
Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

author:Popular Science Bear


Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

In every leisure time, those long sunny afternoons, lying in your own comfortable bed with nothing to do.

Feel happy and comfortable, but have you ever thought that bed sheets can also pose a fatal risk to you.

When some small things can endanger life, it will feel that people are really fragile and small, but they are not inevitable.

As long as you avoid using this kind of sheet, you can stay away from harming your body and even cancer.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

1. Dye sheets

Bed linens, like any other piece of clothing, are extremely hygienic for us, because they fit our bodies and are things we touch every day.

There is a dye that has a very strong tinting strength, so it is widely used on sheets, and the harm caused by this dye is also great.

That's aromatic amine dyes.

It can steal itself and then invade your body without your knowledge, and finally lead to an increased probability of cancer.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

It will make the human DNA mutation, and finally tumors and other incurable diseases will attack you, and then a small sheet can kill you.

After knowing the dangers of aromatic amine dyes, it is especially important to prevent them, because it is possible that you are using this kind of bed sheet.

If you haven't bought bed sheets yet, be sure to check when buying bed sheets, the ingredients under the product label show that if they are labeled, they contain a lot of aromatic amines, so you have to turn around and go.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

In addition to this, it is also possible to identify this substance by smell, which has a special smell that is as unique as its powerful lethality.

You can also observe the color discrimination, its color is very bright and vivid, so it will be used as a dye for bed sheets by manufacturers, making bed sheets look delicate and beautiful.

Therefore, many manufacturers actually don't care about your life or death at all, and aim for profits, even if they hurt you, their conscience will not hurt.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

Mr. Chen is a victim of these manufacturers, Mr. Chen is a very positive person in life, usually has a regular life, and is also very fond of sports.

Mr. Chan was very likable and had a happy life because there was nothing to worry him about, but one day he realized that something was wrong with him.

Frequent urination, urgency, and pain on their own.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

At first, I thought it was just an ordinary infection, but I didn't take it seriously, and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and treat it by myself.

Later, the accompanying pain became more and more intense, to the point that it was unbearable, and those anti-inflammatory drugs did not relieve it in the slightest, but made the pain worse.

Finally, when I went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said to Mr. Chen with a sad face: "Unfortunately, you have bladder cancer."

This made Mr. Chen, who is usually positive and full of happiness, feel as if he had fallen into the abyss, and he couldn't even believe what the doctor said.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

He began to recall what had caused his illness, and he even thought that it was his own eating, because he had never doubted a sheet.

The doctor also began to inquire about the cause of his illness, and after various careful descriptions, the doctor found a blind spot.

That is the bed sheet, Mr. Chen has bought a brightly colored bed sheet, he has been using it for a long time, and he never thought that it was the problem it brings.

The bright color of the sheet had slowly faded, leaving a faint trace of dye.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

The doctor told Mr. Chan that the cause of his illness might be the bed sheet.

Mr. Chan began to think about all this, began to doubt, and finally believed.

The experience of triggering anger in our hearts is heartbreaking and a warning to us.

This makes us understand a truth, that is, no matter how small the details in life, as long as they are harmful to the human body, we should understand them and avoid being harmed.

For this kind of harm, we can only rely on ourselves to avoid it from the beginning, and not to fall into a tragedy like Mr. Chen.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

2. How to buy reliable bed sheets

Some sheets have a low price tag because it also costs a lot, and this low-cost item is often potentially harmful.

The kind of bed sheets that cost more than a dozen yuan and free shipping, merchants can still make money, and you can imagine how low the cost is.

This is not only the case for online shopping, but also for roadside stalls, so you need to be careful and careful.

Some businesses will start to sell stalls in crowded places, putting on loudspeakers that have recorded their own sounds, and constantly shouting special prices.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

If you are greedy for a small price, but you have to pay it back at a great price, it is not worth thinking about it, and you should buy it through other channels.

The best way to buy is to go to the offline big mall, you can judge it directly by yourself, and judge its quality from all aspects.

And to have a good qualification of the store, plus the price is reasonable, no matter what, it will not be too bad, to be able to buy good sheets.

The most important thing is that you can immediately view its material label, and the general regular manufacturer will reasonably standardize the label materials.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

If you see that the materials are blurry and the specifications are messy, you can immediately carry out lightning protection, and you should be cautious about purchasing.

