
A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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In the hot summer, sweat soaked the back of the clothes, and at this time the cold water bath is the choice of many people. For Mr. Wang, 47, this seemingly cool act became the beginning of a tragedy. After playing basketball, he chose to take a bath in the shower room next to the arena, and a bucket of cold water poured down from the top of his head.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

At first, I just felt a little stuffy in my chest, but soon this symptom evolved into persistent chest pain. A few hours later, when he finally decided to go to the hospital, he had already been diagnosed with a heart attack. Urgent interventional treatment did not save his life. This incident has forced us to re-examine those seemingly innocuous little habits in our daily lives.

Association of cold showers with heart attack

In summer, as the temperature rises, many people choose cold showers after exercise to cool down quickly and feel instant coolness. However, when the sweat is not dry, rinse with cold water, this drastic change in temperature difference is a great test for the body.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

The body's pores enlarge when it is hot, helping to regulate body temperature, while the stimulation of cold water causes the pores to close suddenly, causing a sympathetic stress response to cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, which may lead to heart disease in the long run. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the heart's ability to adapt is not as good as when they were young, and the stimulation of cold water is enough to become a major hidden danger to trigger myocardial infarction.

Bath water temperature and heart health

Choosing the right bath water temperature is especially important for heart protection. Experts recommend that the temperature of the bath water is best controlled at 38 to 40 degrees Celsius, whether in summer or winter.

Such a water temperature does not cause excessive irritation to the skin, and at the same time does not put an additional burden on the heart. Overheated water temperature can over-dilate blood vessels on the body's surface, which may cause heart overwork and increase the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing hypertension and coronary heart disease.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

While enjoying the bath, the right water temperature is equally important, it is not only related to daily comfort, but also related to life and health.

Five precursors of a heart attack

A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, is usually caused by a sudden blockage of blood flow to a part of the heart. Understanding the precursors of a myocardial infarction is essential for prompt treatment and prevention of the serious consequences of a myocardial infarction. In general, there are five common warning signs of a heart attack:

1. Chest pain, especially pressure or pain in the retrosternal or left side of the chest;

2. Patients may feel persistent epigastric discomfort or heartburn;

3. Shortness of breath is also a common symptom, and patients may feel that it is difficult to breathe even at rest;

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

4. Nausea, dizziness or extreme fatigue, especially when performing daily activities;

5. Signs of a heart attack may also include sudden cold sweats and palpitations. The onset of these symptoms can be a precursor to a cardiac event that requires immediate medical attention.

By recognizing these precursors and taking appropriate precautions, the risk of heart attack can be greatly reduced. Public education and awareness are key to preventing myocardial infarction, especially in people with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. For individuals who already have precursors, timely medical intervention can be a critical step in saving lives.

Preventive measures for cardiovascular disease

The key to preventing cardiovascular disease is to make lifestyle changes. In the diet, you should reduce high-fat, high-salt foods and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which is especially important for preventing heart disease.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

Exercise is also an effective way to prevent heart disease, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling, which can enhance heart function and improve the resilience of the cardiovascular system.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can seriously damage cardiovascular health. For patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, medication should be strictly followed by the doctor's guidance and regular physical examinations should be carried out to monitor the disease status and adjust the treatment plan.

Emergency treatment of myocardial infarction

Once a heart attack occurs, it is important to take immediate emergency measures. People with a myocardial infarction should immediately stop all activity, remain calm, and call emergency services immediately at the beginning of their symptoms.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, patients can take fast-acting pills or nitroglycerin tablets to relieve chest pain symptoms. When you arrive at the hospital, doctors usually use drugs to dissolve thrombolysis or perform coronary intervention to restore blood flow to the heart muscle and reduce heart damage. Families and patients who understand basic cardiac emergency knowledge can greatly improve survival rates in an emergency.


Cardiovascular disease, especially myocardial infarction, is a health problem that requires a high degree of vigilance. Through daily preventive measures, such as eating a reasonable diet, exercising moderately, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, as well as understanding the precursors and emergency treatment measures of myocardial infarction, the public can significantly reduce the probability of myocardial infarction.

A 47-year-old man had a heart attack after washing his hair! Remind middle-aged and elderly people: There are 5 signs of a heart attack

The government and health organizations should strengthen the publicity and education on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and raise people's health awareness, so as to build a healthier social environment.

The improvement of cardiovascular health requires the joint efforts of everyone and the support of all sectors of society. It is hoped that through this article, readers will pay more attention to cardiovascular health and take effective measures to protect the health of themselves and their families.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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