
How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

author:Turn the page to the past and see the future

In the past few days, or for the past few years, there has been an issue that has been a hot issue here and an issue of special concern to the broad masses of the people.

In fact, this question is simply one sentence, that is: the question of how to sell the house, and the question of how to make the masses willing to continue to buy houses.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

I don't know which good, funny, and talented netizen is the masterpiece of a good, funny, and talented netizen in the picture above. The approximate meaning of this picture is: all units and departments have come up with various methods, and the ultimate core purpose is to sell the house, that is, to let the ordinary people continue to buy houses.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

As for why the house is not selling now? In fact, there are only three reasons!

First, there are too many houses, and the ones that should be bought have been bought;

Second, the people's expectations for the house or the economy have changed, and the other is that everyone's pockets are indeed a little empty;

Third, although various "preferential measures for buying a house" have been introduced, housing prices are still so expensive that people can't afford to buy them;

Of course, the focus of our discussion today is not on our house; What we're going to look at today is the question of selling a house in American homes.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

I think some people know, and I don't think some people know, that there was a crisis in the real estate industry in the United States as early as the spring of 2006, referred to as the subprime mortgage crisis.

Later, the financial crisis, which began in the real estate industry, quickly spread to many industries. In addition, the United States was particularly critical in the global economy at the time, which eventually led to the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Let's start with the first question: What is the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States?

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, also known as the subprime mortgage crisis or subprime crisis, was a financial turmoil that occurred in the United States due to the bankruptcy of subprime mortgage lenders, the forced closure of investment funds, and the violent volatility of the stock market.

In fact, the so-called subprime mortgage crisis is very simple. At that time, in the United States, it was basically a state of loan to buy a house, and few people would buy a house in full.

At the beginning, the United States needed to evaluate the strength and credit of loan buyers, that is, people with a certain "strength" could take out loans to buy houses.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

However, with the increasing demand for selling houses, the "strength" of loan buyers began to relax and began to relax. As a result, many people who do not have the "strength" and the ability to repay the loan have also begun to take out loans to buy houses, and even many people use false information and false names to take out loans to buy houses.

In the five years leading up to 2006, the U.S. subprime mortgage market grew rapidly due to the continued boom in the U.S. housing market and the low level of U.S. interest rates in previous years.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Later, with the cooling of the U.S. housing market, especially the increase in short-term interest rates, the subprime mortgage repayment rate has also risen sharply, and the repayment burden of many home buyers has increased significantly.

At the same time, the continued cooling of the housing market has made it difficult for homebuyers to sell their homes or refinance them through mortgages. This situation directly led to the borrowers of large batches of loans not being able to repay the loans on time, and the banks could not sell the houses at a high price after repossessing them, and then suffered a large area of losses, thus completely triggering the subprime mortgage crisis.

Let's turn to the second question: Why did the subprime mortgage crisis occur in the United States at that time? Personally, I think there are four core reasons!

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

First, in order to one-sidedly promote economic growth, the United States encouraged Yin to eat grain and consume frantically in advance.

There's really nothing to explain about this, just look at the literal meaning. In any country, buying and selling a house can stimulate the economy, raise taxes, and thus stimulate economic development.

At that time, in order to stimulate the development of its economy and expand its tax revenue, the United States began to continuously stimulate the development of the real estate market. So how to stimulate? In fact, there is only one way, and that is to let people who can't afford to buy a house, and people who don't want to buy a house, start buying a house.

These people take the money of the future to buy the current house, and start to spend constantly, continuously in advance, and it is crazy to spend in advance.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Second, there was a problem of uneven distribution in the United States that year, and a large number of middle-class people had financial problems.

At that time, there was a very abnormal phenomenon in the United States, that is: on the one hand, ordinary people began to frantically consume in advance and take out loans to buy houses; On the other hand, the income of many ordinary people has fallen instead of rising.

This can be a simple example: for example, your monthly income is 9,000 yuan, and then you need to repay the mortgage of 4,000 yuan every month after buying a house, and the remaining 5,000 yuan is used to live and support your family.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Generally under normal conditions, the remaining 5,000 yuan is enough to live; But there is a core problem: your income cannot fall, once your monthly income becomes 6,000 yuan, you will not be able to live after paying off the mortgage.

At that time, due to distribution problems and economic development problems in the United States, the income of a large number of home buyers began to decline, which led to many home buyers having no money and no ability to repay their mortgages.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Third, at that time, there was a serious lack of supervision in the financial industry in the United States, which lured ordinary people to spend ahead of time and speculate in the market through borrowing.

At that time, American real estate developers and financial institutions took a lot of silent measures to encourage everyone to buy a house, such as: relaxing the conditions for home buyers' loans, increasing the supply of housing loans, encouraging the masses to borrow money for consumption, and even introducing "zero down payment" measures to buy a house.

In addition, at that time, housing prices in the United States had been on the rise, so a large number of people began to buy houses without hesitation and regardless of their actual economic situation.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

When a large number of people have no money to repay their mortgages, and a large number of houses are repossessed by banks, houses become a kind of "junk commodity". When the money lent out by the bank cannot be recovered, then the only way left is to go out of business.

In short, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States is caused by many reasons, such as declining incomes, early consumption, lack of financial supervision, and so on.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

Next, let's examine a key question, what lessons does the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States teach us? I think there are at least three revelations!

First, buy a house or do what you can, don't buy a house for the sake of buying a house; Otherwise, you may not be able to eat and walk around.

Second, financial supervision must keep up, and we cannot relax supervision for the sake of one-sided pursuit of so-called economic growth, and let people who have no ability to repay take out loans to buy houses, which will eventually become a mess.

Third, the real estate market must conform to the laws of the market after all, there are no commodities that have been rising in price, and there are no commodities that have been falling in price, so everyone should look at the housing market rationally and consume rationally.

How did the "subprime mortgage crisis" happen in the United States? What are the implications?

In conclusion, I would like to say that the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States is an accident and an inevitability, and there is too much to analyze and learn from. If a person has already stumbled in one place, there is no need for future generations to stumble in the same place again.

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