
How difficult it is for liberal arts students to break through 600 points, there is a lack of differentiated subjects

author:Flying Xiaoyu

There is not much difference between the first line of liberal arts and science, and even slightly higher in many cases, but the high segment of liberal arts is far less than that of science, which is not only common with scores above 600+, but also with high scores of 630+ and 650+, compared with which 600+ scores in liberal arts are quite rare.

The absolute number of high-segmented liberal arts is insufficient, because the top students are more willing to choose science, so as to establish an absolute advantage.

Xueba's willingness to choose science is not only because of the high degree of differentiation of science, the objective answer is not affected by subjective factors, and the advantage of Xueba's thinking ability is more easily reflected, and the same is that science has strong professional barriers compared with liberal arts, and the advantage of ability can also be transformed into the advantage of employment.

How difficult it is for liberal arts students to break through 600 points, there is a lack of differentiated subjects

Compared with the liberal arts, the subjectivity and chance are greater, and the student's thinking ability in science surpasses that of the teacher, and the result is the same test paper, the teacher scores 120 points, and the scholar scores 145 points, while the liberal arts is the level of the teacher's 6 points for a question, the student's level of four points is not right, and the level of eight points is also not right, and only the 6 points that match the magnetic field meet the teacher's evaluation criteria.

For the truly intelligent, liberal arts are not too differentiated, but too deep in ideas and counterproductive. Just as the original author of the Chinese test question cannot answer the question correctly.

In terms of future employment, due to the lack of absolute professional barriers in liberal arts, liberal arts students without family support, even prestigious schools, are likely to be unable to compare with those second-class students, not because liberal arts lack cost-effectiveness, but because they need the support of family strength to choose liberal arts.

How difficult it is for liberal arts students to break through 600 points, there is a lack of differentiated subjects

Science students have a high degree of distinction between mathematics, physics and chemistry, and it is easy for the same person to get absolute high scores in all four subjects, and he is a good student of mathematics and physics. It is easy to have a score rate of more than 90% or even higher, chemistry and biology can be higher as scoring subjects, while liberal arts are difficult to concentrate on one person due to the large chance.

Although the three major subjects seem to be two arts and one science, but only the language really has the nature of liberal arts, and the language does have an advantage for liberal arts students, but the language itself is not very differentiated, so that this advantage is not obvious, on the contrary, liberal arts students rarely have students who are very good at mathematics, and the score difference in mathematics is much larger than that of other students, as for English, regardless of the degree of competition between liberal arts and science, it is not related to other disciplines, and you can get high scores.

How difficult it is for liberal arts students to break through 600 points, there is a lack of differentiated subjects