
Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

Among the four Tang monks and apprentices, or the five including Xiao Bailong, if you want to say who is the most lascivious, I'm afraid everyone will say that Zhu Bajie is the most lascivious.

That's right, Zhu Bajie in the original book is really lustful, whether he is a marshal of Tianpeng in the sky, or a demon in the lower realm, or when he protects Tang Seng to learn scriptures, he is very lustful.

When he was Marshal Tianpeng, Zhu Bajie was demoted to the mortal world because he was drunk and molested Chang'e; After becoming a demon in the lower realm, Zhu Bajie was still lustful, not only married the second sister egg, but also deceived Miss Gao Cuilan Gao. Afterwards, after his identity as a pig demon was discovered, he even occupied Gao Cuilan and locked Gao Cuilan in the back yard for half a year.

Even on the way to learn scriptures in the west, Zhu Bajie is still lustful.

For example, when he saw the girl that the white bone spirit had turned into, he was directly fascinated, and he couldn't recognize the other party as a monster at all. Sun Wukong saw through the white bone spirit and beat it to death, Zhu Bajie was not happy, and repeatedly plucked Tang Seng to recite the mantra, and finally Wukong was forced to leave.

The four saints tried the Zen heart, and Zhu Bajie was simply cowardly. She first wanted to marry one of Mrs. Jia's daughters, and later she wanted to marry her three daughters, and even Mrs. Jia wanted her. For this reason, he even boasted that he would "survive the war" and ensure that several daughters-in-law could be satisfied.

It can be seen that in everyone's consciousness, it is already common sense that Zhu Bajie is lustful, regardless of men, women and children, everyone knows it. However, if Monkey King is also, can you believe it? Can you accept it?

Don't believe it, look down and you'll know.

We all know that the story of Tang Seng learning scriptures originated from the history of Master Xuanzang went to Tianzhu to learn scriptures, and then after hundreds of years of changes, the story of learning scriptures became more and more deified, Tang Seng not only had more apprentices, but also constantly encountered monsters on the way to learn scriptures.

For example, in "The Biography of the Three Tibetan Masters", Tang Seng is generally still an ordinary person, and the tribulations on the way to learn the scriptures are basically related to the natural environment, as well as man-made checkpoints and exotic countries. However, it is different in "Poetry from the Scriptures". Tang Seng already has a monkey walker (that is, the later image of Sun Wukong) as an apprentice, and he also has treasures such as the king hat and tin staff, and he can also summon the king of heaven when necessary to deal with monsters.

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

In the Yuan Dynasty, the story of Tang monks learning scriptures is already the same as the Ming Dynasty "Journey to the West" novel we see today in many ways.

Of course, there are also differences, such as Tang Seng Xitian learning scriptures, in addition to Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng, there are also ten immortals as protectors, similar to Dharma protectors.

There is also the image of Sun Wukong, which is inconsistent with the later Sun Wukong. The biggest difference is that Sun Wukong is lustful and very lustful.

In the Yuan miscellaneous drama Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is very lustful

The author of the miscellaneous drama "Journey to the West" is Yang Jingxian, who belongs to the Yuan Dynasty, and this drama Journey to the West has a great influence on the later novel "Journey to the West". In the novel "Journey to the West", many characters and settings are derived from the miscellaneous drama Journey to the West.

In the miscellaneous Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is very lustful, and this lust is manifested in two ways.

First, Sun Wukong kidnapped women as wives.

As soon as Sun Wukong appeared, he introduced himself, introduced his life experience, introduced his excels, introduced his brothers and sisters, and introduced his wife.

