Wanghai Pavilion" and "Ask Cloud Pavilion" in ancient times, climb this pavilion, have a wide field of vision. You can see the sunrise and the sea of clouds in the east, the twin peaks of the split mountain in the south, the top of the big cloud mountain in the west, and the style of Qingzhou in the north. There is a platform at the south bottom of the East Langfeng Pavilion overlooking the split mountain. Splitting Mountain is located in the southeast of Yunmen Mountain, and the main peak is 547 meters above sea level. The top of the mountain is like a knife and an axe. Li Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty recorded in the "Notes on the Book of Water": "Shijing water out of Nanshan, the top of the mountain is opened, looking at the door, commonly known as the split mountain", the crack is about 3 meters wide, about 10 meters deep. Whenever the sun sets, the golden light shines, and the name is "splitting the peak and setting light" as one of the ten views of ancient Qingzhou. This viewing platform is the best position and the best angle to watch the "splitting peak sunset". When Zhao Luan was an official in Qingzhou in the Song Dynasty, he once wrote a poem "Ascending Yunmen Mountain": "Thousands of miles to Huping, like waking up from a dream." The stone passage is like a white room, and it embraces the cold clouds and walks into the green. A underwater peep into the line, the front of the two mountains seems to be open. The return of the heavy city is still gratifying, and the years are not flat."

  Return from the East Langfeng Pavilion, go down the mountain in the north of the "Cloud Lake" inscription, walk to a three-way intersection, there is a hole on the cliff wall on the left, called "Wanchun Cave", also known as "Xiyi Stone Room", commonly known as "Chen Chuan Cave", Chinese Taoist thinker, philosopher, Neidan scholar, Tai Chi descendant, Song Dynasty Acting Master Chen Tuo, has practiced here. I suddenly thought that there is a Chenjiagou in Henan, and the villagers have passed down Tai Chi for generations, and it is possible that they are the descendants of Chen Tuan. Ming Qingzhou Hengwang Mansion respects Taoism, promotes Taoism, excavates on the basis of the natural cave of "Chen Tuo Cave", carves the statue of Chen Tuo Taoist lying on the side, repairs the stone bed, stone statue and other ruins, for people to observe and admire. Xue Ling Daoren, Jiang Yungu, the head of the Hengwang Mansion, and others left inscriptions in the cave.

Sun Zhichao's prose: Sanshang Yunmen Mountain

△ Chenyang-dong

  Three forks in the road, one leads west to Guanshou Pavilion, and then down the mountain. One leads to the eastern foothills, then turns west and descends the mountain. When I came, I went up the mountain from the north foothills, so I chose to go down the mountain from the east foothills, and along the way I passed through the Tingtao Corridor, Yunmen Panlong, Turtle Exploration Sea, Flower Forest Wild Fun, Biaohai Pavilion, Cherry Garden, Pear Garden and other scenic spots. Among them, the flowers and forests are one of the "Ten Views of Ancient Qingzhou". In spring, the apricot blossoms are white, the peach blossoms are red, and the sycamore blossoms are purple; In summer, birds and insects chirp, vines and roses are everywhere, and grass grows and warblers fly; In autumn, the frost leaves of the maple forest, and the persimmon trees all over the mountains are hanging fruits, like small red lanterns. The chickens and ducks chase and flutter in the village, which really looks like a paradise. Liu Chengfu of the Ming Dynasty had a poem "Flowers and Forests": "Clear water and green mountains are everywhere in the village, and there are hundreds of flowers and thousands of trees and half a chaimen." There are no cars and horses in Shanzangliu City, and there are children and grandchildren in the water and Taoyuan."

  Turn east and west from the foot of the mountain, turn around, and return to the gate of Yunmen Mountain. Looking back at the steep Yunmen Mountain, full of joy. Three on Yunmen Mountain, perseverance, the mystery of Yunmen Mountain is slowly revealed, the scenery of Yunmen is in full view, and the clouds of Yunmen are in the chest at a glance, and the ending is successful, and there is a lot of harvest.

  August 2023 at Qingzhou Weishi Hotel