
After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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Early in the morning, Uncle Li, as usual, put on his shiny sneakers and walked slowly from the door of his house to the park. He has a steady stride and a smile on his face, and despite being in his 70s, he still stands tall.

He said it was thanks to his consistent daily walks. Uncle Li's story makes us think: After getting older, is it suitable to continue walking and exercising?

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

Walking Exercise and Geriatric Health: Scientific Research Reveals the Truth

A recent study by the American Heart Association surveyed 452 people over the age of 70 and found that those who walked 4,500 steps a day had a only 3.5% risk of cardiovascular events, while those who walked 2,000 steps a day had a cardiovascular risk of up to 15.2%, which means that for every 2,500 steps added, the risk of cardiovascular health was reduced by 77%.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

We can't help but marvel at how simple walking can have such a significant health effect. Similarly, in a 2022 study conducted by the European Society of Cardiology, researchers found that people over the age of 85 who walked for at least one hour per week had a 40% lower risk of all-cause mortality. These data strongly support the case for older people to continue walking.

Health indicators of walking: pace, speed and posture

Walking, pace, speed and posture are not only an outward manifestation of physical vitality, but also a direct reflection of a person's health. Studies have shown that older adults with larger steps have a lower risk of cognitive decline, while those with smaller steps have a 3.39 times higher risk.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

This suggests that a broad, powerful stride may be a manifestation of brain vitality. An expert from Beijing Geriatric Hospital pointed out that middle-aged people who walk fast usually have a slower rate of brain and body aging, indicating that speed is a simple and effective indicator of physical aging.

The smoothness of the walking posture is also extremely important, as it shows that balance and muscle strength are sufficient to ensure safe walking. An unsteady gait can easily lead to falls, and for older adults, a single fall can have serious consequences.

Specific benefits of walking exercise: cardiovascular health and longer lifespan

Walking exercise has a significant positive effect on cardiovascular health in people aged 70 years and older. Studies have shown that regular walking not only improves heart function, but also reduces the incidence of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

A study by the American Heart Association found that adding 500 steps per day reduced the risk of cardiovascular events by 14 percent. This is because walking can promote blood circulation and enhance the blood and oxygen supply capacity of the heart muscle, which in turn improves the work efficiency of the heart.

Walking is also closely associated with an increase in longevity. A long-term follow-up study involving thousands of older adults showed that those who walked regularly had 20 percent lower all-cause mortality than those who walked infrequently.

This effect is partly due to the fact that walking reduces the effects of chronic diseases, while also enhancing physical function and quality of life in older adults. Even light to moderate walking can provide long-term health benefits for older adults.

A walking style suitable for the elderly

For seniors aged 70 and above, it is especially important to choose the right way to walk to ensure that the activity is safe and effective. Medical experts suggest that the elderly should choose a flat and non-slip road surface and avoid crowded places when doing walking exercises to reduce the risk of falling.

At the same time, the elderly should pay attention to maintaining an appropriate speed and stride length when walking, and should not be too fast or too large, so as not to cause excessive burden on joints and muscles.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

In addition to this, seniors can try some specially designed walking styles, such as bending walking, tapping while walking, twisting walking, etc., which can help them better control their body balance while improving muscle strength and coordination.

Walking in bends strengthens the muscles in the legs, tapping (gently tapping all parts of the body) helps to increase circulation, and walking in twists increases flexibility and strength in the lower back. These special walking styles can not only improve the functional state of the body, but also make walking more interesting and increase the motivation of the elderly to keep exercising.

Association of walking and cognitive function

Walking also has an important impact on cognitive function in older adults. A series of studies have shown that regular walking activities can help improve the brain's cognitive abilities, especially memory and executive function.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

Older adults who walked consistently performed better on memory tests than those who lived more sedentary lives. This may have something to do with the accelerated blood circulation when walking, which not only efficiently transports oxygen and nutrients to the brain, but also helps remove harmful substances that can lead to cognitive decline.


Continuing walking exercise after the age of 70 is not only feasible, but highly recommended. Whether it's cardiovascular health, longer lifespan, improved cognitive function, or social interaction, walking brings many benefits to older adults.

After the age of 70, is it still suitable for walking exercises? The U.S. study released the answer, which may be different from what you think

Older people should try to choose the right way and intensity of walking according to their conditions as part of their daily routine. Through such simple and effective activities, the elderly can not only maintain their physical health, but also enjoy a more colorful life in their old age. This is not only a workout, but also a love and embrace of life.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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