(Sun Xingzhi Shang, Yun) since the opening of the world, Liangyi has my body, once taught the spirit of the Three Realms, the four directions of the gods are afraid, the five mountains of the ghost soldiers are angry, the six Qiankun are disturbed, the seven underworld is indistinguishable, who is respected in the eight worlds, it is difficult to catch me in the nine heavens, and the 100,000 total demon lords. There are five brothers and sisters of the little saint, the eldest sister Lishan Old Mother, the second sister Wu Zhizhi Our Lady, the eldest brother Monkey King, the little saint Tongtian Great Sage, and the third brother playing Sanlang. When you are happy, you climb the vines, and when you are angry, you stir up the sea and turn the river. I am the wife of the woman of Jinding Kingdom, and we have to drink the elixir of the Jade Emperor Palace.

From "I am the wife of the woman of Jin Dingguo", it can be found that Sun Wukong did marry a wife.

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

In addition, Sun Wukong seems to like this wife very much, and for this reason, he even stole the fairy clothes of the Queen Mother and gave them to his wife to wear.

I stole Taishang Laojun to refine the golden pill, and the nine turns refined the copper tendons and iron bones, and the eyes were fiery...... I stole a hundred fairy peaches from the queen mother, a set of fairy clothes, and my wife wore them. Today is a celebration of the fairy clothes will also.
Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

In addition, Sun Wukong also went to the sky to steal fairy hats, fairy wine, etc., and gave them to his wife to enjoy.

(Sun Xingzhi, Yun) I stole fairy clothes, fairy hats, fairy peaches, and fairy wine in my heavenly palace, and my wife was happy to be used.

If the woman of Jin Dingguo is willing to marry Sun Wukong, or sincerely love Wukong, it cannot be said that Sun Wukong is lustful, but can only be said to be consensual and sincere. However, judging from the miscellaneous dramas, the woman of Jin Dingguo was actually robbed by Sun Wukong, and she didn't want to be Sun Wukong's wife at all.

(Golden Girl Singing)

The small ones are all from the Jinding country, and they are disturbed by monsters. On that day, the moon was high on the autumn night, and the wine was quiet. Wander freely in the park, copy the wind in the path, and encounter mandrills.

I look at the clouds and mountains with empty hatred, and I am sad that the night is surging with the river, and one day is wrong for a lifetime. Today, the sages are leading, the king of heaven rescues, and the grace is higher than that of Taishan.

Sue the king, every time the little one returns to his hometown, he can see his parents, and he really feels the great grace of the king.

Then, Li Tianwang really rescued the woman of Jin Dingguo.

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

The woman of Jin Dingguo was very grateful, and also said that she would burn incense every day in the future to thank these immortals.

If so, then the hometown, the hometown gets, and when you get home, talk about the roots and seedlings. Many gods will be carved in the future, and incense cases will be placed on the table, and the appearance will be offered. Every day, remember the seedlings in your heart. Burn incense with a pious heart, and repay the kindness.

(Heavenly King Cloud) the four gods of wind, clouds, thunder, and rain, who sent this woman back to their country. (Jin Nuyun) Xie Tianwang.

From the Jin Dingguo woman's sentence, "Wander freely in the park, copy the wind in the path, and meet the mandrill." It can be found that one night, when the women of Jin Dingguo came out to play, they were taken away by Sun Wukong. She misses her hometown, but she can't go back. When King Li sent the four gods of wind and clouds, thunder and rain to send her home, she was very happy.

This story is enough to show that Sun Wukong is lustful. At this time, Sun Wukong was a bit like Zhu Bajie later, or Sai Tai Sui and the Yellow Robe Monster in the Journey to the West novel, robbing women as wives.

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

Second, Wu air-conditioned plays other women and is tempted by women.

In fact, until Sun Wukong was surrendered by Guanyin Bodhisattva and protected Tang Seng to learn scriptures, he was still lustful. Just watch her flirt with the Iron Fan Princess, and you can know his virtues.

In the eighteenth episode of the miscellaneous drama Journey to the West, Tang monks and apprentices came to the Flame Mountain and could not pass. When Wukong learned that Princess Iron Fan had a banana fan that could extinguish fires, he went to ask the mountain god where Princess Iron Fan was. As a result, Wukong is not serious again.

