
Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!

author:Duoduo reads emotions

"Do You Know" says: Staying with others ultimately depends on the lowest character.

When choosing a person, character must come first, love or not love is second.

People with bad character must not be chosen, and they will only take your life to fall down and plunge your life into darkness.

In the relationship between men and women, really smart people will not be blinded by love, they understand that only having a partner with excellent character can bring them true satisfaction and happiness.

It is not difficult to judge whether a man has a reliable character. Women should know that men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!

Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!


Extraordinarily attentive

Women need to understand that a man with good character can maintain a single-minded attitude towards feelings. And men who are particularly interested in feelings are not worthy of deep friendship, and women must not lose their minds because of a few warm words.

Wu Guijun once said: "Like a person, it starts with appearance, falls into talent, and is loyal to character." ”

A man's inability to be single-minded in his relationship means that in addition to his bad character, he is also very little sincere to you.

Love is two people who go through the wind and rain together and trust each other, and the man with a heart is unreliable, so letting go as soon as possible is the best choice.

Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!



A selfish man will not take other people's feelings and life to heart, and will always want to fill his stomach first, regardless of whether others have eaten or not.

He can't see what others give, and always takes what others pay as it should be, with a natural attitude.

No matter how much you give, you can't get him moved, but you feel that you should do it, and even if you do it well, you still pick and choose from you.

A selfish man can't support a family, so for a woman, it's an endless grievance and endless tears. Originally, I wanted to find a shelter for myself to rely on, but I didn't expect that the subsequent wind and rain were brought by him.

Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!


Likes to tell lies

For a man who likes to deceive, they like to wrap themselves perfectly, and they fit a woman's criteria for choosing a mate.

When encountering such a man, women must be careful, things that are too perfect are often untrue, especially for a man who likes to tell lies, in order to be able to make women happy, they are often good at disguising themselves.

Women live in men's lies, often can't see the true face of men, and wait until they live with each other to find out all the truth, but it's too late to regret everything, therefore, women should stay away from men who like to tell lies.

Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!


Arrogant and boastful

I've heard the saying, "Complacency is a terrible trap, and this trap is something we have dug with our own hands." ”

Indeed, excessive conceit is often the beginning of a person's failure. Such people are often unrealistic, always focusing on superficial efforts and show-offs, only to be counterproductive, losing dignity and trust.

Lack of ability is not terrible, what is terrible is that you obviously lack ability, but you still have to pretend to be capable, not only embarrassing yourself, but also embarrassing the people around you, but also reflecting the person's truest character.

Therefore, when you meet an arrogant and boastful person, it is wise to stay away as soon as possible.

Men with poor character often like to do these 4 things, and smart women know how to stay away!


Emotional message

Whether it is love or marriage, mutual respect is the premise, mutual care is the foundation, and a happy life is the ultimate result of our pursuit.

If a woman meets a man with poor character in a relationship, it will be in great contrast with her imaginary life, and the woman will struggle to spend every day in pain.

In order to avoid this situation, women must stay away from this kind of man, even if you love him again, you must first consider your own feelings, you can't wait until you are covered in bruises before choosing to leave, you must learn to stop losses in time to avoid being hurt more.

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