It can also be seen from the implementation of standards that when buying bedding, there is a set of standard textiles certified by the state.

The safety technical specification washing label is the most reasonable and safe to rely on this to judge.

Nowadays, many objects are made of fiber materials, which leads to the problem of formaldehyde, and the high formaldehyde content is also harmful to the human body.

Therefore, generally do not choose fiber materials, choose pure cotton or pure hemp materials, not only high safety, but also excellent from the comfort aspect.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

Try to choose a more monotonous and simple color, if the color is too bright, I don't know if a bad dye is added.

The only disadvantage of expensive things is that they are expensive, and they often don't have so many harmful factors, so if the economic conditions allow, it is better to spend money to buy a rest assured.

According to your own understanding, standardize the purchase of bed sheets, and basically will not buy harmful goods, not only bed sheets, but also other objects.

3. CCTV named and alerted "toxic sheets"

A long time ago, CCTV has eliminated the bad behavior of making harmful bed sheets, and sent personnel to destroy the dens that make such bed sheets.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

At that time, because of many animated characters, they were deeply loved by children, and unscrupulous merchants also took a fancy to this, and printed cartoon characters that children liked on a large number of sheets.

Such behavior has also aroused the anger of parents, who actually use the innocent innocence of children to seek benefits for themselves.

And this material will make the children who like these sheets gradually get worse and worse when they are growing up, and finally suffer from diseases that are difficult to treat.

At a young age, illness is about to accompany the beginning of a painful childhood, and such behavior is absolutely not allowed.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

At that time, the den was also removed by the police, and many sheets with cartoon characters were found at the scene, and paint was scattered everywhere and dirty.

These are very simple and simple to produce and very low-cost, but the manufacturers have sold a lot of them online.

The main business is a washable, dirt-resistant, and brightly colored, colorful, popular with children, the most important thing is cheap and affordable, many parents have fallen into this trap.

Although after receiving the goods, they find that the quality does not match the description of the merchant, but they will not choose to return the goods, and some parents will find it troublesome to return the goods.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

I also think it's for children, as long as it's cleaned well, it's okay if the quality is poor, which is often the fuse that destroys children.

In fact, this is also a common problem of most modern people, when buying items online, everyone only pays attention to the appearance and price of the item.

It is difficult to avoid the harm caused by unscrupulous merchants by only seeing the external surface and not obtaining something really important by observing product information.

Bad goods will have a peculiar smell, but many merchants will choose to put a sachet as a gift, which is actually a prop to eliminate unpleasant smells.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

There are also merchants who sell quilts, with the slogan of a solid cotton, and the price is affordable, which is often a trap.

These cotton are merchants, through the discarded clothes that others don't want, reuse, process and become a kind of cotton, stuff into the quilt, and finally sell.

This cotton is used from hospital discarded clothing, which is often stained with a lot of bacteria and viruses and should never be reused.

Therefore, these cotton will make people sick in the end, so when you shop online, you should use the eyes to distinguish between right and wrong, and look more at the material and product materials.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

CCTV has conducted quality sampling inspections on online bedding merchants, and found that many of them contain carcinogens, which is a terrible thing.

The unified feature of these businesses is that the price is low, and in this era when the Internet is the main body, many outlets have emerged in an endless stream.

The most intense fight on the Internet is the "price war", a price that makes you feel tempted, and will make you ignore other elements that you should pay attention to.

Nine pieces of nine free shipping, delivered to the home of the bed sheets, good-looking, bright colors, I believe that many people will be fooled, and praise this business.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it

As everyone knows, this is the target of CCTV's crackdown, and generally this kind of business is a business that fails to pass the quality inspection.

A total of 50 batches of bedding were randomly inspected, and 8 were found to be unqualified, among which carcinogens were found.

This is what CCTV announced to make people warn.

Because there are not a few people who are sick in this situation, we must know how to protect ourselves and our families, and stop using and buying this kind of bed sheet immediately.

Stop using this sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk? A lot of people are still using it


Imagine you and your wife, children, lying in bed laughing and talking about everything.

Finally you find out that someone close to you is suddenly very sick, and you start to panic and find out that the sheets are the culprit of it all.

It ruins your family, your happiness, don't let that become a reality.

I hope that in the eyes of businessmen, they will only do conscientious business and do not hurt others for the sake of profit, and I also hope that those bad businessmen can be severely punished and give everyone a good living environment.

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