I am a disciple of the Three Tibetan Teachers of the Tang Dynasty and a great sage of Tongtian. I asked Princess Iron Fan where she lived? (Mountain god cloud) lives under the main peak. Does he have a husband or not? (Yama Shenyun) has no husband. Will he hire me as a son-in-law? Ken.

When Wukong saw Princess Iron Fan, he teased directly, and his words were very rude.

The disciple is not shallow, and the lady is not deep. I'll make a pair of goblins with you and you. Xiao Xing came to borrow a magic weapon and crossed the Flaming Mountain.

Look at Sun Wukong, is he a hooligan? As a result, the iron fan couldn't beat Sun Wukong, and he used the fan to fan Wukong away, and Wukong had to ask the Bodhisattva and the gods of the water department to extinguish the fire of the Flame Mountain.

In the country of women, Wukong behaved more directly, he was simply a hooligan supreme, lustful and shameless. The queen is lustful, and she wants to love Tang Seng directly, but Wukong said that he can do it for his master.

(The queen does hug Tang Sengke) Niangniang, my master is a boy man, and he can't eat big soup, so I'll do it for me.

Later, the queen directly wanted to be rough and want to be husband and wife with Tang Seng. Tang Seng asked Sun Wukong for help, but Sun Wukong said that he was not available, because he was entangled with other women.

(The queen does the Tang monk) this main hall is not a place to talk, I come and go in the two apse. (Tang Seng Yun) Sun Wukong save me. (below) I can't take care of myself. (The women do catch grandchildren, pigs, and sofas)

The golden hoop on Wukong's head can restrain mortal nature (such as greed for money, lust, etc.), and once the mortal heart is moved, it will become tighter and tighter. When the woman knocked down Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong was moved.

Master, listen to the walker tell you again: Xiao Xing was pressed down by a mother-in-law, but his heart was waiting. I don't want the golden hoop on my head to tighten up, and the upper and lower joints of my body hurt, and I have a few vegetable names.

In all this way, it can be seen that Sun Wukong is very lustful. It can be said that the Monkey King of the Yuan miscellaneous drama is more lustful than the later Zhu Bajie, and he is even better.

Journey to the West: The lustful Monkey King, Guanyin Bodhisattva is also afraid

There are traces of Wukong's lust in the Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty

In the Ming Dynasty novel "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong's image has changed a lot, he is taller and purer than before, he does not eat people, he is not lustful, and he will not flirt with women at will. Even in the country of women, he did not say hooligan words and do hooligan things.

However, the change of image is not so easy. Although the author of Journey to the West made a drastic move to delete many of Wukong's unbearable pasts, in some stories, there are still traces of Wukong's lust.

For example, when Wukong was defeated by the Red Boy and went to ask for help from Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva said something.

The Bodhisattva sat down and said, "Wukong, the nectar syrup in my bottle is different from the dragon king's private rain, and it can extinguish the goblin's samadhi fire." When I wanted to take it with you, you could not take it; When you want the dragon girl to go with you, you are not kind, and you will deceive people if you are single-minded. You see that my dragon girl is beautiful, and the net bottle is a treasure, if you are deceived, but then have the time to come to you again? You have to leave something for you. ”

From the words of the Bodhisattva, two points can be seen: first, Wukong has no good intentions, often deceives people, and will also deceive people's treasures; Second, Wukong is lustful, and when he sees the dragon girl so beautiful, he may be tempted to cheat him.

If it is said that Wukong deceived people's treasures, it is quite reasonable, after all, when dealing with the golden horn and silver horn in Pingdingshan, Wukong deceived Laojun's five treasures.

However, why did the Bodhisattva say that Goku would trick the beautiful dragon girl away? Wukong hasn't touched a woman's heart before, huh? In fact, this is because the author did not deal with the matter of "Wukong being lustful", so that he left traces. :